microsoft / vscode-data-wrangler

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Open dataframe from debug watch #220

Open EtienneT opened 2 days ago

EtienneT commented 2 days ago

Feature request: it would be really useful to be able to open a dataframe while in debug mode in vscode (debugging a python script and not a notebook). For example if you have a pandas dataframe in a debug watch that you want to inspect or simply by hovering on top of a variable while debugging it would be nice to be able to open it in data wrangler.

pwang347 commented 2 days ago

Hi @EtienneT, thanks for opening this request! It should already be possible to open a DataFrame in Data Wrangler while debugging a .py file (as long as you have the Jupyter extension installed).


Does this work for your scenario? Thanks!

EtienneT commented 1 day ago

Just tested it and it works for the locals variable, thank you!

It would be nice to be able open the data viewer from the watches too and also just by hovering on top of a dataframe variable in the code while debugging. This would improve discoverability of the extension by a lot.