microsoft / vscode-debugadapter-node

Debug adapter protocol and implementation for VS Code.
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Auto completion debug protocol issues #176

Closed yaohaizh closed 4 years ago

yaohaizh commented 6 years ago

We have implemented completion request for java debugger, however there two issues for this protocol:

  1. Trigger completion request. Only be triggered at the start when input in the debug console window, if we put "." for the object, it will not be triggered another time.
  1. For method, if the insert text with additional (), the () will be omitted.
weinand commented 6 years ago

I don't know what you are proposing. Is there a concrete problem with the debug adapter protocol or is there a problem with the VS Code implementation of the protocol?

yaohaizh commented 6 years ago

For the first, on the language server side, there is an CompletionContext to specify the trigger character, but it cannot be specify on the debug protocol. Not sure if this is an UI issue.


Contains additional information about the context in which completion provider is triggered. Properties

triggerCharacter?: string

triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind

Second should be our own problem, just ignore it.

weinand commented 4 years ago

A debug adapter can specify the trigger characters with the completionTriggerCharacters Capability.