microsoft / vscode-dev-containers

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Command 'Dev Containers: Reopen in Container' Resulted in an error (Illegal argument: base) #1711

Closed sustinow closed 1 year ago

sustinow commented 1 year ago

Hello, as of today i get this strange vs code error msg, when i try to reopen/rebuild/rebuild without cache a dev container. "Command 'Dev Containers: Reopen in Container' Resulted in an error (Illegal argument: base)"

with the following "Dev Container" logs (Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container' Resulted in an error (Illegal argument: base)): [6576 ms] Dev Containers 0.275.0 in VS Code 1.75.0 (e2816fe719a4026ffa1ee0189dc89bdfdbafb164). [6576 ms] Start: Run: wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e wslpath -u \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-20.04\home\stani\workspace\test [6831 ms] Start: Run: wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e /bin/sh -c cd '/home/stani/workspace/test' && /bin/sh [6840 ms] Start: Run in host: id -un [6979 ms] stani [6979 ms] [6980 ms] Start: Run in host: cat /etc/passwd [6982 ms] Start: Run in host: echo ~ [6983 ms] /home/stani [6983 ms] [6983 ms] Start: Run in host: test -x '/home/stani/.vscode-remote-containers/bin/e2816fe719a4026ffa1ee0189dc89bdfdbafb164/node' [6984 ms] [6985 ms] [6985 ms] Start: Run in host: test -f '/home/stani/.vscode-remote-containers/dist/vscode-remote-containers-server-0.275.0.js' [6986 ms] [6986 ms] [6990 ms] userEnvProbe: loginInteractiveShell (default) [6990 ms] userEnvProbe: not found in cache [6991 ms] userEnvProbe shell: /bin/bash [7541 ms] userEnvProbe PATHs: Probe: '/home/stani/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Scripts/:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/:/mnt/c/Windows/system32:/mnt/c/Windows:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/c/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/perl/site/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/perl/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/6.0/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/mnt/c/Selenium_driver:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX/miktex/bin/x64/:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Roaming/npm:/snap/bin' Container: None [7614 ms] Start: Run: wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e wslpath -u \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-20.04\home\stani\workspace\test [7894 ms] Start: Run: wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e /bin/sh -c cd '/home/stani/workspace/test' && /bin/sh [7902 ms] Start: Run in host: id -un [8042 ms] stani [8042 ms] [8042 ms] Start: Run in host: cat /etc/passwd [8044 ms] Start: Run in host: echo ~ [8044 ms] /home/stani [8044 ms] [8045 ms] Start: Run in host: test -x '/home/stani/.vscode-remote-containers/bin/e2816fe719a4026ffa1ee0189dc89bdfdbafb164/node' [8045 ms] [8045 ms] [8046 ms] Start: Run in host: test -f '/home/stani/.vscode-remote-containers/dist/vscode-remote-containers-server-0.275.0.js' [8046 ms] [8047 ms] [8047 ms] userEnvProbe: loginInteractiveShell (default) [8048 ms] userEnvProbe: not found in cache [8048 ms] userEnvProbe shell: /bin/bash [8535 ms] userEnvProbe PATHs: Probe: '/home/stani/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Scripts/:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/:/mnt/c/Windows/system32:/mnt/c/Windows:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/c/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/perl/site/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/perl/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/6.0/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/mnt/c/Selenium_driver:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Local/Programs/MiKTeX/miktex/bin/x64/:/mnt/c/Users/s.ustinow/AppData/Roaming/npm:/snap/bin' Container: None [8600 ms] Start: Run in Host: docker version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}} [8657 ms] 1.41 [8660 ms] Start: Run: wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e wslpath -u \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-20.04\home\stani\workspace\test

I can successfully execute the last command manually:

wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -e wslpath -u \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-20.04\home\stani\workspace\test

It resolves to the unix path /home/stani/workspace/test The wsl user "stani" has read/write permissions for /home/stani/workspace/test

Could anyone help me please?

sustinow commented 1 year ago

reinstall remote vs code extensions fixed the problem...

goryny4 commented 1 year ago

hi @sustinow

Are you referring to these three extensions?


mattfavre commented 1 year ago

I got the same error: Command 'Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container' resulted in an error (Illegal argument: base)

I was able to rebuild and/or reopen the devcontainer from windows without any issues before. Now, it doesn't work anymore.

Reinstalling remote vscode extensions doesn't make any difference. image

For now, the only workaround to access devcontainer is to

Any input from the Microsoft development team, what did change lately in your products?

VSCode Version: 1.75.1 Local OS Version: 22H2 19045.2486 Local chip architecture: x86 WSL: 2 WSL Distro: Ubuntu-20.04 Docker Version: v4.16.3 Docker WSL Integration: Enabled and Ubuntu-20.04 selected

wradstok commented 1 year ago

Opening in wsl and then building the container works for me too, but opening it directly from windows is broken. Is this issue still on the radar? The workaround is not pleasant.

elliotgunton commented 1 year ago

The bug seems to be in v0.275.X of the Dev Containers extension. A workaround is to use v0.266.1 which you can get through the "Install Another Version" dropdown via the gear/cog of the extension in the extension browser: image Then image

jkeech commented 1 year ago

cc @chrmarti

bjtho08 commented 1 year ago

The bug seems to be in v0.275.X of the Dev Containers extension. A workaround is to use v0.266.1 which you can get through the "Install Another Version"

THank you! This bug has been driving me insane for days now! I never would have guessed it could be due to the actual extension being buggy (I am on a corporate machine with pretty tight security and that often causes issues with docker). Thanks to your comment, I can now continue doing what I actually get paid to do rather than trying to make my dev setup work 😄

joaocc commented 1 year ago

We are still facing this issue with v0.282.0 (macOS on ARM M1)

doofx commented 10 months ago

The bug seems to be in v0.275.X of the Dev Containers extension. A workaround is to use v0.266.1 which you can get through the "Install Another Version" dropdown via the gear/cog of the extension in the extension browser: image Then image

worked!! thank you!! i was struggling this for months and it was keeping me from opening 2 vscode windows

jaredmcphillen commented 9 months ago

Just ran into this, myself. And, yup, 0.266.1 "fixes" it. Seems whatever the issue is, it's still existing in Dev Containers extension v. 0.315.0. Interested to hear what the issue is. e.g. Something something, mismatch with host docker version, something something ? Unknown.

Thanks for the solution in the interim.

nsbruce commented 9 months ago

0.309.0 is working for me (while the latest version is 0.315.1)