microsoft / vscode-docker

Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
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Setting docker-compose.yml language to Dockerfile causes a bunch of linter errors from dockerfile-utils #369

Closed deiga closed 6 years ago

deiga commented 6 years ago

How does one disable linting for docker-compose files? It's annoying not to be able to use this extension for docker-compose files

rcjsuen commented 6 years ago

@deiga I am pretty sure you can't disable the linting feature outright on-demand.

Why are you setting the language for a docker-compose.yml to dockerfile? It is a yaml file, no?

deiga commented 6 years ago

@rcjsuen Well this repos README states that it has automatic detection of docker-compose files, since it's not specified which language it should use the instinct is to use the Dockerfile language syntax

StephenWeatherford commented 6 years ago

Does this mean you were not getting Intellisense and linting for your docker-compose.yml file? That should happen automatically, even though there is no language service for compose files (they'll show as yaml).

It's recognized currently by filename, though, so if you're changing it to something unusual we might not pick it up.

deiga commented 6 years ago

@StephenWeatherford Huh, I do get IntelliSense, I've just never noticed it before. I'm not sure what it's supposed to lint, as I can't seem to get a linter error