microsoft / vscode-docker

Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code
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Cannot connect private registries anymore #4140

Closed LordMilutin closed 8 months ago

LordMilutin commented 8 months ago

I don't know what you did but private registries are no longer visible for connection... There is no way anymore to connect them. Please bring back this functionality as this was my only way to manage the registry with a nice UI...

Originally posted by @LordMilutin in

bwateratmsft commented 8 months ago

Do you mean generic V2 registries or some other private registry (GitLab, Docker Hub, etc.)?

LordMilutin commented 8 months ago

Yeah, I am referring to V2 registries from the official registry image on DockerHub.

bwateratmsft commented 8 months ago

We refactored the registry provider system to make it extensible, but V2 registries were and still are supported. The settings should have been migrated. Can you share a screenshot of your Registries view in the Docker explorer page?

LordMilutin commented 8 months ago

Here you go. There is no option to specify a private docker registry nor enter username and pass.



bwateratmsft commented 8 months ago

Can you do "Connect to Generic Docker Registry..." in either the command palette or the context menu? Does anything happen?

Note, this is a different command from "Connect Registry"

LordMilutin commented 8 months ago

Can you do "Connect to Generic Docker Registry..." in either the command palette or the context menu? Does anything happen?

Note, this is a different command from "Connect Registry"

Nothing at all happens...

bwateratmsft commented 8 months ago

Huh. Somehow you're in a strange state of data inconsistency where you're connected to the V2 registry provider but not to any individual V2 registries. This is definitely a bug.

I'm afraid there isn't any good workaround for this. There's a bad one--clearing out your entire memento storage by deleting or renaming %appdata%\Code\User\globalStorage\state.vscdb--but this will basically be like reinstalling VSCode from scratch. Your user settings will be preserved but all your accumulated temporary storage will be wiped out.

LordMilutin commented 8 months ago

Thank you Brandon! I am on Linux, but I will go ahead and reinstall it anyway.

bwateratmsft commented 7 months ago

A fix has been released for this in Docker extension version 1.28.0.