microsoft / vscode-dotnettools

This is a feedback repository to capture issues logged for the C# Dev Kit and related extensions from Visual Studio Code
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non-MAUI .NET Debug launch hangs with when the pre-release .NET MAUI extension is installed #1012

Closed Dovernh closed 5 months ago

Dovernh commented 6 months ago

Repro steps:

  1. Install C# Dev Kit + .NET MAUI extension (must be pre-release; reproes with 0.10.30) + C# extensions
  2. Create a new .NET 8 console app
  3. Try to launch


Debug console prints:

You may only use the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/C/C++ Debugger (vsdbg) with
Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac software to help you
develop and test your applications.

But the project is never actually launched, and VS Code stays in debug mode forever without making progress.

gaelj commented 6 months ago

I just started having the same issue in Arch Linux, using the official snap package (and also with the one in the Arch Linux User Repo or AUR, which I usually use).


I have 2 machines running Linux, both are impacted. It seems that it appeared after updating the MS C++ addon, which seems strange.

I'm using the previews of the C# dev kit and C# addon. I tried to revert to the normal versions. It briefly allowed me to debug, and then reverted back to refusing.

WardenGnaw commented 6 months ago

@Dovernh That is just the standard banner that will show per debug session. Is it hanging or look like it is waiting on something? I was unable to reproduce this issue with 1.88.0-insiders with a C# Console Application of macOS.

For macOS, did you enable developer mode? See

Dovernh commented 6 months ago

@WardenGnaw it looks like it is hanging, i can see the debug controls, as if i were able to debug. debug console just has the banner and nothing else.

I am not being prompted for a password. I ran the commands anyway, nothing different. I can also debug in regular VSCode and in Rider. I was debugging just fine yesterday

image image

WardenGnaw commented 6 months ago

Can you go to Code - Insiders -> Settings -> Settings and search for csharp.debug.logging.diagnosticsLog.protocolMessages and enable that option. There should be more logs in the Debug Console to share where it is stuck at.

Dovernh commented 6 months ago

not sure which one u want exactly, so turning all none's and unchecked image


gaelj commented 6 months ago

Enabling this option in my Linux case, I now have this in the debug log:

-> (C) {"command":"initialize","arguments":{"clientID":"vscode","clientName":"Visual Studio Code","adapterID":"coreclr","pathFormat":"path","linesStartAt1":true,"columnsStartAt1":true,"supportsVariableType":true,"supportsVariablePaging":true,"supportsRunInTerminalRequest":true,"locale":"en","supportsProgressReporting":true,"supportsInvalidatedEvent":true,"supportsMemoryReferences":true,"supportsArgsCanBeInterpretedByShell":true,"supportsMemoryEvent":true,"supportsStartDebuggingRequest":true},"type":"request","seq":1}
-> (C) {"command":"launch","arguments":{"name":"C#: ProductionDashboards.Server","type":"coreclr","request":"launch","projectPath":"/home/gaj/","launchConfigurationId":"TargetFramework=;ProductionDashboards.Server","preRestartTask":"dotnet: build /home/gaj/","program":"/home/gaj/","args":"","cwd":"/home/gaj/","env":{"ASPNETCORE_URLS":"http://localhost:4000","ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT":"Development"},"console":"internalConsole","checkForDevCert":false,"launchSettingsProfile":null,"debuggerStartDebugTelemetry":{"buildCompletedTimestamp":"0x18e62cc7da1","totalBuildTime":4409,"projectType":"Web"},"serverReadyAction":{"action":"openExternally","pattern":"\\bNow listening on:\\s+https?://\\S+","uriFormat":"http://localhost:4000"},"hotReloadOnSave":true,"hotReloadVerbosity":"minimal","stopAtEntry":false,"justMyCode":true,"requireExactSource":true,"enableStepFiltering":true,"logging":{"exceptions":true,"moduleLoad":true,"programOutput":true,"browserStdOut":true,"elapsedTiming":false,"threadExit":false,"processExit":true,"engineLogging":false,"diagnosticsLog":{"protocolMessages":false,"dispatcherMessages":"none","debugEngineAPITracing":"none","debugRuntimeEventTracing":false,"expressionEvaluationTracing":false,"startDebuggingTracing":false},"consoleUsageMessage":true},"suppressJITOptimizations":false,"symbolOptions":{"searchPaths":[],"searchMicrosoftSymbolServer":false,"searchNuGetOrgSymbolServer":false,"cachePath":"","moduleFilter":{"mode":"loadAllButExcluded","excludedModules":[],"includedModules":[],"includeSymbolsNextToModules":true,"includeSymbolsOnDemand":true}},"allowFastEvaluate":true,"internalConsoleOptions":"openOnSessionStart","__sessionId":"fc62241f-235d-4d8c-beeb-56eafeffbfa0"},"type":"request","seq":2}
You may only use the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/C/C++ Debugger (vsdbg) with
Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac software to help you
develop and test your applications.
<- (R) {"seq":5,"type":"response","request_seq":2,"success":true,"command":"launch"}
<- (E) {"seq":6,"type":"event","event":"initialized","body":{}}
ServiceBroker Start: 0 : Requesting proxy to "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.ManagedEditAndContinueRemoteDebuggerService (0.1)"
ServiceBroker Transfer: 0 : Transfer, relatedActivityId=21c598db-0a0e-4147-84c7-faea9a8f4eb9
ServiceBroker Start: 0 : Requesting pipe to "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Server.IBrokeredServiceBridgeManifest (0.1)"
ServiceBroker Stop: 0 : Requesting pipe to "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Server.IBrokeredServiceBridgeManifest (0.1)"
ServiceBroker Transfer: 0 : Transfer, relatedActivityId=22dc080e-342b-4a66-bb3f-9c896968a6f7
ServiceBroker Stop: 0 : Requesting proxy to "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.ManagedEditAndContinueRemoteDebuggerService (0.1)"

To clarify, my symptom is that when I start a debug session, the debug toolbar appears, the dotnet build is done, the debug console gets refreshed, but nothing seems to actually run. The app doesn't launch and if I set a breakpoint in Program.cs and it never gets hit.

Dovernh commented 6 months ago

Just tried on my windows 11 pc. same issue as on my mac.

WardenGnaw commented 6 months ago
  1. on macOS or linux, can you share a dump of the vsdbg-ui process?

You can do this by running ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-dotnettools.csharp-<VERSION>-<PLATFORM>/.debugger$ ./createdump --full <PID> and share the dump created in '/tmp/coredump.

  1. Could you also share the version of the C# Extension?
  2. Could you try to start debugging without C# Dev Kit installed and see if this issue still occurs?
gregg-miskelly commented 6 months ago

@gaelj what version of VS Code are you using? Your protocol trace looks like a VS Code problem, though I wouldn't yet say this for certain. @Dovernh do you know if you can repro this issue in the VS Code release channel?

Dovernh commented 6 months ago

@gregg-miskelly the issue can be repro'd in insiders, regular version, it does not repro. i was debugging yesterday fine, this morning after the update, the issue began. i assume release == non insiders.

@WardenGnaw i can debug angular (javascript), cannot debug c#

gaelj commented 6 months ago

I'm fairly sure that the problem appeared after updating the extensions, not vs code itself. Both the official Snap release and the AUR release are the same version:

❯ snap run code --version

❯ code --version

I was able to create the core dump of vsdbg-ui but it's 321MB and anyway github doesn't allow sending this type of fle. I'm not sure how I can send it over to you @WardenGnaw .

With the C# dev kit disabled, yes, it works fine.

C# extension is v2.23.2 (pre-release)

gaelj commented 6 months ago

I think I may have found the culprit, at least for my issue. It's the MS .NET MAUI extension (v0.10.30 (pre-release)). As long as it's disabled, debugging starts fine.

Dovernh commented 6 months ago

I had the same extension of .Net Maui, same version, i disabled it, and i can debug c#

gregg-miskelly commented 6 months ago

Thanks for figuring out the source of the issue. I can repro the problem!

mauroa commented 5 months ago

This issue has been fixed and the fix will be available in the next MAUI extension pre-release, coming soon.

mauroa commented 5 months ago

Closing since the issue has been fixed and the fix has been release on latest pre-release