microsoft / vscode-dotnettools

This is a feedback repository to capture issues logged for the C# Dev Kit and related extensions from Visual Studio Code
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[SUGGESTION] Support for paste JSON/XML as classes #1038

Open callumbwhyte opened 1 month ago

callumbwhyte commented 1 month ago

Following discussion with @arkalyanms and @webreidi at MVP Summit, one feature I feel is missing from C# Dev Kit in VS Code is the "paste JSON/XML as classes" feature from Visual Studio.

This allows you to copy a JSON or XML object, and via the "Paste Special" menu paste it as a C# class with the relevant types created / matched (See here)

It is a hugely helpful feature when creating integrations with APIs: copy sample from docs -> paste into Visual Studio -> C# class representing the object(s) automatically created.

The Visual Studio implementation is certainly not perfect, e.g. I wish it would keep properties pascal case, or automatically apply System.Text.Json serialization attributes where relevant, but it definitely speeds things up!

In VS Code I imagine this could appear in the Edit menu, or as an option on right-click when within a .cs file.

AbhitejJohn commented 1 month ago

Tagging @arkalyanms to put this on his radar for triage.

arkalyanms commented 4 weeks ago

Starting with @mikadumont to drive design. This might need vscode side work.