microsoft / vscode-dotnettools

This is a feedback repository to capture issues logged for the C# Dev Kit and related extensions from Visual Studio Code
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[BUG] Can't add user secrets in VS Code MacOS #1080

Open Caitlin-Finn opened 2 weeks ago

Caitlin-Finn commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the Issue

Currently user secrets are not working in vscode

Steps To Reproduce

Go to vscode in mac download c# extension download user secrets extension

Expected Behavior

There should be a way to add user secrets like we do in Visual Studio Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 9 32 27 AM

Environment Information


phil-allen-msft commented 2 weeks ago

@Caitlin-Finn , we're sorry you are running into this. In reading your repro steps, it is unclear if you have a particular extension you are installing to get user secrets functionality that fails on MacOS, or if you are looking for an extension or improvement to the C# extension that would give you that functionality. Can you help clarify?

Caitlin-Finn commented 2 weeks ago

There are some extensions that 'kind of' work but you can't mange them through the solution explorer like you would with Visual Studio. You have to go change them in the file view. So I guess this would be more of a request to improve the C# extension so that things work more like they do in Visual Studio for .NET core development. Thanks!! On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 11:17:51 AM CDT, Phil Allen @.***> wrote:

@Caitlin-Finn , we're sorry you are running into this. In reading your repro steps, it is unclear if you have a particular extension you are installing to get user secrets functionality that fails on MacOS, or if you are looking for an extension or improvement to the C# extension that would give you that functionality. Can you help clarify?

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@phil-allen-msft, the 'needs-more-info' label has been removed upon receiving further response from the original bug filer.

AbhitejJohn commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @Caitlin-Finn . Looks like you were expecting the User secrets extension to help here but it seems like that has not been updated for a bit. It might be good to reach out to the extension authors there.

However, the underlying question on a supported secrets workflow in C# Dev Kit is orthogonal and something perhaps @sayedihashimi might have thoughts on.