microsoft / vscode-dotnettools

This is a feedback repository to capture issues logged for the C# Dev Kit and related extensions from Visual Studio Code
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[BUG] Unable to stop on any exception #965 come back #1242

Open jeanpierrep1972 opened 1 week ago

jeanpierrep1972 commented 1 week ago

Describe the Issue

Describe the Issue With MAUI I am unable to debug and ask VS Code to stop where there is an exception.

I use VS Code on Mac


Steps To Reproduce

No response

Expected Behavior

We should be able to set if we want to stop on all exception or unandled exception. The checkboxes are missing inside breakpoint panel

Environment Information

I have the .NET SDK 8.0.302

With the .NET MAUI

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Maui.Controls" Version="8.0.60" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility" Version="8.0.60" />

And the extensions:

Version: 1.90.2 Commit: 5437499feb04f7a586f677b155b039bc2b3669eb Date: 2024-06-18T22:37:41.291Z Electron: 29.4.0 ElectronBuildId: 9728852 Chromium: 122.0.6261.156 Node.js: 20.9.0 V8: OS: Darwin x64 23.2.0

alefragnani.project-manager@12.8.0 aliasadidev.nugetpackagemanagergui@2.1.0 cheshirekow.cmake-format@0.6.11 codezombiech.gitignore@0.9.0 dae.vscode-mac-color-picker@1.1.0 davidanson.vscode-markdownlint@0.55.0 davidmarek.jsonpath-extract@1.2.3 donjayamanne.git-extension-pack@0.1.3 donjayamanne.githistory@0.6.20 dotjoshjohnson.xml@2.5.1 eamodio.gitlens@15.1.0 editorconfig.editorconfig@0.16.4 github.remotehub@0.62.0 go2sh.cmake-integration-vscode@0.7.1 ionide.ionide-fsharp@7.20.3 jmrog.vscode-nuget-package-manager@1.1.6 jorgeserrano.vscode-csharp-snippets@1.1.0 josetr.cmake-language-support-vscode@0.0.9 k--kato.docomment@1.0.0 kaysonwu.cpptask@0.0.1 kreativ-software.csharpextensions@1.7.3 leavesster.jsonpath@0.0.7 ms-azuretools.vscode-azureresourcegroups@0.9.1 ms-azuretools.vscode-docker@1.29.1 ms-dotnettools.csdevkit@1.7.27 ms-dotnettools.csharp@2.34.12 ms-dotnettools.dotnet-interactive-vscode@1.0.5229040 ms-dotnettools.dotnet-maui@1.1.8 ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-pack@1.0.13 ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-runtime@2.0.6 ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-sdk@0.8.0 ms-dotnettools.vscodeintellicode-csharp@2.1.11 ms-sarifvscode.sarif-viewer@3.4.4 ms-toolsai.jupyter@2024.5.0 ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap@1.1.2 ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers@1.0.18 ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags@0.1.9 ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow@0.1.6 ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers@0.369.0 ms-vscode.azurecli@0.6.0 ms-vscode.cmake-tools@1.18.42 ms-vscode.cpptools@1.20.5 ms-vscode.hexeditor@1.10.0 ms-vscode.mono-debug@0.16.3 ms-vscode.powershell@2024.2.2 ms-vscode.remote-repositories@0.40.0 pflannery.vscode-versionlens@1.14.2 twxs.cmake@0.0.17 visualstudioexptteam.intellicode-api-usage-examples@0.2.8 visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode@1.3.1 vmware.vscode-concourse@1.55.0 vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons@12.8.0 ziyasal.vscode-open-in-github@1.3.6

mauroa commented 6 days ago

@jeanpierrep1972 it seems you are having a dotnet SDK version not compatible with the new debug engine that .NET MAUI wants to use. This is a new feature added some time ago, where .NET MAUI will try to use the same debug engine as other C# projects (vsdbg) if you have .NET 8.0.300 or higher. It looks like in this case, your .NET MAUI and VS Code is using the old Mono engine, which doesn't support configuring exceptions for debugging.

There's also a chance that for some reason, you have that setting disabled. Please check in the VS Code settings, under the .NET MAUI section, for a Use VSDbg setting, and ensure it's enabled. Also, please ensure that you have a compatible .NET version.

You can share the content of the C#, C# DevKit and .NET MAUI output panes in case it still doesn't work. Thanks

jeanpierrep1972 commented 4 days ago

When I put back this settings to ON, I can see the Exceptions checkboxes in the debugger panes:


But with this option ON it's really hard to debug an application... I'm able to stop at a breakpoint, but as soon as I do Step Over, the debugger and the iOS application in the simulator freeze.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

@mauroa, the 'needs-more-info' label has been removed upon receiving further response from the original bug filer.

dingxiaolong commented 3 days ago

Just like the comment say above , the debug will lose connect when try to step over , step in , I can't even do a simple debug for all my projects with Vs code.
I raise a ticket before , but there is no response or plan when this can be fixed or will be fixed , this is a very basic and very important feature . it should be put the priority list .