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This is a feedback repository to capture issues logged for the C# Dev Kit and related extensions from Visual Studio Code
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[BUG] Unable to watch for changes in this large workspace folder #360

Open TCROC opened 1 year ago

TCROC commented 1 year ago


Describe the Issue

When opening a large project (in my specific case a Unity project) I get this error:

Unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace folder. Please follow the instructions link to resolve this issue.


This tool can be used to gather information regarding which files are being listened to:

When running ./inotify-info, it shows the offending extensions:

INotify Limits:
  max_queued_events    16384
  max_user_instances   128
  max_user_watches     524288
       Pid Uid        App                                      Watches  Instances
     46652 1000       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost   356368         17
     46043 1000       rzls                                      133820          4
     46390 1000       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Server         33457          3
      3214 1000       tracker-miner-fs-3                           178          1
      3051 1000       systemd                                      152          3
     45999 1000       code                                          46          1

A few interesting things to note:

  1. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost is watching A LOT of files
  2. I am in a Unity project, not a razor project. I have no idea why rzls has started up.
  3. My files.watcherExclude setting in VS Code is not being respected.

My files.watcherExclude is currently set to:

    "files.watcherExclude": {
        "**/.git/objects/**": true,
        "**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
        "**/node_modules/*/**": true,
        "**/.hg/store/**": true,

When running ./inotify-info Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost we can see the specific files it is listening to which includes many that are supposed to be excluded such as:

 58486303 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/d5/63/
 58486304 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/d7/8c/
 58486305 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/84/eb/
 58486306 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/2a/8e/
 58486307 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/dc/bc/

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a Unity Project (or probably any kind of project)
  2. Initialize a git repo in the project.
  3. Set the vs code setting files.watcherExclude to exclude some files and directories.
  4. See that is not being respected and instead A LOT of files are being listened to.

Expected Behavior

The files and directories in files.watcherExclude should not be listened to.

Environment Information

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this issue? Are there any configs where I can manually tell the language server which file extensions to watch?

tmeschter commented 1 year ago

FYI @chzuluag @AArnott Can you help with this issue? I'd like to figure out who is watching all these files.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

I'm also more than happy to hop on a call and share my screen / show what is happening on my end if you have any trouble reproducing.

I've tested it on POP OS (an Ubuntu derivative) and Ubuntu 22.04. Occurs on both.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Just checking in again on this issue. Any updates?

AArnott commented 1 year ago

@lifengl may own the watcher.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this issue?

lifengl commented 1 year ago

we use the NET Core FileSystemWatcher on the NET Core project side, which does not provide an exclusion pattern. It fits windows well, but would not use watcherExclude on Linux. We do consider to have an option to use the vscode watcher and forwards events through process boundaries. It would come with overhead unless user sets watcherExclude well, but it would support certain scenarios better (like a remote share, where file system doesn't provide native supports).

the exclusion list does come with its own problem. Running nuget restore, which will update a few files inside obj folder, which can be easily excluded, and in the pasted sample, the obj folder is excluded. So without some compensation, the project system would miss event to update language service after NuGet restore is done. It could lead projects to be out of dated, or the spinning of project loading never ends.

@chzuluag offered help to take a look this.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

Checking in to see if there are any updates on this :)

chzuluag commented 1 year ago

@TCROC I'm right now working on a solution to enable VS Code File Watchers on the extension. Once the Vs Code file watcher is enabled, we won't listen to changes in paths included in the files.watcherExclude setting. I'll reach out once this change is ready.

TCROC commented 1 year ago

@chzuluag That is great to hear! I look forward to testing it out! :)

chzuluag commented 12 months ago

This change is now available in C# Dev Kit prerelease v0.5.98. you can enable the following workspace setting so your exclusion list (files.watcherExclude) is honored by the extension. image

TCROC commented 12 months ago

Perfect! I will test this out as soon as my extension updates! :)

TCROC commented 11 months ago

@chzuluag I just updated my extension to version: v0.5.127. The issue is still present. My "files.watcherExclude" is still the same as above and I am still getting the "Unable to watch for changes..." error. I ran the "inotify-info" script and files that should be ignored are still being watched:

 58872411 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/ball-Explodea206/04/
 58872412 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/wall_red478d/04/
 58872413 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/Smokeccec/04/
 58872414 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/wall_blue1dc0/04/
 58873728 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/43/
 58873730 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/e2/
 58873732 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/72/
 58873734 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/67/
 58873736 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/b0/
 58873738 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/ff/80/
 58875285 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/shadergraph/DefaultVFXSG8c1e/00/
 58994130 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/StateCache/PrefabStageHierarchy/ea/

There's a lot more, but that was a quick copy + paste showing that the watcherExclude is still not being respected.

And I have both my "User" and "Workspace" settings configured as you instructed above:



So I believe this issue should be reopened as the new setting does not appear to work.

Thanks for the effort on this!

TCROC commented 11 months ago

And this is my settings.json file for my workspace:

    "files.watcherExclude": {
        "**/.git/objects/**": true,
        "**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
        "**/node_modules/*/**": true,
        "**/.hg/store/**": true,
    "dotnet.defaultSolution": "BlockyBall.sln",
    "dotnet.preferVisualStudioCodeFileSystemWatcher": true
chzuluag commented 11 months ago

@TCROC I'm sorry to hear this is not working as expected. I'll take a look to understand what else is going on. Does ./inotify-info show you the list of processes holding these watchers?

TCROC commented 11 months ago

@chzuluag yep. When running ./inotify-info, it appears that Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost, rzls, and Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Server are the biggest offenders.

This is the full output:

INotify Limits:
  max_queued_events    16384
  max_user_instances   128
  max_user_watches     524288
       Pid Uid        App                                      Watches  Instances
     78788 1000       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost   327845         13
     78286 1000       rzls                                      146826          3
     78661 1000       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Server         48944          3
      4310 1000       tracker-miner-fs-3                           200          1
      4191 1000       systemd                                      161          3
      5016 1000       xdg-desktop-portal-gnome                      47          1
     77832 1000       code                                          43          1
      5048 1000       gsd-xsettings                                 38          1
      5083 1000       xdg-desktop-portal-gtk                        37          1
      4454 1000       gnome-shell                                   14          1
      4603 1000       gvfsd-trash                                   11          1
      4436 1000       gnome-session-binary                          10          2
     20627 1000       firefox-bin                                   10          1
      4682 1000       io.elementary.appcenter                       10          1
     77552 1000       code                                           9          3
      5166 1000       zeitgeist-fts                                  9          1
      4672 1000       evolution-alarm-notify                         9          1
      4700 1000       Discord                                        5          2
      4856 1000       mailspring                                     5          2
      5241 1000       gjs-console                                    4          1
      5221 1000       mailspring                                     3          1
      5187 1000       Discord                                        3          1
     77595 1000       code                                           3          1
      4218 1000       dbus-broker-launch                             3          1
      4789 1000       flatpak-session-helper                         3          1
      5356 1000       mailspring                                     2          1
      4207 1000       wireplumber                                    2          2
     78791 1000       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost        2          2
      5009 1000       xdg-desktop-portal                             2          1
      4679 1000       gsd-sound                                      2          1
      4628 1000       ibus-daemon                                    2          1
      4516 1000       evolution-source-registry                      2          1
      4558 1000       evolution-addressbook-factory                  1          1
     79291 1000       gnome-terminal-server                          1          1
      4343 1000       gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor                    1          1
      4352 1000       gvfs-afc-volume-monitor                        1          1
     78742 1000       Microsoft.ServiceHub.Controller                1          1
     78678 1000       dotnet                                         1          1
      4360 1000       goa-daemon                                     1          1
      4366 1000       goa-identity-service                           1          1
      4460 1000       dbus-broker-launch                             1          1
     77831 1000       code                                           1          1
      4540 1000       evolution-calendar-factory                     1          1
     65603 1000       flameshot                                      1          1
      4871 1000       flatpak-portal                                 1          1
      5348 1000       mailspring                                     1          1
      4631 1000       gsd-color                                      1          1
      4637 1000       touchegg                                       1          1
      4640 1000       gsd-housekeeping                               1          1
      5111 1000       ibus-x11                                       1          1
      4743 1000       ibus-memconf                                   1          1
      4745 1000       ibus-extension-gtk3                            1          1
      4752 1000       ibus-portal                                    1          1
      4865 1000       ibus-engine-simple                             1          1
Total inotify Watches:   524288
Total inotify Instances: 79

And when I query for which files the ServiceHost is listening for, I get this as an output:

./inotify-info Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost

 58872412 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/wall_red478d/04/
 58872413 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/Smokeccec/04/
 58872414 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/vfx/wall_blue1dc0/04/
 58873728 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/43/
 58873730 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/e2/
 58873732 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/72/
 58873734 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/67/
 58873736 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/modules/Packages/com.langestudios.playfabmirror/objects/b0/
 58873738 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/.git/lfs/objects/ff/80/
 58875285 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/ShaderCache/shadergraph/DefaultVFXSG8c1e/00/
 58994130 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Library/StateCache/PrefabStageHierarchy/ea/
 58726855 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NegatedUnless/
 58726860 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NegatedWhile/
 58726864 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NestedFileDirname/
 58726869 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NestedModifier/
 58726883 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls/
 58726891 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NestedTernaryOperator/
 58726898 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/Next/
 58726926 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NilComparison/
 58726932 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NilLambda/
 58726936 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NonNilCheck/
 58726950 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/Not/
 58726958 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NumberedParameters/
 58726961 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NumberedParametersLimit/
 58726966 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NumericLiteralPrefix/
 58726979 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NumericLiterals/
 58726991 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/NumericPredicate/
 58727001 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/ObjectThen/
 58727009 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/OneLineConditional/
 58727022 [259:6] /home/tcroc/dev/BlockyBall/Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/doc/rubocop-1.56.1/ri/RuboCop/Cop/Style/OpenStructUse/

So you can see the .git folders and ruby folders are being watched even tho my settings.json explicitly has those in "files.watcherExclude"

    "files.watcherExclude": {
        "**/.git/objects/**": true,
        "**/.git/subtree-cache/**": true,
        "**/node_modules/*/**": true,
        "**/.hg/store/**": true,
        "Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby": true
    "dotnet.defaultSolution": "BlockyBall.sln",
    "dotnet.preferVisualStudioCodeFileSystemWatcher": true

with "Pipelines/Scripts/Fastlane/Gitignore/ruby": true and "**/.git/**":true both being in there.

And to double check my settings:

User settings: image

Workspace Settings: image

Let me know if there is anything else that would be helpful for you

chzuluag commented 11 months ago

@TCROC thanks again for providing detailed information. This helped me to identify other areas where we may need to fallback to vscode file watcher. I'm following up with dotnet Razor team and other teams to address the issue with other processes holding high number of watches.

Could you also confirm if you restarted your vs code instance after enabling the prefer vs code file watcher setting? from the Inotify-info screenshot you pasted, I was expecting a higher number of watches belonging to the code process and a lot less coming from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost. can you try closing vscode and waiting until inotify-info doesn't show any of the rzls, nor VisualStudio processes, and then launching vscode again and check inotify-info once the solution is loaded

TCROC commented 11 months ago

@TCROC thanks again for providing detailed information. This helped me to identify other areas where we may need to fallback to vscode file watcher. I'm following up with dotnet Razor team and other teams to address the issue with other processes holding high number of watches.

Could you also confirm if you restarted your vs code instance after enabling the prefer vs code file watcher setting? from the Inotify-info screenshot you pasted, I was expecting a higher number of watches belonging to the code process and a lot less coming from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ServiceHost. can you try closing vscode and waiting until inotify-info doesn't show any of the rzls, nor VisualStudio processes, and then launching vscode again and check inotify-info once the solution is loaded

Hey @chzuluag . I can confirm that after restarting VS Code, the error still persists.

chzuluag commented 11 months ago

Other components that contribute to C# Dev Kit need to honour this setting too to reduce the allocation of File System Watchers on Linux. I have created internal bugs to track this work. Here is the work item tracking the work in Razor Language Server:

TCROC commented 11 months ago

@chzuluag thank you! Let me know if there is anything else that you need from me :)

smx-smx commented 10 months ago

Hello, I'm experiencing the same issue, and it causes inotify resource exhaustion on my development machine (can't run say "dotnet watch" or similar). reports a whopping 468644 watches held by rzls, and with strace I can see rzls scanning everything as long as there are watches available, despite tweaking the vscode settings as described above to skip certain directories.

Although drastic, is there any flag i can use to disable rzls, since i'm not using it for the project? Otherwise i'll need to brutally remove the rzls binary from the vscode folder (and keep doing it on every update) until this is resolved

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been marked as stale after 14 days of inactivity.@[@chzuluag@], could you please take a look?

TCROC commented 5 months ago

This is definitely still an issue for me

chzuluag commented 5 months ago

Two pending issues to fix here: First one tracked by: Second one is file watchers created inside the .Net Project System Launch Settings. Reassigning this item to .Net project system cc: @tmeschter