microsoft / vscode-dotnettools

This is a feedback repository to capture issues logged for the C# Dev Kit and related extensions from Visual Studio Code
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[QUESTION] Storyboard Support #571

Open andrews4s opened 9 months ago

andrews4s commented 9 months ago

In VS4Mac, opening a iOS/MacOS storyboard generated an XCode project as a bridge between the dotnet project and XCode IB. With VS4Mac support ending, are any plans to support similar functionality in C# Dev Kit?

VS bug #1895861

maddymontaquila commented 9 months ago

Hi there! This, along with all the other "Xcode sync" type capabilities, are something we'd like to support in the future as part of the .NET MAUI extension but not currently in development. I'm keeping this issue open so we can provide updates here when we pick up this work!

stefan89 commented 7 months ago

@maddymontaquila any update on this? VS Code is not an alternative for 'VS for Mac' as long as these basic functionalities are not supported.

joeisapro commented 7 months ago

@maddymontaquila any update on this? VS Code is not an alternative for 'VS for Mac' as long as these basic functionalities are not supported.

Agreed. How are we support to target iOS17 when VS for Mac doesn't support .NET 8 SDK and VS Code doesn't support Xcode sync.... I can't believe a 3rd party app like Rider already supports this.

Unless Microsoft is trying really hard to force everyone to use MAUI, I really don't understand their reasoning for getting rid of VS for Mac and not offering any viable alternatives.

maddymontaquila commented 7 months ago

@maddymontaquila any update on this? VS Code is not an alternative for 'VS for Mac' as long as these basic functionalities are not supported.

Agreed. How are we support to target iOS17 when VS for Mac doesn't support .NET 8 SDK and VS Code doesn't support Xcode sync.... I can't believe a 3rd party app like Rider already supports this.

Unless Microsoft is trying really hard to force everyone to use MAUI, I really don't understand their reasoning for getting rid of VS for Mac and not offering any viable alternatives.

Just had a conversation about this (edit: Xcode sync in particular) today with some on our engineering team. There's a proposal in the works. We were pretty heads down getting .NET 8 out last month so we're picking these things back up now (might get quiet again for the holidays, but this is top of my list for early next year!)

jkavanaghrdm commented 5 months ago

Hi @maddymontaquila. We're currently blocked on new .Net Mobile development until we have storyboard and other xcode sync functions available. Would you be able to provide a timeline for those features to be available?

rjspencer91 commented 4 months ago

As others have mentioned above, we're moving over to VS Code from Visual Studio for Mac, and need these sync features. +1 for a timeline please

projectgoav commented 4 months ago

We're now almost 6months since this was raised and raipdly approaching less than 6months until VS4Mac is to be retired and so far all we know is that you have had one conversation about this feature?

No proposal, no timescales or even any idea (or hope) that this feature will be supported at all, let alone before VS4Mac is retired. This is all incredibly disappointing.

arek-corp commented 4 months ago

As an alternative you can try JetBrains Rider, I've been using it for XIBs for almost 2 years and it works fine. Never tried Storyboards but I would assume it works similarly.

Rider has lots of other features which in my opinion pay off very well for the price.

projectgoav commented 4 months ago

Agreed about Rider.

My company picked up some licenses to evaluate Rider shortly after VS4Mac sunset was announced. Has been working great since day one and had all the features we needed out of the box. It's very likely we'll be moving over to that instead of whatever VSCode solution is provided.... Assuming there is a VSCode solution at all.

joeisapro commented 3 months ago

Anyone from Microsoft care to comment on this? @maddymontaquila @timheuer ?

Apple will stop accepting AppStore submissions built with the iOS 16 SDK on April 29th. VS4Mac doesn't support iOS SDK 17 (requires .NET 8) so we won't be able to update our apps soon.

Please tell us clearly what the plan is. Maybe you should reconsider EOLing VS4Mac and give it .NET 8 support until another solution is available.

But, to be honest, this is the last time we are taken hostage like this and will most likely move to other technologies for newer apps. Very unfortunate.

lbulegato commented 3 months ago

What is shocking is that it seems there is no plan whatsoever from Microsoft. It's not feasible to communicate the end of life of a product (VS4MAC) and offer an unusable alternative (VSCODE). It would be more honest to say: use Rider, professionalism is lacking. I'm not debating the plans, if Microsoft wants to discontinue the development of an IDE for Mac, it's their right. What I find incorrect is the lack of clarity.

andrews4s commented 3 months ago

Any update? Manually creating outlets in the storyboard xml and .designer.cs works, but is very tedious.

MateuszLas421 commented 3 months ago

@microsoftopensource @maddymontaquila @timheuer Any update?

jkapsouras commented 2 months ago

I also use rider to address this problem. I opened vscode today to check if anything was changed but still no luck.

johnconners commented 2 months ago

I'm assuming if you're developing a macOS .NET desktop app (like I do) then C# dev kit will not be a viable alternative if .xib support is not even in development? I have zero interest in MAUI btw. We're not far from VS for Mac's end of life date now. I'm assuming this comment from @maddymontaquila was more wishful thinking at the time of the announcement to soften the blow:

andres-gimenez commented 2 months ago

Since MAUI came out, Microsoft has forgotten about Xamarin Native, so I think support for editing xib and Storyboard is going to take time to come out.

With the MAUI extension we will have the compilation and debugging solved. What we're not going to have is the editing of the xib, storyboard and plist. Visual Studio for Mac doesn't do that either because it delegates it to Xcode.

Would it be too complicated to develop a plugin to integrate dotnet core projects with XCode, as Visual Studio for MAC does? The creation of the designer.cs can be done with Roslyn (I know how to do it). What I'm not sure about is how to create the auxiliary project for XCode or how to open the plists.

lbulegato commented 2 months ago

We only need to know the plans by Microsoft. I am using Rider and it works fine, because vscode is unsuitable for real working. But I'd like to understand plans for Xamarin native or as they call it now .NET IOS/Android. They stopped porting base iOS/Android package like Firebase or google maps.

I have no idea if you can use a MAUI package for a native project for instance, we can try of course but it is the lack of information that is unrespectful.

andres-gimenez commented 2 months ago

We only need to know the plans by Microsoft. I am using Rider and it works fine, because vscode is unsuitable for real working. But I'd like to understand plans for Xamarin native or as they call it now .NET IOS/Android. They stopped porting base iOS/Android package like Firebase or google maps.

I have no idea if you can use a MAUI package for a native project for instance, we can try of course but it is the lack of information that is unrespectful.

The plans are that there are no plans. You only have to see how in the native example, it has been relegated and difficult to find, without any modification since its creation.

acespedes451 commented 1 month ago

Any updates for this? or are you Microsoft pretending us to migrate all our native Android and iOS projects to MAUI? because this is NOT going to happen.

maddymontaquila commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone! I know it's been a minute since I've updated this issue - just want to let you know that this work is currently under development as part of the .NET iOS SDK, and once that's done it will be able to be used via the command line. As soon as the SDK work is done we will also hook it up through VS Code - likely through the command palette, or just automatically. Thank you all for your patience - hopefully we have some updates soon!

partyalarm commented 1 month ago

If this can be done, prototyping of MAUI libraries for IOS and android can be progressed.The most progressive procedure is to create native iOS and Android projects in advance, check the prototype works, and then combine them as a final MAUI library.

viswanath-pamarthi commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone! I know it's been a minute since I've updated this issue - just want to let you know that this work is currently under development as part of the .NET iOS SDK, and once that's done it will be able to be used via the command line. As soon as the SDK work is done we will also hook it up through VS Code - likely through the command palette, or just automatically. Thank you all for your patience - hopefully we have some updates soon!

@maddymontaquila Thanks for the update, Instead a timeline would certainly help and provide clear direction. We have been facing the same issues mentioned in this thread with new and existing development which need Xcode sync for UI editing.