microsoft / vscode-eslint

VSCode extension to integrate eslint into VSCode
MIT License
1.69k stars 323 forks source link

Publish eslint to Open VSX #1842

Open willkara opened 1 month ago

willkara commented 1 month ago

Please publish this extension to the Open VSX marketplace. Looks like someone has already published it here, but it'd be great to get it formally linked to Microsoft!


Unfortunately, as Microsoft prohibits usages of the Microsoft marketplace by any other products or redistribution of .vsix files from it, in order to use VS Code extensions in non-Microsoft products, we kindly ask that you take ownership of the VS Code extension namespace in Open VSX and publish this extension on Open VSX.

What is Open VSX? Why does it exist?

Open VSX is a vendor neutral alternative to the MS marketplace used by most other derivatives of VS Code like VSCodium, Gitpod, OpenVSCode, Theia-based IDEs, and so on.

You can read on about Open VSX at the Eclipse Foundation's Open VSX FAQ.

How can you publish to Open VSX?

The docs to publish an extension can be found here. This process is straightforward and shouldn't take too long. Essentially, you need an authentication token and to execute the ovsx publish command to publish your extension. There's also a doc explaining the whole process with an example GitHub Action workflow.

isidorn commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for opening this issue. At the moment our extension build pipeline is customised to be able to automatically publish to the VS Marketplace. It would require engineering effort to adjust the pipeline to also publish to the open-vsx repository. Also the eslint repo is open source and anyone can publish the extension to open-vsx as they have done already.

Currently we have no plans to do this investment, however let's keep this issue open to keep track of this request. Thanks

willkara commented 1 week ago

Hey! No problem at all, appreciate the work your team already does on this!