I'm having an issue configuring vscode to prevent stepping into .class files while debugging. Am I on the right path by updating launch.json configuration with the example below? Is there another setting that would override the debugger? I'm still seeing vscode step into springframework .class files given the setting here:
"configurations": [ .... { "stepFilters": { "skipClasses": [ "org.springframework.*" ] } }
Operating System: Mac OS X
JDK version: openjdk version "11.0.10"
Visual Studio Code version:Version: 1.68.1
Java extension version: Extension Pack for Java v0.23.2022061300
Java Debugger extension version: v0.41.0
Steps To Reproduce
Configure launch.json with "stepFilters": { "skipClasses": [ "org.springframework.*" ] }
Run springframework app in debug and observe class files are stepped into.
I'm having an issue configuring vscode to prevent stepping into .class files while debugging. Am I on the right path by updating launch.json configuration with the example below? Is there another setting that would override the debugger? I'm still seeing vscode step into springframework .class files given the setting here:
"configurations": [ .... { "stepFilters": { "skipClasses": [ "org.springframework.*" ] } }
Steps To Reproduce
with"stepFilters": { "skipClasses": [ "org.springframework.*" ] }