Closed mdh1418 closed 8 months ago
J'ai besoin d'une aide secourable pour déboguer toutes mes pages web de vulnérabilités afin de passer au plan b: corriger mes vulnérabilités, j'en ai presque un millier depuis un bout de temps, voilà à quoi ressemble rien l'une d'entre elles: <!DOCTYPE HTML>
Vector String CVSS: 3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H Severity Score CVSS: Critical 10.0 By
Sur quoi dois-je appuyer pour déboguer mes pages web de vulnérabilités dans codespaces svp ? Et comment corriger les fautes d'écriture Web pour qu'on distingue mes langages de programmation: Je code en HTML, CSS et JavaScript et je ne vois pas en quels langages les associer, les balises, les accolades et les parenthèses, je ne sais rien de tout ça, je ne comprends pas
When debugging blazorwasm applications using the BlazorDebugProxy, there are instances where the debugger itself hits an exception, such as attempting to evaluate an expression in the watch window when the debugger is paused. To capture how often users encounter such debugger exceptions, it would be helpful to send telemetry information for such events.
This PR looks to add a DotnetDebugger event listener to the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) API, which upon hitting the event, the DapTelemetryReporter will send a telemetry report with an event name `blazor-debug/blazorDebugError'.
This PR does the following:
Associated PR in dotnet/runtime:
Built this repo locally Built the runtime repo locally with changes in via
./ -s mono+libs -os browser
after having relevant dependencies installed Created a new blazorwasm app withdotnet new blazorwasm
Added a target in blazorwasm app's csproj to replace runtime pack with locally built oneReplaced the nuget package
with locally builtBrowserDebugHost
artifact folder. Ran the vscode-js-debug Extension configuration Opened blazorwasm app with the new vscode window Ran the blazorwasm app debugging Added a breakpoint in Counter Connected with BlazorDebugProxy Navigated the blazorwasm app to the Counter page Hit the set breakpoint Added an expression in the watch window such asMath.PI
Checked telemetry database for the event.