Open e-vissch opened 4 days ago
Same as which has been closed.
Debugger does start up, it just doesn't stop at the uncaught exception, and simply exits. The normal python debugger does stop at uncaught exceptions.
Also tried pre-release version + diff python versions.
14:22:23.298 [info] Starting debugging with mode 1 14:22:24.288 [warn] Cell completed with errors iu [Error]: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' at n.execute (/Users/~/.vscode/extensions/ms-toolsai.jupyter-2024.10.0-darwin-arm64/dist/extension.node.js:297:4958) { ename: 'TypeError', evalue: "unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'", traceback: [ '\x1B[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\x1B[0m', '\x1B[0;31mTypeError\x1B[0m Traceback (most recent call last)', 'Cell \x1B[0;32mIn[1], line 5\x1B[0m\n' + '\x1B[1;32m 1\x1B[0m a \x1B[38;5;241m=\x1B[39m \x1B[38;5;241m3\x1B[39m\n' + "\x1B[1;32m 3\x1B[0m b \x1B[38;5;241m=\x1B[39m \x1B[38;5;124m'\x1B[39m\x1B[38;5;124m3\x1B[39m\x1B[38;5;124m'\x1B[39m\n" + '\x1B[0;32m----> 5\x1B[0m c \x1B[38;5;241m=\x1B[39m \x1B[43ma\x1B[49m\x1B[43m \x1B[49m\x1B[38;5;241;43m+\x1B[39;49m\x1B[43m \x1B[49m\x1B[43mb\x1B[49m\n' + '\x1B[1;32m 7\x1B[0m \x1B[38;5;28mprint\x1B[39m(c)\n', "\x1B[0;31mTypeError\x1B[0m: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'" ] } 14:22:24.309 [info] Ending debug session 71336bec-e305-43b5-aec8-0a98faca6bd0
Python 3.9
No response
Applies To
What happened?
Same as which has been closed.
Debugger does start up, it just doesn't stop at the uncaught exception, and simply exits. The normal python debugger does stop at uncaught exceptions.
Also tried pre-release version + diff python versions.
VS Code Version
Jupyter Extension Version
Jupyter logs
Coding Language and Runtime Version
Python 3.9
Language Extension Version (if applicable)
No response
Anaconda Version (if applicable)
No response
Running Jupyter locally or remotely?