microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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Add 'name'/'desc' fields to makefile.launchConfigurations ? #568

Open codefrogs opened 4 months ago

codefrogs commented 4 months ago

Currently we might have in settings.json:

"makefile.launchConfigurations": [
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/build/debug",
            "binaryPath": "${workspaceFolder}/build/debug/my_app",
            "binaryArgs": ["-L 3", "-D"]

I would be nice to give configurations a name, and description, e.g.

"makefile.launchConfigurations": [
            "name": "Logging (debug mem)"
            "desc": "Sets logging level to 3, and turns on memory debug checks."
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/build/debug",
            "binaryPath": "${workspaceFolder}/build/debug/my_app",
            "binaryArgs": ["-L 3", "-D m"]
Yingzi1234 commented 3 months ago

@gcampbell-msft The user's issue is that he wants to configure a name, and description for Settings.json file. I've triaged this issue as "enhancement", please feel free if we triaged incorrectly. Thanks!