microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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Breakpoints can't be hit after starting debugging from the Makefile Tools Project Outline #570

Open Yingzi1234 opened 3 months ago

Yingzi1234 commented 3 months ago

More info: This bug is reproduced on platforms Windows, Linux and Mac.

Repro steps:

  1. Open any folder, for example clib repository.
  2. Run the Makefile: Configure command.
  3. Open the Makefile Tools Project Outline, set the build target to “all” and the launch target to “clib”.
  4. Add a breakpoint in clib.c
  5. From the Makefile Tools Project Outline, debug the selected target, and confirm that the breakpoint is hit.

Expected result: Debug can succeed and breakpoints can be hit.

Actual result: Debug can succeed but breakpoint cannot be hit. New bug