microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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Updates to initial Makefile configure experience #572

Open sinemakinci1 opened 3 months ago

sinemakinci1 commented 3 months ago

We are planning updates to improve the initial workspace configuration experience with Makefiles. The proposed solution will mirror the CMake Tools extension.

On initial workspace open:

  1. Prompt the user once if they would like to configure their Makefile project via simple popup when the workspace is trusted and they have the extension installed with a Makefile (Yes/no). If they select no, persist that response as a setting. Popup will not reappear.
  2. If they select no: prompt the user "Do you want to configure projects on opening" (Never/Not this workspace). Persist response as a setting. Popup will not reappear.
  3. If they select yes, prompt the user "Always configure projects upon opening?" (Yes/Noo). Persist response as a setting. Popup will not reappear
  4. Popup will reappear if user just clicks out of popup and does not give a response
  5. Remove dry-run popup entirely