microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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Compiling code located in sub-directory of project/root directory #584

Open cosmos-star opened 2 months ago

cosmos-star commented 2 months ago

I created build/bin directories below the project/root folder. I keep my .c and .o files in build and later copy the compiled application to the bin directory. When clicking the Makefile: Build the current target icon make does not locate my .c file for compilation. When I moved the .c file back up to the project level all worked as expected. How does one set a sub-directory as the target directory and not the project level directory in Makefile Tools?

Yingzi1234 commented 2 months ago

@cosmos-star Thanks for submitting a ticket for this, in order to better solve your issue, we need more information from you - what are your ".c and .o" files? Could you provide us with some screenshots? Thanks!