microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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[Loc] “Makefile: Focused Project Outline View” command comment line localized #599

Open Yingzi1234 opened 3 weeks ago

Yingzi1234 commented 3 weeks ago

More info: This issue is reproduced in other language environments as well

Repro steps:

  1. Open VScode
  2. Click F1 to run “Makefile” command
  3. Check that the comment line below the “Makefile: Focus on Project Outline View” command is localized

Expected result: The comment below the command should be in full English image

Actual result: The “Project Outline” in the comment below the command is localized image

gcampbell-msft commented 2 days ago

@Yingzi1234 We actually aren't providing the Focus on Project Outline view command, this is provided by VS Code, we only provide the view. Therefore, this bug should either be moved to the VS Code core team or we should close as "By design".

Yingzi1234 commented 2 days ago

@gcampbell-msft Thank you for your update! We think this issue should be moved to the VS Code core team, but we don't know how to change the path of this issue, could you help us to change the path of this issue? Thank you in advance!