microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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The "Build Target" and "Launch Target" and "Configuration" edit windows will remain unless one option is selected #604

Open Yingzi1234 opened 1 week ago

Yingzi1234 commented 1 week ago


More info:

  1. This issue is reproduced on Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms
  2. This issue is reproduced on Makefile version v0.9.10 so it is not a regression bug

Repro steps:

  1. Open VScode and clone a repo(e.g.,
  2. Open the “Makefile Tools Project Outline” page
  3. Click the ‘Configuration’ and ‘Build target’ and ‘Launch target’ lines’ edit button
  4. Without choose the options and click anywhere on UI

Expected result: The edit window will close

Actual result: The edit window stays on the page unless one of the options is selected. issue3