microsoft / vscode-makefile-tools

MAKE integration in Visual Studio Code
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[Loc] pre-config and post config failed info not localized both in output and pop up dialog #611

Open PhoebeTf opened 3 days ago

PhoebeTf commented 3 days ago

Environment: VSCode 1.90.1 + Makefile Tools v0.10.9(pre-release)

More info: Repro Language: All 13 loc languages Repro platform: Windows, Linux, Mac

Repro steps:

  1. Open VScode and change the display language to CHS
  2. Clone the makefile project (such as: and open it in VSCode
  3. Click F1 to open command palette and input “Makefile: Pre-configure” or “Makefile: Pre-configure”, check the output log and pop up info localization status

Expected result: Pre-config and Post-config failed info localized both in output and pop up dialog

Actual result: Pre-config and Post-config failed info not localized both in output and pop up dialog

Pre-config: image

Post-config: image