microsoft / vscode-maven

VSCode extension "Maven for Java"
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Feature request: Change the scope of `maven.terminal.customEnv` to `machine-overridable` #991

Open cypher256 opened 12 months ago

cypher256 commented 12 months ago

Is it possible to change the scope of maven.terminal.customEnv to machine-overridable? I would like to have remote settings.json updated when vscode.workspace.getconfiguration() is update by an extension in a remote environment such as WSL.

cypher256 commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to change the maven.executable.path from machine to machine-overridable as the related setting maven.executable.path cannot also be overridden in a workspace?


"maven.executable.path": {
    "type": "string",
    "scope": "machine" // -> "machine-overridable"
"maven.terminal.customEnv": {
    "type": "array",
    "scope": "resource" // -> "machine-overridable"