microsoft / vscode-mono-debug

A simple VS Code debug adapter for mono
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Debugger is not working #1

Closed weinand closed 8 years ago

weinand commented 8 years ago

From @wtang3 on November 20, 2015 3:16

Getting error when running app in debug mode.

When hitting play on debugger, debugger options appear for split second and exception occurs.

error while processing request '{_request}' (exception: {_exception})

screen shot 2015-11-19 at 10 09 28 pm

OS: Mac

Copied from original issue: Microsoft/vscode#306

weinand commented 8 years ago

The problem with the unreadable error message has been fixed through PR #4

wtang3 commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much weinand!

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, I'm also getting the same error. How we can solve this?

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@mbcrump, I'm getting the same error. How we can solve this?

weinand commented 8 years ago

@amansingh36 I have created a new release of the mono-debug adapter that should fix the problem with the unreadable error message. Please give it a try and let me know what the real error is. A 'how-to install vsix extensions' can be found here.

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, Thanks for the reply. I've installed your extension via below method still receiving error.

INSTALL METHOD: "You can also install a .vsix by opening the file from within VS Code. Run File | Open File... or unassigned and select the extension .vsix."

ERROR: error while processing request '{_request}' (exception: {_exception})

Please help. Thanks

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, I'm trying new method which will load the extension every time when Visual Studio Code will run. But the problem is I don't know where the ".vscode/extensions" folder is located on Mac.

NEW METHOD TRYING: If you want to load your extension or customization each time VS Code runs, copy your project to a new folder under .vscode/extensions. $HOME/.vscode/extensions/myextension

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, tried both ways to install but didn't helped. I also found one error in OUTPUT window:

[ERROR:OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxPaths] The specified runtime path 'default' does not exist. Searched locations

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, Everything sorted except ERROR: error while processing request '{_request}' (exception: {_exception})

weinand commented 8 years ago

my pre-release version 0.10.2 of mono-debug had the wrong publisher, so you are still seeing the original mono-debug. Could you please try it again with this release 0.10.3.

First install the previous mono-debug extension by

Then install 0.10.3 mono-debug by opening it via VS Code open action.

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

Where is .vsix file? Because I don't know how to install via source.

weinand commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to attach it...

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, Thanks for the support. But now receiving another error: "error while processing request 'launch' (exception: The best overloaded method match for `OpenDebug.Terminal.LaunchInTerminal(string, string, string[], string, string[], System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string>)' has some invalid arguments)"

weinand commented 8 years ago

yes, as I said above, I first had to fix the problem with the unreadable error message. Now, that we can see the real error message, I will reopen this bug and work on the fix. Thanks for helping me with this.

weinand commented 8 years ago

@amansingh36 what version of mono do you have installed on your OS X?

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

The latest Mono release: 4.2 Stable (

Mono for Mac OS X Universal (32 & 64 bit) preview This package contains both 32 and 64-bit Mono for OS X.

weinand commented 8 years ago

@amansingh36 I think I know what the problem is. Could you please remove the environment variables (the "env": [...]) in your launch config and see whether that makes a difference?

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, If I remove "env": { }" still receiving error:

error while processing request 'launch' (exception: The best overloaded method match for `OpenDebug.Terminal.LaunchInTerminal(string, string, string[], string, string[], System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string>)' has some invalid arguments)

weinand commented 8 years ago

@amansingh36 Could you please try this release.

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, Everything worked perfectly fine with your latest release - 0.10.4. Thanks for your help and prompt replies.

I've a personal request for you, will you be interested to spare some time from your busy schedule and become an author on Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, etc. at Asian Fox Developments, Blog (Worldwide)

I will be obliged. Thanks

amansingh36 commented 8 years ago

@weinand, I've a personal request for you, will you be interested to spare some time from your busy schedule and become an author on Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, etc. at Asian Fox Developments, Blog (Worldwide)

I will be obliged. Thanks

Aman Singh Senior .NET Dev. Technical Department Asian Fox Developments