microsoft / vscode-python-debugger

Python debugger (debugpy) extension for VS Code.
MIT License
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Additional output when running debugger compared to simply executing the file #219

Open filip-komarzyniec opened 4 months ago

filip-komarzyniec commented 4 months ago


This is more of a question than a bug. The extension works great for me. I am having trouble understanding one thing though and I could not find the answer for it anywhere yet.

Running a python file through VScode produces expected output. Debugging the same file, though, produces additional SyntaxWarnings from a very different file in a project (completely different project tree catalogue's branch).

What additional hooks are performed before the launch of a debugger? How can I eventually tweak them?

I have installed whole Python extension pack. I have no configured linters nor static code analysers like mypy. Below is my launch.json config:

laugh.json configuration ```json { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Python: Current File", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "program": "${file}", "console": "integratedTerminal", "justMyCode": false, "rules": [ {"module": "my_module", "include": false}, ], "env": { // "PYTHONHASHSEED": "333", } } ] } ```
paulacamargo25 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your issue report, could you send me the error? the debugger and the running works a little different, for the debugger we pre-processed the data. But we don't check any syntax errors.