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Test Discovery Failing in all repos (for the Testing Panel) #23447

Open sarahandromeda opened 4 months ago

sarahandromeda commented 4 months ago

Type: Bug


When trying to use the VSCode Testing from the sidepanel, Tests are not Discoverable due to a permissions error.

I first noticed this in a single repo I was working in. I opened up another repo to see if the error persisted and it did. Then I created a separate directory with a very simple example to test and the error still occurred there as well.

Example file structure:

├── app
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tests

As far as I know, nothing has changed in my system, no major updates or upgrades have happened before or since this started happening. Perhaps a chmod is needed but I am hesitant to do that without knowing why.

Why is this only occuring now? Has there been a change to the files used for the Testing execution in the last few days/weeks?

I was able to restart my computer this morning, open up a repo and run 1 test via the VSCode Testing but it only allowed me to run the singlular test before showing the error again. I aslo recreated my Virtual Enviroment but that did not work either.

Steps to reproduce:

Tests CAN be run successfully from the command line: python -m unittest discover

Diagnostic data

Output for Python in the Output panel (ViewOutput, change the drop-down the upper-right of the Output panel to Python)

``` 2024-05-17 09:48:08.086 [error] Unittest test discovery error for workspace: file:///home/sgomez/practice/error_example_testing [Error: listen EACCES: permission denied /run/user/1000/python-test-discovery-a121c3ca49a094028295.sock at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (node:net:1800:21) at listenInCluster (node:net:1865:12) at Server.listen (node:net:1964:5) at /home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:184541 at new Promise () at t.createNamedPipeServer (/home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:184080) at t.startDiscoveryNamedPipe (/home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:804427) at t.UnittestTestDiscoveryAdapter.discoverTests (/home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:848795) at t.WorkspaceTestAdapter.discoverTests (/home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:863627) at k.refreshTestDataInternal (/home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:813783) at /home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:815482 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async k.resolveChildren (/home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:815378)] { code: 'EACCES', errno: -13, syscall: 'listen', address: '/run/user/1000/python-test-discovery-a121c3ca49a094028295.sock', port: -1 } ```

Extension version: 2024.6.0 VS Code version: Code 1.89.1 (dc96b837cf6bb4af9cd736aa3af08cf8279f7685, 2024-05-07T05:13:33.891Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes: Remote OS version: Linux x64 Remote OS version: Linux x64 Remote OS version: Linux x64 Remote OS version: Linux x64

User Settings

``` languageServer: "Pylance" testing • unittestEnabled: true ```

Installed Extensions |Extension Name|Extension Id|Version| |---|---|---| |Black Formatter||2024.2.0| |Cucumber (Gherkin) Full Support|alexkrechik.cucumberautocomplete|2.15.2| |Docker|ms-azuretools.vscode-docker|1.29.1| |EditorConfig for VS Code|EditorConfig.EditorConfig|0.16.4| |Flake8|ms-python.flake8|2023.10.0| |Git Prefix|srmeyers.git-prefix|1.3.2| |GitLens — Git supercharged|eamodio.gitlens|15.0.3| |isort|ms-python.isort|2023.10.1| |JavaScript Debugger|ms-vscode.js-debug|1.89.0| |json2ts|GregorBiswanger.json2ts|0.0.6| |Jupyter|ms-toolsai.jupyter|2024.4.0| |Jupyter Cell Tags|ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags|0.1.9| |Jupyter Notebook Renderers|ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers|1.0.17| |Jupyter Slide Show|ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow|0.1.6| |Live Preview||0.4.13| |Move TS - Move TypeScript files and update relative imports|stringham.move-ts|1.12.0| |Path Intellisense|christian-kohler.path-intellisense|2.8.5| |Prettier - Code formatter|esbenp.prettier-vscode|10.4.0| |Pylance|ms-python.vscode-pylance|2024.5.1| |Python|ms-python.python|2024.6.0| |Python Debugger|ms-python.debugpy|2024.6.0| |Rainbow CSV|mechatroner.rainbow-csv|3.11.0| |Table Visualizer for JavaScript Profiles|ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-table|1.0.9| |TypeScript Extension Pack|loiane.ts-extension-pack|0.3.0| |TypeScript Importer|pmneo.tsimporter|2.0.1| |XML Tools|DotJoshJohnson.xml|2.5.1| |YAML|redhat.vscode-yaml|1.14.0|
System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 7 5825U with Radeon Graphics (16 x 1996)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: enabled_on
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_graphite: disabled_off
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled| |Load (avg)|undefined| |Memory (System)|15.35GB (1.02GB free)| |Process Argv|--folder-uri=vscode-remote://wsl+Ubuntu/home/sgomez/kitu-batch-scripts --remote=wsl+Ubuntu --crash-reporter-id ac2a5da8-6b46-4388-bddf-1a5fe64c6b9d| |Screen Reader|yes| |VM|0%| |Item|Value| |---|---| |Remote|WSL: Ubuntu| |OS|Linux x64| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 7 5825U with Radeon Graphics (16 x 1996)| |Memory (System)|7.44GB (3.64GB free)| |VM|0%| |Item|Value| |---|---| |Remote|WSL: Ubuntu| |OS|Linux x64| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 7 5825U with Radeon Graphics (16 x 1996)| |Memory (System)|7.44GB (3.64GB free)| |VM|0%| |Item|Value| |---|---| |Remote|WSL: Ubuntu| |OS|Linux x64| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 7 5825U with Radeon Graphics (16 x 1996)| |Memory (System)|7.44GB (3.64GB free)| |VM|0%| |Item|Value| |---|---| |Remote|WSL: Ubuntu| |OS|Linux x64| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 7 5825U with Radeon Graphics (16 x 1996)| |Memory (System)|7.44GB (3.64GB free)| |VM|0%|
A/B Experiments ``` vsliv368cf:30146710 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 tftest:31042121 vscod805:30301674 binariesv615:30325510 vsaa593:30376534 py29gd2263:31024239 c4g48928:30535728 azure-dev_surveyone:30548225 962ge761:30959799 pythongtdpath:30769146 welcomedialogc:30910334 pythonidxpt:30866567 pythonnoceb:30805159 asynctok:30898717 pythontestfixt:30902429 pythonregdiag2:30936856 pythonmypyd1:30879173 pythoncet0:30885854 h48ei257:31000450 pythontbext0:30879054 accentitlementst:30995554 dsvsc016:30899300 dsvsc017:30899301 dsvsc018:30899302 cppperfnew:31000557 dsvsc020:30976470 pythonait:31006305 showvideoc:31016891 chatpanelt:31048053 dsvsc021:30996838 0ee40948:31013168 pythoncenvpt:31049070 a69g1124:31046351 pythonprc:31047982 dwnewjupytercf:31046870 26j00206:31048877 ```
philipphofmann commented 4 months ago

I have the same problem with discovering pytests. When I switch to v2024.4.1 the test discovery succeeds.

Extension version: 2024.6.0 VS Code version: Code 1.89.1 (dc96b837cf6bb4af9cd736aa3af08cf8279f7685, 2024-05-07T05:14:32.757Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 23.4.0

Python Log Output

``` 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] Experiment 'pythonCreateEnvOnPipInstall' is active 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] Experiment 'pythonRecommendTensorboardExt' is active 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] Experiment 'pythonTerminalEnvVarActivation' is active 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] Experiment 'pythonTestAdapter' is active 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] Default formatter is set to for workspace /Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] VS Code was launched from an activated environment: '.venv', selecting it as the interpreter for workspace. 2024-05-21 08:36:51.437 [info] Python interpreter path: ./.venv/bin/python 2024-05-21 08:36:51.447 [info] > pyenv which python 2024-05-21 08:36:51.447 [info] cwd: . 2024-05-21 08:36:52.188 [info] > . ./.venv/bin/activate && echo 'e8b39361-0157-4923-80e1-22d70d46dee6' && python ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/ 2024-05-21 08:36:52.188 [info] shell: zsh 2024-05-21 08:36:52.231 [info] > /usr/bin/python3 ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/ 2024-05-21 08:36:52.231 [info] shell: zsh 2024-05-21 08:36:52.353 [info] Setting environment variable MANPATH in collection to /opt/homebrew/share/man:: {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true} 2024-05-21 08:36:52.353 [info] Prepending environment variable PATH in collection with /Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/deactivate/zsh:/Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry/.venv/bin: {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true} 2024-05-21 08:36:52.353 [info] Prepending environment variable PS1 in collection with (.venv) {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":false} 2024-05-21 08:36:52.353 [info] Setting environment variable VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT in collection to (.venv) {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true} 2024-05-21 08:36:52.354 [info] Send text to terminal: /usr/bin/python3 /Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/ /Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/deactivate/zsh/envVars.txt 2024-05-21 08:36:53.243 [info] Starting Pylance language server. 2024-05-21 08:37:06.985 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: sentry - uri: /Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry 2024-05-21 08:37:06.986 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter. 2024-05-21 08:37:06.992 [error] pytest test discovery error for workspace: file:///Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry Error: listen EACCES: permission denied /var/run/python-test-discovery-88f1d87a4214423346a8.sock at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (node:net:1800:21) at listenInCluster (node:net:1865:12) at Server.listen (node:net:1964:5) at /Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:184541 at new Promise () at t.createNamedPipeServer (/Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:184080) at t.startDiscoveryNamedPipe (/Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:804427) at t.PytestTestDiscoveryAdapter.discoverTests (/Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:829798) at t.WorkspaceTestAdapter.discoverTests (/Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:863627) at k.refreshTestDataInternal (/Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:813244) at /Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:815482 at async Promise.all (index 0) at k.resolveChildren (/Users/philipp.hofmann/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/out/client/extension.js:2:815378) { code: 'EACCES', errno: -13, syscall: 'listen', address: '/var/run/python-test-discovery-88f1d87a4214423346a8.sock', port: -1 } ```

System Info

|Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Apple M2 Max (12 x 24)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: enabled_on
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_graphite: disabled_off
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled| |Load (avg)|3, 3, 4| |Memory (System)|64.00GB (6.87GB free)| |Process Argv|--crash-reporter-id ad7a646d-36a3-4c18-abc2-d460731f4f58| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|

A/B Experiments

senarvi commented 4 months ago

This started happening to me after VS Code updated today.

eleanorjboyd commented 4 months ago

Hi! We have not made a change to unittest recently- is everyone seeing this on unittest or with pytest too? Could someone try just running unittest/pytest from the command line and seeing if they see similar permissions issues?

sarahandromeda commented 4 months ago

Could someone try just running unittest/pytest from the command line and seeing if they see similar permissions issues?

I only use unittest so I can't speak for pytest. However, I can run unittest from the command line with no issues. I can even run the debugger on unittest files. It is just the test discovery that is failing and leading to not being able to use the testing side panel to run anything.

eleanorjboyd commented 4 months ago

Interesting, it seems that your error /run/user/1000/python-test-discovery-a121c3ca49a094028295.sock is referencing our use of named pipes for communication. This is the same type of communication that run and debug use- could you check for a a similar name for the pipe in your logs for run? Secondly do you have any settings which might restrict thing? See here as we have just changed to named pipes but we do know a few issues still exist: Thanks

senarvi commented 4 months ago

Today, after I restarted my computer, the Testing tab opened the test configuration dialog. I selected pytest and the configuration file, and the tests appeared. This is what I see in the Python Output tab:

2024-05-22 07:20:40.215 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: ... - uri: /home/...
2024-05-22 07:20:40.215 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter.
2024-05-22 07:20:40.291 [info] > . ~/.../bin/activate && echo 'e8b39361-0157-4923-80e1-22d70d46dee6' && python ~/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/
2024-05-22 07:20:40.291 [info] shell: bash
2024-05-22 07:20:40.338 [info] > ~/.../bin/python -m pytest -p vscode_pytest --collect-only tests
2024-05-22 07:20:40.338 [info] cwd: .
2024-05-22 07:20:40.899 [info] ============================= test session starts ==============================
2024-05-22 07:20:46.290 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: ... - uri: /home/...
2024-05-22 07:20:46.290 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter.
2024-05-22 07:20:46.290 [error] Test discovery already in progress, not starting a new one.
2024-05-22 07:21:01.510 [info] > . ~/.../bin/activate && echo 'e8b39361-0157-4923-80e1-22d70d46dee6' && python ~/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.6.0/python_files/
2024-05-22 07:21:01.510 [info] shell: bash
2024-05-22 07:21:01.548 [info] > ~/.../bin/python -c "import pytest"
2024-05-22 07:21:02.206 [info] collected 184 items
======================== 184 tests collected in 21.33s =========================

2024-05-22 07:21:02.255 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: ... - uri: /home/.../.vscode/settings.json
2024-05-22 07:21:02.255 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter.
2024-05-22 07:21:02.255 [error] Test discovery already in progress, not starting a new one.
2024-05-22 07:21:02.794 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: ... - uri: /home/...
2024-05-22 07:21:02.794 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter.
2024-05-22 07:21:02.794 [error] Test discovery already in progress, not starting a new one.
2024-05-22 07:21:48.542 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: ... - uri: /home/.../tests/
2024-05-22 07:21:48.542 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter.
2024-05-22 07:21:48.542 [error] pytest test discovery error for workspace: file:///home/... 
 [Error: listen EACCES: permission denied /run/user/1000/python-test-discovery-7840ce37fe6d1aa628f5.sock

There are some errors about test discovery being already in progress, and finally the permission denied error. Anyway, I can attempt running a test, but the test won't run. In Python Output tab I can see the same permission denied error for test execution:

2024-05-22 07:24:07.365 [error] pytest test execution error
 [Error: listen EACCES: permission denied /run/user/1000/python-test-results-7f1a0877cc739fa109ec.sock

My code is in WSL and I'm using pytest. I can run the tests from WSL command line using python -m pytest tests.

philipphofmann commented 3 months ago

I can collect the tests without problems from the command line python -m pytest --collect-only tests. It's worth noting that I use a custom venv as you can see from the logs.

/Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/phabricator/ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  __version__ = __import__('pkg_resources') \
/Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pkg_resources/ DeprecationWarning: Deprecated call to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace('google')`.
Implementing implicit namespace packages (as specified in PEP 420) is preferred to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace`. See
/Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pkg_resources/ DeprecationWarning: Deprecated call to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace('')`.
Implementing implicit namespace packages (as specified in PEP 420) is preferred to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace`. See
/Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pkg_resources/ DeprecationWarning: Deprecated call to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace('google')`.
Implementing implicit namespace packages (as specified in PEP 420) is preferred to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace`. See
================================================== test session starts ===================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.11.8, pytest-8.0.0, pluggy-1.4.0
django: version: 5.0.6
rootdir: /Users/philipp.hofmann/git-repos/sentry
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: fail-slow-0.3.0, rerunfailures-11.0, json-report-1.5.0, metadata-3.1.1, time-machine-2.13.0, xdist-3.0.2, pytest_sentry-0.3.0, anyio-3.7.1, django-4.8.0, cov-4.0.0
collecting ...
# Frontend assets last built 381 seconds ago, skipping rebuilds for another 3219 seconds.
# Delete the file: `.webpack.meta` to rebuild.
eleanorjboyd commented 3 months ago

@karthiknadig any thoughts here on what could be causing people to suddenly have permissions issues?

karthiknadig commented 3 months ago

@eleanorjboyd This is the issue with using Unix Domian Socket for communication:

permission denied /run/user/1000/python-test-discovery-a121c3ca49a094028295.sock

We are working on a fix for this to use fifo pipes, than UDS pipes. For work around, see if you can allow Unix domain sockets temporarily until we get the fix out. Or, another option is to pin the extension to the older one where this works.

sarahandromeda commented 3 months ago

Interesting, it seems that your error /run/user/1000/python-test-discovery-a121c3ca49a094028295.sock is referencing our use of named pipes for communication. This is the same type of communication that run and debug use- could you check for a a similar name for the pipe in your logs for run? Secondly do you have any settings which might restrict thing? See here as we have just changed to named pipes but we do know a few issues still exist: #23279. Thanks

Sorry for the delay on this.

your logs for run

Do you mean in the output tab when running the tests with the debugger? (SEE BELOW)

When running the debugger on a unittest file, this is what gets logged to Output: Python

2024-05-22 15:17:54.658 [info] Send text to terminal:  /usr/bin/env /home/sgomez/my_project/.venv/bin/python /home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.debugpy-2024.6.0/bundled/libs/debugpy/adapter/../../debugpy/launcher 56803 -- /home/sgomez/my_project/tests/ 

And this it what appears in Output: Python Debugger:

2024-05-22 12:36:22.898 [info] Name: Python Debugger
2024-05-22 12:36:22.898 [info] Module: debugpy
2024-05-22 15:17:52.994 [info] DAP Server launched with command: /home/sgomez/my_project/.venv/bin/python /home/sgomez/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.debugpy-2024.6.0/bundled/libs/debugpy/adapter

Neither seem to reference the same pipe.

Secondly do you have any settings which might restrict thing

I don't believe so, I have not updated any settings recently. However I am using WSL on a Windows machine, but again, I have not changed any settings in my WSL or on Windows (other than system updates).

senarvi commented 3 months ago

It started working when I installed the version 2024.4.1 of the Python extension. @karthiknadig are you thinking about enabling Unix domain sockets in Windows or in the WSL distribution? Any idea how to do that?

karthiknadig commented 3 months ago

@senarvi we are working on using fifo instead of UDS. The issue is with WSL2 where UDS not supported. It is supported in WSL1 though.

Code-ScottLe commented 3 months ago

Also, for this bug, is it expected to see the "Testing" window showing like this? Despite running "Configure Python Test" multiple times


Having the "Build your C# test project" is a bit weird.

I also have been seeing VS Code attempts to use pytest even though i'm explicitly using unittest in the configuration.


peter-crist commented 1 month ago

Test collection when configuring pytest works fine. But the TESTING extension still shows discovery error... image

Version: 1.91.1 (Universal) Commit: f1e16e1e6214d7c44d078b1f0607b2388f29d729 Date: 2024-07-09T22:07:54.982Z (2 wks ago) Electron: 29.4.0 ElectronBuildId: 9728852 Chromium: 122.0.6261.156 Node.js: 20.9.0 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 23.1.0

pytest 8.3.2 pytest-xdist 3.5.0

danbartl commented 1 month ago

Does there currently exist any workaround for this topic? It is completely blocking me from using vscode python extension above 2024.4.1, since testing is integral to my work --- and I assume many others as well?

mchccc commented 1 month ago

I find myself in this thread again because I forgot to uncheck autoupdate :) Still happening :/ Thanks for pointing out the version that works!

madig commented 1 month ago


debemdeboas commented 2 weeks ago

Newest version (2024.12.3) still has this issue. The workaround in #23785 works.

eleanorjboyd commented 2 weeks ago

Also, for this bug, is it expected to see the "Testing" window showing like this? Despite running "Configure Python Test" multiple times


Having the "Build your C# test project" is a bit weird.

I also have been seeing VS Code attempts to use pytest even though i'm explicitly using unittest in the configuration.


Hi! The testing window should update but if you have multiple extensions contributing to the testing pane (in your example it seems C# is) this might cause it to show up incorrectly. Please file an issue and I can investigate this further to make sure multiple testing extensions work correctly together!

Secondly can you try reloading your window? Then checking your settings.json to make sure the right is enabled for the pytest vs unittest? If that still isn't working send me over the full logs and your settings and I can take a look. Thanks