microsoft / vscode-python

Python extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Test discovery with pytest fails, because pytest is run in the base conda env #24122

Closed hamogu closed 2 weeks ago

hamogu commented 1 month ago

Type: Bug


Test discovery with pytest fails.

From looking at the output, it seems that pytest is run in my base conda environment, not in the environment for this particular project. My base conda environment has an old, no longer supported Python version and no pytest installed; however, a recent version of python and pytest are installed in the environment that I use for this project and that I want to run the tests in.

I verified that "Python: Select Interpreter ..." is set to the correct environment and this is confirmed by the little icon on the status bar at the bottom right that displays "Python 3.11.7 ('sherpaciao')", where "sherpaciao" is a conda env with pytest. Running pytest in the terminal in that conda env works as extected.

Note that the condo env in the Python output (see full output below) is set to "CONDA_PREFIX":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge","CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER":"(base) while the warning a few lines down from that addresses the correct conda env: [warning] could not find a pixi interpreter for the interpreter at /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin/python.

Steps to reproduce:

I hope that this can be debugged from the console/setting output since it's probably related to some setting that is wrong; I suspect that it's not easy to reproduce.

Diagnostic data

Output for Python in the Output panel (ViewOutput, change the drop-down the upper-right of the Output panel to Python)

``` 2024-09-17 11:53:33.212 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: sherpa - uri: /Users/guenther/code/sherpa 2024-09-17 11:53:33.212 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter. 2024-09-17 11:53:33.213 [info] All environment variables set for pytest discovery: {"ADS_API_TOKEN":"WPnK3GVwUCbcUvZzM2JcvKAkngy9lg2DPNS8Ss3A","COMMAND_MODE":"unix2003","CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV":"base","CONDA_EXE":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/conda","CONDA_PREFIX":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge","CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER":"(base) ","CONDA_PYTHON_EXE":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/python","CONDA_SHLVL":"1","DISPLAY":"/private/tmp/","HOME":"/Users/guenther","LOGNAME":"guenther","MallocNanoZone":"0","OLDPWD":"/","ORIGINAL_XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP":"undefined","PS1":"(base) %m %~> ","PWD":"/","SHELL":"/bin/zsh","SHLVL":"0","SSH_AUTH_SOCK":"/private/tmp/","TMPDIR":"/var/folders/r7/f0qh27rn207bwwvt3s7v5gh40000gn/T/","USER":"guenther","VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT":"vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess","VSCODE_CODE_CACHE_PATH":"/Users/guenther/Library/Application Support/Code/CachedData/38c31bc77e0dd6ae88a4e9cc93428cc27a56ba40","VSCODE_CRASH_REPORTER_PROCESS_TYPE":"extensionHost","VSCODE_CWD":"/","VSCODE_HANDLES_UNCAUGHT_ERRORS":"true","VSCODE_IPC_HOOK":"/Users/guenther/Library/Application Support/Code/1.93-main.sock","VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG":"{\"userLocale\":\"en-us\",\"osLocale\":\"en-us\",\"resolvedLanguage\":\"en\",\"defaultMessagesFile\":\"/Applications/Visual Studio\",\"locale\":\"en-us\",\"availableLanguages\":{}}","VSCODE_PID":"83602","XPC_FLAGS":"0x0","XPC_SERVICE_NAME":"","XUVTOP":"/Users/guenther/data/CHIANTI","_":"/Applications/Visual Studio","__CFBundleIdentifier":"","__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING":"0x1F5:0x0:0x0","ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE":"1","VSCODE_L10N_BUNDLE_LOCATION":"","PATH":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin:/Users/guenther/mambaforge/condabin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/","PYTHONPATH":"/Users/guenther/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.14.1-darwin-arm64/python_files","TEST_RUN_PIPE":"/var/folders/r7/f0qh27rn207bwwvt3s7v5gh40000gn/T/python-test-discovery-331c548a6db514ee3062.sock"} 2024-09-17 11:53:33.214 [warning] could not find a pixi interpreter for the interpreter at /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin/python 2024-09-17 11:53:33.216 [info] > python -m pytest -p vscode_pytest --collect-only 2024-09-17 11:53:33.216 [info] cwd: . 2024-09-17 11:53:33.272 [error] /Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/python: No module named pytest 2024-09-17 11:53:33.275 [error] Subprocess exited unsuccessfully with exit code 1 and signal null on workspace /Users/guenther/code/sherpa. 2024-09-17 11:53:33.275 [error] Subprocess exited unsuccessfully with exit code 1 and signal null on workspace /Users/guenther/code/sherpa. Creating and sending error discovery payload 2024-09-17 11:53:33.275 [error] pytest test discovery error for workspace: /Users/guenther/code/sherpa The python test process was terminated before it could exit on its own, the process errored with: Code: 1, Signal: null for workspace /Users/guenther/code/sherpa 2024-09-17 12:07:41.517 [info] Native locator: Refresh started 2024-09-17 12:07:41.559 [info] Conda environment manager found at: /Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/conda 2024-09-17 12:07:41.739 [info] Native locator: Refresh finished in 199 ms ```

Extension version: 2024.14.1 VS Code version: Code 1.93.1 (Universal) (38c31bc77e0dd6ae88a4e9cc93428cc27a56ba40, 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 23.6.0 Modes:

User Settings

``` languageServer: "Pylance" testing • pytestEnabled: true ```

Installed Extensions |Extension Name|Extension Id|Version| |---|---|---| |Code Spell Checker|streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker|3.0.1| |GitHub Actions|github.vscode-github-actions|0.26.5| |GitHub Copilot|GitHub.copilot|1.229.0| |GitHub Copilot Chat|GitHub.copilot-chat|0.20.1| |GitHub Pull Requests|GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github|0.96.0| |GitLens — Git supercharged|eamodio.gitlens|15.5.1| |JavaScript Debugger|ms-vscode.js-debug|1.93.0| |JavaScript Debugger Companion Extension|ms-vscode.js-debug-companion|1.1.3| |Jupyter|ms-toolsai.jupyter|2024.8.1| |Jupyter Cell Tags|ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags|0.1.9| |Jupyter Keymap|ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap|1.1.2| |Jupyter Notebook Renderers|ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers|1.0.19| |LaTeX Workshop|James-Yu.latex-workshop|10.3.2| |Live Server|ritwickdey.LiveServer|5.7.9| |LTeX – LanguageTool grammar/spell checking|valentjn.vscode-ltex|13.1.0| |Makefile Tools|ms-vscode.makefile-tools|0.11.13| |Pylance|ms-python.vscode-pylance|2024.9.1| |Python|ms-python.python|2024.14.1| |Python Debugger|ms-python.debugpy|2024.10.0| |Table Visualizer for JavaScript Profiles|ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-table|1.0.9| |Trailing Whitespace|jkiviluoto.tws|1.0.1|
System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Apple M1 (8 x 2400)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: enabled_on
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_graphite: disabled_off
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled
webnn: disabled_off| |Load (avg)|4, 3, 3| |Memory (System)|16.00GB (0.09GB free)| |Process Argv|--crash-reporter-id e2a97932-7d55-44e5-bb05-555f7819c1cd| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
A/B Experiments ``` vsliv368:30146709 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 vscod805cf:30301675 binariesv615:30325510 vsaa593:30376534 py29gd2263:31024239 c4g48928:30535728 azure-dev_surveyone:30548225 962ge761:30959799 pythongtdpath:30769146 welcomedialogc:30910334 pythonnoceb:30805159 asynctok:30898717 pythonmypyd1:30879173 h48ei257:31000450 pythontbext0:30879054 accentitlementsc:30995553 dsvsc016:30899300 dsvsc017:30899301 dsvsc018:30899302 cppperfnew:31000557 dsvsc020:30976470 pythonait:31006305 dsvsc021:30996838 bdiig495:31013172 a69g1124:31058053 dvdeprecation:31068756 dwnewjupytercf:31046870 newcmakeconfigv2:31071590 impr_priority:31102340 nativerepl1:31139838 refactort:31108082 pythonrstrctxt:31112756 flightc:31134773 wkspc-onlycs-t:31132770 nativeloc1:31134641 wkspc-ranged-c:31125598 cf971741:31134768 pme_test_t:31118333 defaultse:31133495 ei213698:31121563 iacca1:31138162 ```
eleanorjboyd commented 1 month ago

Hi! So to confirm, If you run python -m pytest --collect-only from your command line it works fine bc it has the right interpreter selected? Then secondly this path is the old one? Where it is looking for the pytest module: /Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/python: No module named pytest. Thanks

hamogu commented 1 month ago

Hi! So to confirm, If you run python -m pytest --collect-only from your command line it works fine bc it has the right interpreter selected?


Then secondly this path is the old one? Where it is looking for the pytest module: /Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/python: No module named pytest.


eleanorjboyd commented 1 month ago

besides "CONDA_PREFIX":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge","CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER":"(base) any other notable settings? @anthonykim1 I am using the createActiveEnvironment command like this, any thoughts on how to produce more logging or what else could be going wrong? If not I can make a change to add additional logging to look at this

hamogu commented 1 month ago

Except for conda, there should be nothing special going in that session. I should not that it's also not the first time that I see this, but I finally got annoyed enough to file an issue. That means it's not something that is special to this conda environment: VSCode always tries to run purest in my base environment.

anthonykim1 commented 1 month ago

Don't think

[warning] could not find a pixi interpreter for the interpreter at /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin/python

is related to this issue.

@eleanorjboyd It may be the ordering of: where createActivatedEnvironment just returns on the conda conditional without getting to the desired

const env = createPythonEnv(pythonPath, processService, this.fileSystem);

in this scneario. This seem the closest to what is "forcing" the use of conda rather than a desired venv?? in this case.

hamogu commented 1 month ago

To the best of my knowledge (from googling all parts of this error message) [warning] could not find a pixi interpreter for the interpreter at /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin/python is unrelated (I think from the IPython notebook extension). It's only relevant here in that it shows that at least some extensions are looking in the right place for the Python interpreter.

anthonykim1 commented 4 weeks ago

@hamogu Thanks for all the info.

I've created plan item for October to further investigate this. Will let you know once I make some changes so you can test it out.

Bit lost on what purest means in:

VSCode always tries to run purest in my base environment.

I have a feeling it may be a typo for pytest, but just wanted to make sure :)

hamogu commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, that's a typo for "pytest" (or maybe my autocorrect on my phone that knows about "purest" but not about "pytest").


l3point commented 3 weeks ago

I am experiencing a similar problem where the test discovery fails.

I am working on a project at two locations, on two different machines. In one location the test discovery works, and in other it does not. In both locations, running pytest --collect-only from the vscode terminal works. pytest also works from a command prompt in both cases.

On the machine where test discovery fails, I have:

The one thing that seems different in vscode python log when opening the tests panel is where the working machine has the command:

2024-09-26 19:19:48.235 [info] > ~\Anaconda3\Scripts\conda.exe run -n order-management --no-capture-output python ~\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2024.14.1-win32-x64\python_files\ -m pytest -p vscode_pytest --collect-only python/tests

The machine which fails has the command:

2024-09-26 22:33:45.519 [info] > python -m pytest -p vscode_pytest --collect-only python/tests

I have also run sysinternals procmon on both machines when opening the tests window. Both machines launch the python executable in the correct virtual environment, however, the command line parameters and cwd are different. On the machine that works, this command is used:

22:57:17.0068751    python.exe  39216   Process Start       SUCCESS Parent PID: 42828, Command line: python  c:\Users\jmoore\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2024.14.1-win32-x64\python_files\ -m pytest -p vscode_pytest --collect-only python/tests, Current directory: c:\Users\jmoore\source\repos\order-management\, Environment: 

whereas in the failing case, the venv python.exe is invoked with:

22:33:45.2223824    python.exe  4952    Process Start       SUCCESS Parent PID: 16988, Command line: python  c:\Users\John\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2024.14.1-win32-x64\python_files\ c:/Users/John/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.14.1-win32-x64/python_files/, Current directory: C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\, Environment:

The VSCode version on the working machine is:

[Window Title]
Visual Studio Code

[Main Instruction]
Visual Studio Code


Version: 1.93.1 (system setup)
Commit: 38c31bc77e0dd6ae88a4e9cc93428cc27a56ba40
Date: 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z (2 wks ago)
Electron: 30.4.0
ElectronBuildId: 10073054
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.15.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045

And the machine which is failing is:

Version: 1.93.1 (user setup)
Commit: 38c31bc77e0dd6ae88a4e9cc93428cc27a56ba40
Date: 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z
Electron: 30.4.0
ElectronBuildId: 10073054
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.15.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045
anthonykim1 commented 2 weeks ago

Just merged: Could folks try the latest pre-release of Python extension, starting TOMORROW and see if the problem is resolved? Thanks.

hamogu commented 2 weeks ago

It still doesn't work, error output below. Note that the Python interpreter path is set correctly (Python interpreter path: ~/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin/python), but the condo-prefix for the text collection is still wrong ("CONDA_PREFIX":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge") pointing to the base environment that does not have pytest installed. This is with the Python extension pre-release version v2024.17.2024100801

2024-10-08 07:10:44.839 [info] Native locator: Refresh started
2024-10-08 07:10:44.867 [info] Conda environment manager found at: /Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/conda
2024-10-08 07:10:44.994 [info] Native locator: Refresh finished in 130 ms
2024-10-08 07:10:55.970 [info] Discover tests for workspace name: sherpa - uri: /Users/guenther/code/sherpa
2024-10-08 07:10:55.971 [info] Running discovery for pytest using the new test adapter.
2024-10-08 07:10:55.971 [info] Python interpreter path: ~/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin/python
2024-10-08 07:10:55.978 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_PROP_DATE_DATA in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/config/jcm_data {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable LOCPFILES in collection to /Users/guenther/cxcds_param4 {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable CONDA_SHLVL in collection to 2 {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable HEADAS in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/spectral {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER in collection to (sherpaciao)  {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR_CONDA_BACKUP in collection to  {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_WORK_PATH in collection to /var/folders/r7/f0qh27rn207bwwvt3s7v5gh40000gn/T/ {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_OTS in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_PROP_PREC_DATA in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/config/jcm_data {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_INSTALL in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable PFILES in collection to /Users/guenther/cxcds_param4;/Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/param {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_BIN in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable _CE_CONDA in collection to  {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_CALIB in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/data {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable CONDA_PREFIX_1 in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable CONDA_ROOT in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Prepending environment variable PATH in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/bin:/Users/guenther/mambaforge/condabin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/ {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/share/glib-2.0/schemas {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_IMAGER_PATH in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/imager {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.979 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_TMP in collection to /var/folders/r7/f0qh27rn207bwwvt3s7v5gh40000gn/T/ {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable XML_CATALOG_FILES in collection to file:///Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/etc/xml/catalog file:///etc/xml/catalog {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable CONDA_PREFIX in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable IPYTHONDIR in collection to /Users/guenther/.ipython-ciao {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable _CE_M in collection to  {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable XPC_SERVICE_NAME in collection to 0 {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_LIB in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/lib {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable XPA_METHOD in collection to local {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable OBSVIS_PKG_PATH in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/lib/tcltk/packages/obsvis {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV in collection to sherpaciao {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.980 [info] Setting environment variable ASCDS_SYS_PARAM in collection to /Users/guenther/mambaforge/envs/sherpaciao/param {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":true}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.981 [info] Prepending environment variable PS1 in collection with (sherpaciao)  {"applyAtShellIntegration":true,"applyAtProcessCreation":false}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.994 [info] All environment variables set for pytest discovery: {"ADS_API_TOKEN":"WPnK3GVwUCbcUvZzM2JcvKAkngy9lg2DPNS8Ss3A","COMMAND_MODE":"unix2003","CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV":"base","CONDA_EXE":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/conda","CONDA_PREFIX":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge","CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER":"(base) ","CONDA_PYTHON_EXE":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/python","CONDA_SHLVL":"1","DISPLAY":"/private/tmp/","HOME":"/Users/guenther","LOGNAME":"guenther","MallocNanoZone":"0","OLDPWD":"/","ORIGINAL_XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP":"undefined","PS1":"(base) %m %~> ","PWD":"/","SHELL":"/bin/zsh","SHLVL":"0","SSH_AUTH_SOCK":"/private/tmp/","TMPDIR":"/var/folders/r7/f0qh27rn207bwwvt3s7v5gh40000gn/T/","USER":"guenther","VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT":"vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess","VSCODE_CODE_CACHE_PATH":"/Users/guenther/Library/Application Support/Code/CachedData/d78a74bcdfad14d5d3b1b782f87255d802b57511","VSCODE_CRASH_REPORTER_PROCESS_TYPE":"extensionHost","VSCODE_CWD":"/","VSCODE_HANDLES_UNCAUGHT_ERRORS":"true","VSCODE_IPC_HOOK":"/Users/guenther/Library/Application Support/Code/1.94-main.sock","VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG":"{\"userLocale\":\"en-us\",\"osLocale\":\"en-us\",\"resolvedLanguage\":\"en\",\"defaultMessagesFile\":\"/Applications/Visual Studio\",\"locale\":\"en-us\",\"availableLanguages\":{}}","VSCODE_PID":"62448","XPC_FLAGS":"0x0","XPC_SERVICE_NAME":"","XUVTOP":"/Users/guenther/data/CHIANTI","_":"/Applications/Visual Studio","__CFBundleIdentifier":"","__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING":"0x1F5:0x0:0x0","ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE":"1","PATH":"/Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin:/Users/guenther/mambaforge/condabin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/","PYTHONPATH":"/Users/guenther/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2024.17.2024100801-darwin-arm64/python_files","TEST_RUN_PIPE":"/var/folders/r7/f0qh27rn207bwwvt3s7v5gh40000gn/T/python-test-discovery-1b6bd02372a78dfc05aa.sock"}
2024-10-08 07:10:55.998 [info] > python -m pytest -p vscode_pytest --collect-only
2024-10-08 07:10:55.998 [info] cwd: .
2024-10-08 07:10:56.064 [error] /Users/guenther/mambaforge/bin/python: No module named pytest

2024-10-08 07:10:56.067 [error] Subprocess exited unsuccessfully with exit code 1 and signal null on workspace /Users/guenther/code/sherpa.
2024-10-08 07:10:56.068 [error] Subprocess exited unsuccessfully with exit code 1 and signal null on workspace /Users/guenther/code/sherpa. Creating and sending error discovery payload
2024-10-08 07:10:56.068 [error] pytest test discovery error for workspace:  /Users/guenther/code/sherpa 

 The python test process was terminated before it could exit on its own, the process errored with: Code: 1, Signal: null for workspace /Users/guenther/code/sherpa
wohenbushuang commented 1 week ago

not work for v2024.17.2024101101 (pre-release) @anthonykim1

zljubisic commented 1 week ago

I can confirm presence of the problem. I tried to use different python extension versions (including prelease too) with no luck. I have just installed latest vscode (1.94.2) and pytest 8.3.3 and vscode tries to find pytest in default conda environment instead of project environment that is properly selected. I can execute pytest from the same environment with no problem, everything works.

zljubisic commented 1 week ago

@anthonykim1 please open this issue because it is not closed at all

zljubisic commented 1 week ago

@eleanorjboyd let's continue on this.

jcharlet commented 1 week ago

Hi all, I confirm I have this issue :( and this isn't very pleasant.

@zljubisic @hamogu, do you guys have a workaround for running the tests in VS Code? Is there anything better than running it from the terminal?

ktmud commented 1 week ago

Still seeing this issue, too, after upgrading the python in my python env from py3.9 to py3.10

Fixed this by re-installing vscode.

wohenbushuang commented 1 week ago

Seems it has been fixed in v2024.17.2024101501 (pre-release)

jcharlet commented 1 week ago

Argh, I tried reinstalling, even tried the Insiders version, but I had no luck, this is still happening.

wohenbushuang commented 1 week ago

@jcharlet It is irrelevant with vscode insider. You should switch the python extension to pre-release version.

tvatter commented 1 week ago

Same issue, super annoying

anthonykim1 commented 6 days ago

Hi folks, please give the latest pre-release of Python extension (or v2024.17.2024101501 or higher) a try. This is unrelated to insider or vs code version itself.

zljubisic commented 6 days ago

Yes, there is a solution for it. I am using wsl, so I opened settings and looked for wsl python locator option and set it to "js". Default "native" doesn't work.
