Open stevengibbszions opened 2 years ago
You'll need-to set these using build.args
for them to appear in the Dockerfile build process. You can read more about Dockerfile build args here:
Hope that helps!
@Chuxel - thanks for the reply. I've included the needed variables as build.args as well, but with no luck. Please note, the main container build does work as a result of setting those env variables. It's the secondary build that's trying to build the "features" that's not getting the proxy variables set properly.
"name": "Java 8",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"args": {
// Use the VARIANT arg to pick a Debian OS version: buster, bullseye
// Use bullseye when running on local arm64/Apple Silicon.
"VARIANT": "buster",
// Options
"INSTALL_MAVEN": "true",
"INSTALL_GRADLE": "false",
"NODE_VERSION": "lts/*",
"HTTP_PROXY": "${localEnv:HTTP_PROXY}",
"HTTPS_PROXY": "${localEnv:HTTP_PROXY}",
"http_proxy": "${localEnv:HTTP_PROXY}",
"https_proxy": "${localEnv:HTTP_PROXY}"
FULL LOG -- NOTICE the SECOND docker build, and how the args are not passed.
[2022-02-22T15:20:20.923Z] Remote-Containers 0.217.4 in VS Code 1.64.2 (f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326).
[2022-02-22T15:20:20.923Z] Start: Resolving Remote
[2022-02-22T15:20:20.937Z] Start: Run: ssh 632 /bin/sh -c /bin/sh
[2022-02-22T15:20:20.968Z] Start: Run in host: id -un
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.616Z] devuser
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.617Z] Authorized uses only. All activity may be monitored and reported.
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.617Z] Stop (1649 ms): Run in host: id -un
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.617Z] Start: Run in host: cat /etc/passwd
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.672Z] Stop (55 ms): Run in host: cat /etc/passwd
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.672Z] Start: Run in host: echo ~
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.706Z] /home/devuser
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.706Z] Stop (34 ms): Run in host: echo ~
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.707Z] Start: Run in host: test -x '/home/devuser/.vscode-remote-containers/bin/f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326/node'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.744Z] Exit code 1
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.744Z] Stop (37 ms): Run in host: test -x '/home/devuser/.vscode-remote-containers/bin/f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326/node'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.745Z] Start: Run in host: test -x '/home/devuser/.vscode-server/bin/f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326/node'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.782Z] Stop (37 ms): Run in host: test -x '/home/devuser/.vscode-server/bin/f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326/node'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.782Z] Start: Run in host: test -f '/home/devuser/.vscode-server/bin/f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326/node_modules/node-pty/package.json'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.819Z] Stop (37 ms): Run in host: test -f '/home/devuser/.vscode-server/bin/f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326/node_modules/node-pty/package.json'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.819Z] Start: Run in host: test -f '/home/devuser/.vscode-remote-containers/dist/vscode-remote-containers-server-0.217.4.js'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.855Z] Stop (36 ms): Run in host: test -f '/home/devuser/.vscode-remote-containers/dist/vscode-remote-containers-server-0.217.4.js'
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.892Z] userEnvProbe: loginInteractiveShell (default)
[2022-02-22T15:20:22.893Z] userEnvProbe shell: /bin/bash
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.088Z] userEnvProbe PATHs:
Probe: '/app/jdk/jdk-11/bin:/app/jdk/jdk-11.0.7+10/bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/app/devtools/maven/apache-maven-3.6.2/bin:/app/devtools/gradle/gradle-5.6.3/bin:/home/devuser/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/home/devuser/.krew/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/rh/rh-nodejs8/root/bin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/devuser/.local/bin:/home/devuser/bin:/home/devuser/.krew/bin:/home/devuser/.local/bin:/home/devuser/bin'
Container: None
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.127Z] Setting up container for folder or workspace: /app/git/ibadmin
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.127Z] Host: ssh://632
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.130Z] Start: Check Docker is running
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.130Z] Start: Run in Host: docker version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}}
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.245Z] Stop (115 ms): Run in Host: docker version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}}
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.246Z] Server API version: 1.41
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.246Z] Stop (116 ms): Check Docker is running
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.492Z] Start: Run in Host: git rev-parse --show-cdup
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.576Z] Stop (84 ms): Run in Host: git rev-parse --show-cdup
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.581Z] Start: Run in Host: docker ps -q -a --filter label=vsch.local.folder=/app/git/ibadmin --filter label=vsch.quality=stable
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.670Z] Stop (89 ms): Run in Host: docker ps -q -a --filter label=vsch.local.folder=/app/git/ibadmin --filter label=vsch.quality=stable
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.672Z] Start: Run in Host: docker build -f /app/git/ibadmin/.devcontainer/Dockerfile -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg VARIANT=buster --build-arg INSTALL_MAVEN=true --build-arg INSTALL_GRADLE=false --build-arg NODE_VERSION=lts/* --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy= /app/git/ibadmin/.devcontainer
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.777Z] Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144kB
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.860Z] Step 1/9 : ARG VARIANT="buster"
Step 2/9 : FROM${VARIANT}
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.861Z] ---> 08cfa3490570
Step 3/9 : ARG INSTALL_MAVEN="true"
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.863Z] ---> Using cache
---> ef08a370b889
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.863Z] ---> Using cache
---> 6e0150805e4c
Step 5/9 : ARG INSTALL_GRADLE="false"
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.864Z] ---> Using cache
---> aed9e21cafcb
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.872Z] ---> Using cache
---> eef5654ede8e
Step 7/9 : RUN if [ "${INSTALL_MAVEN}" = "true" ]; then su vscode -c "umask 0002 && . /usr/local/sdkman/bin/ && sdk install maven \"${MAVEN_VERSION}\""; fi && if [ "${INSTALL_GRADLE}" = "true" ]; then su vscode -c "umask 0002 && . /usr/local/sdkman/bin/ && sdk install gradle \"${GRADLE_VERSION}\""; fi
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.872Z] ---> Using cache
---> 5615d367b5e8
Step 8/9 : ARG NODE_VERSION="lts/*"
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.872Z] ---> Using cache
---> f7275c21236a
Step 9/9 : RUN if [ "${NODE_VERSION}" != "none" ]; then su vscode -c "umask 0002 && . /usr/local/share/nvm/ && nvm install ${NODE_VERSION} 2>&1"; fi
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.872Z] ---> Using cache
---> 697f91e43060
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.882Z] Successfully built 697f91e43060
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.882Z] Successfully tagged vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298:latest
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.883Z] Stop (211 ms): Run in Host: docker build -f /app/git/ibadmin/.devcontainer/Dockerfile -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg VARIANT=buster --build-arg INSTALL_MAVEN=true --build-arg INSTALL_GRADLE=false --build-arg NODE_VERSION=lts/* --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy= /app/git/ibadmin/.devcontainer
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.983Z] Preparing to parse declared features and fetch remote features.
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.984Z] Detected local feature set. Continuing...
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.985Z] Start: Run in Host: docker inspect --type image vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.076Z] Stop (91 ms): Run in Host: docker inspect --type image vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.078Z] local container features stored at: c:\Users\z076075\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.217.4\dist\node_modules\vscode-dev-containers\container-features
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.158Z] Start: Run in Host: tar --no-same-owner -x -f -
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.369Z] Stop (211 ms): Run in Host: tar --no-same-owner -x -f -
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.458Z] Start: Run in Host: docker build -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298-features --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg IMAGE_USER=root /tmp/vsch/container-features/0.217.4-1645543224883
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.621Z] Sending build context to Docker daemon 275.5kB
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.634Z] Step 1/8 : ARG
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.635Z] ---> 697f91e43060
Step 3/8 : USER root
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.636Z] ---> Using cache
---> 027c17421b4b
Step 4/8 : COPY . /tmp/build-features/
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.637Z] ---> Using cache
---> 6ba577cdbf15
Step 5/8 : RUN cd /tmp/build-features/local-cache && chmod +x ./ && ./
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.736Z] ---> Running in 7254cd736e38
[2022-02-22T15:20:26.111Z] (*) Script: true /var/run/docker-host.sock /var/run/docker.sock automatic true 20.10
[2022-02-22T15:22:33.370Z] Could not download settings file. Skipping.
[2022-02-22T15:24:40.720Z] curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
[2022-02-22T15:24:40.906Z] The command '/bin/sh -c cd /tmp/build-features/local-cache && chmod +x ./ && ./' returned a non-zero code: 2
[2022-02-22T15:24:40.906Z] Stop (255448 ms): Run in Host: docker build -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298-features --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg IMAGE_USER=root /tmp/vsch/container-features/0.217.4-1645543224883
[2022-02-22T15:24:40.909Z] Command failed: docker build -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298-features --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg IMAGE_USER=root /tmp/vsch/container-features/0.217.4-1645543224883
[2022-02-22T15:24:40.909Z] Exit code 2
Your Dockerfile will need to declare each ARG
and you may need to pass it to your script directly. These are build-time arguments - not env vars in the traditional sense (as described at
Unfortunately without seeing your content I can't give you specifics on exact syntax - if you share that I may be able to be more specific.
you may need to pass it to your script directly
This is not my script, its a script that's run as part of the built-in "feature" offerings from vscode, "docker-from-docker".
My Dockerfile does have the args properly passed in. You can see it in this line from the logs above:
[2022-02-22T15:20:24.672Z] Start: Run in Host: docker build -f /app/git/ibadmin/.devcontainer/Dockerfile -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg VARIANT=buster --build-arg INSTALL_MAVEN=true --build-arg INSTALL_GRADLE=false --build-arg NODE_VERSION=lts/* --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy= /app/git/ibadmin/.devcontainer
The problem is that a secondary process (Docker build) is invoked to enabled the "feature" as defined in the devcontainer.json. You can see that line here:
[2022-02-22T15:20:25.458Z] Start: Run in Host: docker build -t vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298-features --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=vsc-ibadmin-4e2cf3cef36046cf2c7fcdda42c7c298 --build-arg IMAGE_USER=root /tmp/vsch/container-features/0.217.4-1645543224883
It would seem to be the job of the extension to propagate those values to each docker build that it's running. Does that sound right?
@chrmarti @joshspicer it sounds like devcontainer features don't support custom (user-provided) build args today. I can see why it could be problematic, but it also prevents this proxy scenario from working.
Not the same problem, but similar is spirit to piping through Codespaces secrets (see:
I would think supporting both build.args
as well as arbitrary containerEnv
variables as well would be ideal. That would allow developers the most flexibility.
Ah - I missed that this was about a feature. Agreed that is an issue.
Proxy config might be an edge case, could you give Docker's proxy support a try: ? That sets the HTTP_PROXY variables when building an image and when running a container.
The way we thought of passing values into features in general is by adding an option to the feature. build.args
and containerEnv
serve different purposes.
Proxy config might be an edge case
I would argue against this. Soooo many companies use/require the use of a web proxy. I deal with proxy related headaches all the time.
could you give Docker's proxy support a try: ? That sets the HTTP_PROXY variables when building an image and when running a container.
This worked! ❤️ I had set the docker daemon config with the proxy, but not the client config as described here. This is an excellent work-around, however now ALL containers started on this host will get those proxy variables, which may not be desired in some use cases.
The way we thought of passing values into features in general is by adding an option to the feature.
serve different purposes.
That sounds reasonable. Maybe adding build.args
and containerEnv
as overrides in the feature options
object could work?
Proxy config might be an edge case
I would argue against this. Soooo many companies use/require the use of a web proxy. I deal with proxy related headaches all the time.
I agree, I should have said: edge case in the sense that these are config options that depend on the machine's network setup and should not be shared with other machines (that might have different network requirements) as part of the devcontainer.json.
Transferring to vscode-remote-release since I think we landed on this being a feature request for it rather than an issue with a definition in the vscode-dev-containers repository.
could you give Docker's proxy support a try: ? That sets the HTTP_PROXY variables when building an image and when running a container.
This worked! ❤️ I had set the docker daemon config with the proxy, but not the client config as described here. This is an excellent work-around, however now ALL containers started on this host will get those proxy variables, which may not be desired in some use cases.
I would normally expect the network proxy to be the same for all containers. Why do some of your containers require a different or no proxy?
could you give Docker's proxy support a try: ? That sets the HTTP_PROXY variables when building an image and when running a container.
This worked! ❤️ I had set the docker daemon config with the proxy, but not the client config as described here. This is an excellent work-around, however now ALL containers started on this host will get those proxy variables, which may not be desired in some use cases.
I would normally expect the network proxy to be the same for all containers. Why do some of your containers require a different or no proxy?
For me the scenarios that require a proxy are much fewer than don't and only a small amount of resources require a proxy to visit. It's not easy to write a NO_PROXY rule to match most of the resources.
For me the scenarios that require a proxy are much fewer than don't and only a small amount of resources require a proxy to visit. It's not easy to write a NO_PROXY rule to match most of the resources.
Agreed. Usually along with the "Principle of Least Privilege" we only grant access when/if we need it. Some containers running on a host may need proxy enabled, others may not.
:slightly_smiling_face: This feature request received a sufficient number of community upvotes and we moved it to our backlog. To learn more about how we handle feature requests, please see our documentation.
Happy Coding!
I would normally expect the network proxy to be the same for all containers. Why do some of your containers require a different or no proxy?
For example using a SOCKS proxy to allow building a container on a remote host that is fire-walled off from most of the internet. That host already has production containers running that shouldn't use this proxy.
Is there a workaround similar to to turn off SSL verification?
I have a similar problem:
During build, I need to set the proxy to the Docker host by adding -add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway
to the build. As this is not yet supported by the specification (proposal:, I need to use initializeCommand
for the whole build. Everything passed there to the build is of course not passed when features are added in the end (which rely on the added host for the proxy).
Are there any workarounds for this? Or better, to pass any setting to the container while adding features?
My problem above is now solved with the options
property (passing arguments to the initial build command) but the original issue from this topic remains: The container started for additional features does not have any environment variables, build options or arguments available. Is there already any progress regarding this?
Edit: While playing around I found a possibility: When using DevContainer CLI, it seems that the build arguments are in fact passed when building the image with features, so I did the following:
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"args": {
"http_proxy": "${localEnv:http_proxy}",
"https_proxy": "${localEnv:https_proxy}",
"no_proxy": "${localEnv:no_proxy}"
with this, the proxy from the host is also used when building the image.
I have the same issue, if I set the proxy on the host machine it works perfectly but not through the docker proxy configuration.
Any ideas/plans how this should be solved? How i use the proxy from the docker daemon?
When trying to add the "docker-in-docker" and/or the "docker-from-docker" feature to my dev container, it attempts to download using the apt-get package manager. I have specified the required PROXY env variables in my JSON file, however those settings do not propogate to the docker build for that step. Is there a work around?
Steps to Reproduce:
See Logs for connect timeout cause proxy is required in my env: