microsoft / vscode-remote-release

Visual Studio Code Remote Development: Open any folder in WSL, in a Docker container, or on a remote machine using SSH and take advantage of VS Code's full feature set.
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Extension exhausts remote RAM #9996

Open Dilrevx opened 2 weeks ago

Dilrevx commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue as #9821 . I run vscode for merely 2 hours and it consumes all swap space.

### Tasks
mliudev commented 1 week ago

I also have the same issue. I notice in the devcontainers container log I get a large number of these messages. Since I use docker desktop for Mac I see that my CPU usage spikes to 600% (6 CPUs allotted) and ram to the maximum allocated as well (~8 gigs). This will sometimes also crash the docker engine and I have to force quit the docker engine in activity monitor and restart.

These messages fill the entire dev container container log:

[1992 ms] Port forwarding connection from 54779 > 54767 > 58335 in the container.
[1993 ms] Start: Run in container: /home/node/.vscode-server/bin/5437499feb04f7a586f677b155b039bc2b3669eb/node -e 
[1993 ms] Port forwarding connection from 54780 > 54767 > 58335 in the container.
[1993 ms] Start: Run in container: /home/node/.vscode-server/bin/5437499feb04f7a586f677b155b039bc2b3669eb/node -e 


    "name": "Node.js & TypeScript",
    // Or use a Dockerfile or Docker Compose file. More info:
    "image": "",
    "runArgs": ["--network=host"],
    "customizations": {
        "vscode": {
            "extensions": [
            "settings": {
                "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib",
                "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true,
                "[scss]": {
                    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
                "remote.localPortHost": "allInterfaces",
                "cssModules.pathAlias": {
                    "@/common": "${workspaceFolder}/src/common",
                    "@/app": "${workspaceFolder}/src/app"
                "search.exclude": {
                    "**/.git": true,
                    "**/.svn": true,
                    "**/.hg": true,
                    "**/CVS": true,
                    "**/.DS_Store": true,
                    "**/Thumbs.db": true,
                    ".next": true,
                    "node_modules": true
    "features": {
        "": {}
mliudev commented 1 week ago

Curious but why was #9821 closed? It very closely resembles my issues.

Dilrevx commented 1 week ago

Also curious about why #9821 was closed. I opened this issue only for further discussion on #9821.

roblourens commented 1 week ago

@Dilrevx are you also using Dev Containers or another remote extension?

Would be helpful if you can check which processes are using high CPU and memory using px

mliudev commented 1 week ago

For me it's the same as in this picture:

Also I'm using devcontainers and it happens when using the Devcontainers: rebuild container command in VSCode command palette action.