Open q11g opened 5 years ago
If it's because the /bin
folder would be generated by VSCode Java extension, I think the feature request makes sense.
However, for sake of transparency and consistency, the extension has the same behavior with . So I think spring-io/ would be a better place for this feature request.
To reproduce the issue, just create a gradle project with Spring Initializr with latest Code.
Here is the .gitignore file: .gradle /build/ !gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
.apt_generated .classpath .factorypath .project .settings .springBeans .sts4-cache
IntelliJ IDEA
.idea .iws .iml *.ipr /out/
/nbproject/private/ /nbbuild/ /dist/ /nbdist/ /.nb-gradle/
By default, it would be ideal to generate .gitignore file to exclude bin directory. Thanks.