microsoft / vscode-tools-for-ai

Azure Machine Learning for Visual Studio Code, previously called Visual Studio Code Tools for AI, is an extension to easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models to the cloud or the edge with Azure Machine Learning service.
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Connecting VSCode Desktop (Locally) to Azure Studio Compute Instance through Azure Machine Learning Extension #2402

Open aiplayer93 opened 5 days ago

aiplayer93 commented 5 days ago

Expected Behavior

Expecting connection to the Azure Studio Compute instance

Actual Behavior

Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: request to https://... failed, reason: getaddringo ENOTFOUND)

request to https://... failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND


Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Azure Studio Compute Instance
  2. Linux 24.06.10 in Compute Instance
  3. Azure Machine Learning 0.48.0
  4. Azure Machine Learning Remote 0.48.0


sevillal commented 3 days ago

@aiplayer93 thanks for filing this issue. I have couple of follow up questions:

  1. Is this Azure ML workspace secured with private link?
  2. Are you able to access JupyterLab from the Azure ML Studio?
aiplayer93 commented 3 days ago
  1. Yes the Azure ML is secured with private link/private endpoint
  2. Yes Thanks for the help!
sevillal commented 18 hours ago

@aiplayer93 thanks for those details and sorry for the inconvenience this issue is causing to you.

Are you open to have a quick triage call with us? If so, please email me to and I can schedule some time with the team to solve your issue.

aiplayer93 commented 17 hours ago

Sure I will send you an email