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Add support for vertical tabs #108264

Open santiagopuentep opened 3 years ago

santiagopuentep commented 3 years ago

Add a big boost in developer productivity by adding support for vertical tabs for files. This is a basic feature in most browsers and is requested by many users.

Tabs are one of the most used features in VSCode in my opinion and improving them has a direct and strong impact in productivity. It would allow for many more tabs to be opened at the same time, without having to scroll them all the time, and could open up possibilities like grouping or archiving in the future.

Duplicates of this issue (that were closed for some reason) have 57 upvotes combined:

25 upvotes: 28 upvotes: 4 upvotes:

The following extension has almost 10,000 installs, but it requires a hack to work (I couldn't do it):

ManuGraiph commented 2 years ago

@LukeTowers That's how i use vs code, but it's not the same, one thing is tabs on the side, another is the open editors. Im just asking what's the status of it.

CoolCmd commented 2 years ago

There is one thing that prevents using Open Editors as a vertical tabs: a single click does not transfer focus to the editor. It is very uncomfortable.

byberkan commented 2 years ago

what is the status of this? Still in backlog? Already in progress? Postponed? Deprecated? It was about 2 years ago since was mentioned added to backlog.

Syndog commented 1 year ago

Commenting to keep this alive. This would greatly enhance the VS Code experience! 👍

mqiezi commented 1 year ago

It is recommended to learn the vertical tabs and tab grouping of edge, which is really a productivity tool.

shaqaruden commented 1 year ago

how is this not done yet?

dvakatsiienko commented 1 year ago

If it would be possible to upvote for this one again, I would do that.

luandiego7 commented 1 year ago

Commenting to keep this alive². I'd love vertical tab.

Ta4i commented 1 year ago

The absence of Vertical tabs is still a show-stopper for me

npoggenburg commented 1 year ago

The editor is great.

Reducing the screen height by another 2-4 tab rows on a laptop makes it really hard to use. An integration like in intellij's phpstorm is highly requested.

Keep up the good work with the editor! Its such a good product for beeing free <3

frontendbro commented 1 year ago

It looks like they scored on the feature, it's a pity, it's very lacking

Bec-k commented 1 year ago

At least make a dropdown of all tabs, without anything else in it, like in ctrl + p.

ofek commented 1 year ago

@bpasero As mentioned in, is this now being assessed?

vlascik commented 1 year ago

Just as a note to everyone requesting this feature for 2+ years now - not only it is possible to do this, I've already done it as an extension (kind of). Along with other features like regexps for tab titles and more.

Here's the problem though - while it works well enough for me:

  1. it's hard to set up and not documented
  2. it's all or nothing for my needs, and not easily customizable
  3. still misses some work to be user-friendlier.

Unfortunately, I don't use VS Code (part of the reason being vertical tabs, but there are others), and I've sunk way too much time into this already, with probably weeks of effort left.

I don't have that much spare time for this, and as I don't use VS Code, I'm not exactly inclined to forgo my next vacation for this.

That leaves me with basically three options:

  1. I just put it on GH and hope someone else can make sense of it and finish it.
  2. I make it a paid addon (something symbolic, like $3 or $5 - I know VS code is free, but I'm not exactly Microsoft), and make sure it stays functional and supported along with VS Code updates.
  3. Just roll the dice, finish it and rely on individual donations. Which, seeing how even some really large corporations have problems supporting open-source that makes them billions, makes me question if it isn't just a futile proposition, for such a niche project (even though with a big productivity win for people that need it).


bstst commented 1 year ago

Opensource it. But it's going to be a mess, and won't work reliably as a plugin. I had a look at the vscode interface code — it's simply not designed with the ability to implement vertical tabs. That's why no one is saying it will be done at all. The estimate is too big.

the0neWhoKnocks commented 1 year ago

Just as a note to everyone requesting this feature for 2+ years now - not only it is possible to do this, I've already done it as an extension (kind of). Along with other features like regexps for tab titles and more.

Here's the problem though - while it works well enough for me:

  1. it's hard to set up and not documented
  2. it's all or nothing for my needs, and not easily customizable
  3. still misses some work to be user-friendlier.

Unfortunately, I don't use VS Code (part of the reason being vertical tabs, but there are others), and I've sunk way too much time into this already, with probably weeks of effort left.

I don't have that much spare time for this, and as I don't use VS Code, I'm not exactly inclined to forgo my next vacation for this.

That leaves me with basically three options:

  1. I just put it on GH and hope someone else can make sense of it and finish it.
  2. I make it a paid addon (something symbolic, like $3 or $5 - I know VS code is free, but I'm not exactly Microsoft), and make sure it stays functional and supported along with VS Code updates.
  3. Just roll the dice, finish it and rely on individual donations. Which, seeing how even some really large corporations have problems supporting open-source that makes them billions, makes me question if it isn't just a futile proposition, for such a niche project (even though with a big productivity win for people that need it).


Live your life and don't think about this missing feature for the time being. As they mentioned, the feature request will go through another voting stage next year and hopefully we (the public) can get it pushed through this time.

mwilsongit commented 1 year ago

I just started at a new company. They are hiring a few people and the only current dev is using PHPStorm just like me at my last job. We were very close to switch to VSCode because it is getting more popular in our community. It is funny to think that such a simple feature had a good impact in our decision. We are now going to use PHPStorm!

manake commented 1 year ago

I currently have 21 tabs open and it's impossible to work efficiently with current tabs UI:

IMO, the best solution would be:

  1. Implement hierarchical (grouped) and colored tabs like Chrome has: how-to-use-tab-groups-in-google-chrome
  2. Implement ability to set custom favicon for each tab. (This probably sounds weird to you but it's actually a great idea IMO despite being weird.)
  3. Implement vertical tabs option.

These extensions have various forms of manual drag and drop and coloring and grouping functionality but they are not ideal because they require a separate sidebar panel and they lack integration with tabs bar:

tpougy commented 1 year ago

Guys, I think that this tutorial solves part of the problem: I'm using it and it has been quiet good until now.

RokeJulianLockhart commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, @tpougy, I can't seem to force both sidebars to one side (left):

image image

huyz commented 1 year ago

I can't seem to force both sidebars to one side

Yeah that's why I'm not using this workaround

frontendbro commented 1 year ago

The most convenient location of tabs, for me image

dvakatsiienko commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to have both views, an explorer and a tab list editor in the same area, on right side. This way, main view with opened editor would not jump left and right when closing and opening explorer (CMD + SHIFT + B)

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 10 48 47@2x

RokeJulianLockhart commented 1 year ago

@frontendbro, @huyz, and @dvakatsiienko,

ckcd commented 11 months ago

Commenting to keep this alive.

mwilsongit commented 10 months ago

Wow im still receiving email about this. It hasnt been implemented yet! ahahha

LukeTowers commented 10 months ago

My comment seems to be hidden in the mass again, but it's really not that hard to change a couple settings yourself and get 90% of the way there, so reposting it again here.

After reading through this thread I've applied the following settings to my VSCode to achieve the result I was looking for which is basically vertical tabs (but slightly better because the extra functions in the Open Editors pane is pretty nice).

    "workbench.sideBar.location": "left",
    "explorer.openEditors.visible": 40,
    "explorer.openEditors.sortOrder": "alphabetical",
    "workbench.editor.showTabs": false

I then moved my Open Editors pane into the Side Panel on the right and I have the following result:

Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 11 53 41 AM
bstst commented 10 months ago

It's a hack at most, and does not replace the tabs. Everyone knows these workarounds. They don't cut it.

ofek commented 10 months ago

@LukeTowers Are there key bindings to cycle previous/next editor like with tabs? Also if you remove the sort order option does it retain the manual order?

LukeTowers commented 10 months ago

Never tried, so I'm not sure. It works well enough for me 🤷 I jump between so many files all the time that I don't care to spend any time manually sorting them.

zezba9000 commented 10 months ago

The best tab system is whats supported in VS 2022. Where it separates open tabs by what library they are from. This allows for a ton of tabs to be open without confusion for more complex working situations. Very useful for Unity3D when lots of open scripts is common. image

KeithWM commented 8 months ago

My comment seems to be hidden in the mass again, but it's really not that hard to change a couple settings yourself and get 90% of the way there, so reposting it again here.

After reading through this thread I've applied the following settings to my VSCode to achieve the result I was looking for which is basically vertical tabs (but slightly better because the extra functions in the Open Editors pane is pretty nice).

    "workbench.sideBar.location": "left",
    "explorer.openEditors.visible": 40,
    "explorer.openEditors.sortOrder": "alphabetical",
    "workbench.editor.showTabs": false

I then moved my Open Editors pane into the Side Panel on the right and I have the following result: Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 11 53 41 AM

Maybe I missed something, but for me to get this to work I had to

  1. Change the .vscode/settings.json
  2. Select View > Appearance > Secondary Side Bar
  3. Use the Command Pallette (Ctrl + Shift + P) to "Focus on Open Editors View" to get the view to appear in the Primary Side bar
  4. Drag that view into the Secondary Side Bar.

I do hope this is enough to stop me from going slowly crazy over never being able to find my tabs...

bstst commented 8 months ago

Maybe I missed something, but for me to get this to work I had to

  1. Change the .vscode/settings.json
  2. Select View > Appearance > Secondary Side Bar
  3. Use the Command Pallette (Ctrl + Shift + P) to "Focus on Open Editors View" to get the view to appear in the Primary Side bar
  4. Drag that view into the Secondary Side Bar.

I do hope this is enough to stop me from going slowly crazy over never being able to find my tabs...

still not on-par with jetbrains.

alanxp commented 7 months ago

Sorry to bump this, but we really need this feature

zezba9000 commented 7 months ago

Sorry to bump this, but we really need this feature

FYI you can get this by using the "Open Editors" view on the right. However top tabs still show up but at least it works. image

However is not nearly as nice as VS 2022 version which organizes by .csproj image

alanxp commented 7 months ago

Sorry to bump this, but we really need this feature

FYI you can get this by using the "Open Editors" view on the right. However top tabs still show up but at least it works. image

However is not nearly as nice as VS 2022 version which organizes by .csproj image

that is not vertical tabs. That shows ALL groups, and i dont want to see the others groups tabs.

One group i use it for my backend info, another for my frontend, another for my admin panel.

i switch fast with CMD + # number, and i would like to have the tabs of that group vertically instead of horizontal

rrmistry commented 7 months ago

Sorry to bump this, but we really need this feature

👋 Hi @alanxp would you be willing to sponsor a VS Code extension that gives you the functionality you are looking for (as grouping by C# projects as @zezba9000 showed in VS 2022)?

We can attempt to build a small VS Code extension that helps with this, as surely many other users can also benefit from this.

Cc: @msuthar09 if interested in contributing

goyalyashpal commented 7 months ago

hi all!

it would allow even this workaround to be toolable and easily shareable :-)

upvote that issue if you too want to be able to share this "hack" meanwhile in a copy-pasteable form with your peers or project wide configurations 😃

for those who want this "open editors" tab to be isolated, but are disappointed by primary/secondary bars at different side: that issue can help you too: upvote and comment about being able to assign shortcut to custom tabs.

/cc @santiagopuentep @pilattebe @LukeTowers @RokeJulianLockhart @dvakatsiienko @KeithWM

> ... improving panels to to be able to place them on a new column (for example a column with all the panels and one with the Opened Editors panel) or to the other side of the screen (to have some to the right and some to the left) I think could be a great way to solve vertical tabs + adding new possibilities for the other panels too. > \- @ santiagopuentep at > Open Editors can now be pinned on the side since 1.64 (January 2022). > \- @ pilattebe at > ... moved my Open Editors pane into the Side Panel on the right > \- @ LukeTowers > > !\[Screenshots] > \- @ RokeJulianLockhart at > \- @ dvakatsiienko at > Maybe I missed something, but for me to get this to work I had to ... Drag that view into the Secondary Side Bar. > \- @ KeithWM
dehengxu commented 6 months ago

Thanks your idea, Drag "open editors" to side bar or bottom bar could resolve this issue

hi all!

it would allow even this workaround to be toolable and easily shareable :-)

upvote that issue if you too want to be able to share this "hack" meanwhile in a copy-pasteable form with your peers or project wide configurations 😃

for those who want this "open editors" tab to be isolated, but are disappointed by primary/secondary bars at different side: that issue can help you too: upvote and comment about being able to assign shortcut to custom tabs.

/cc @santiagopuentep @pilattebe @LukeTowers @RokeJulianLockhart @dvakatsiienko @KeithWM


steamhammer commented 5 months ago

Bumping the feature request once again.

JodokF commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to configure the vertical height of the Open Editor tabs? They are too small for me... Judging by this issue from 2.5 years ago, there isn't...

RokeJulianLockhart commented 4 months ago

@JodokF, that's irrelevant to this issue.

WilmarE commented 4 months ago


alanxp commented 4 months ago

@JodokF, that's irrelevant to this issue.

Thank you

625781186 commented 4 months ago

What's the fuck ? 4 years have passed and it still hasn’t happened ?

huyz commented 4 months ago


What's the fuck ? 4 years have passed and it still hasn’t happened ?

PRs welcomed

zezba9000 commented 4 months ago

What's the fuck ? 4 years have passed and it still hasn’t happened ?

vscode really isn't an IDE as it has no way to extend new proj templates in an appropriate way with full UI features or extend the text editor without reinventing the wheel I'm guessing in many aspects. It also has no UI for lang specific settings in the way someone might want and the endless fragmentation in the launch.json or in .vscode folder in general is something I should never have to touch in an IDE (like .vs, .idea, folders etc). As these are environment IDE config files that shouldn't be pushed to Git yet they are so verbose you might want to. I'd honestly just support Rider IDE at this point. MS discissions around IDEs seems to be driven my TS/JS devs who forgot what an actual lang needs in this space. Thats my feeling at least.

Its really sad to. I can go back to old Ubuntu versions and install MonoDevelop which was a fully featured C# IDE + many other langs done correctly (C/C++ is way easier to get working in MonoDev). MS basically bought competition then shut it down. I've followed this for so long I've heard all the excuses.

At the end of the day if you want to get work done outside Windows, use Rider. MS is really just doing IP damage at this point IMO when it comes to IDEs. C# as a lang luckily has been better managed.

For example just look how nice this was 10 years ago for C#, C++, Python etc. Its an actual GPL fully features IDE. And MS killed it. Its very very annoying. image image image image image image

625781186 commented 4 months ago


What's the fuck ? 4 years have passed and it still hasn’t happened ?

PRs welcomed

No, This is what the official should implement !

huyz commented 4 months ago


No, This is what the official should implement !

How much did you pay for the customer support you're demanding? You should either contribute money or code.

625781186 commented 4 months ago


No, This is what the official should implement !

How much did you pay for the customer support you're demanding? You should either contribute money or code.

I choose not to use vscode .