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How to send custom event from Debug Adapter to vscode client? #113538

Closed Abbyyan closed 3 years ago

Abbyyan commented 3 years ago
  1. I'm working with a debug extension. When the debugger show some output , such as open document, i want to get the info on the vscode side and use vscode API to open a document. But how can i achieve this please? Read from BreakpointEvent, is there any method to define a custom event and custom the event on the vscode(client ) side please? If so , where should i define the vscode event please? Thanks a lot.
  2. Find from, there is a customRequest . Does this means i can send a custom request from Debug Adapter to vsocde(client)? If so, how i can handle how to deal with the request on the client side please? Thanks a lot.
Abbyyan commented 3 years ago

Should i send a custom event from DA and receive on the vscode client using onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent just like

Abbyyan commented 3 years ago

Find this one. I've send an event in my DA like

// DebugAdapter.ts
const customEvent = { event: "customEvent", body: ["testsRoot"] } as DebugProtocol.Event;

and receive it on the vscode side

// extension.ts
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.debug.onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent((e) => {
        vscode.window.showInformationMessage('onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent!!!!!!' + e.event);

And the log shows i've enter the customEvent function in DA, but i can't see the info from vscode size. Could you please give me some suggestions if possible. Thanks a lot.

Abbyyan commented 3 years ago

The issue really helps me a lot. shows a detailed usage of onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent . The reason of onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent above is because i set the activationEvents in package.json only on commands and want to test it on Debug. Add onDebug into activationEvents, it works. Thanks a lot.