microsoft / vscode

Visual Studio Code
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September Iteration Plan #11917

Closed kieferrm closed 7 years ago

kieferrm commented 7 years ago

Endgame Schedule

This plan captures what we work on during September. We are back to our normal 4 week rhythm. We will ship early October.

Not unusual and still noteworthy: We will do several explorations that might or might not result in concrete deliverables in this or later releases.


Mark Description
:runner: work in progress
:hand: blocked task
:muscle: stretch goal for this iteration
:large_blue_circle: more details required
:red_circle: missing issue reference


Issues to address community feedback:

Issues to reduce our engineering debt:

Support/contribute to extensions:

This section lists several engineering/development items that the team identified:

We are continuously exploring options and ideas. Some might make it into future releases.

felixfbecker commented 7 years ago

PHP - investigate how and where to contribute @mousetraps

I would love to get more contributions, already got some from the Eclipse Che folks 🙂

csholmq commented 7 years ago isn't moving very fast apart from debugging features. IntelliSense is largely missing. Perhaps it could use a team boost?

glen-84 commented 7 years ago

:red_circle: Language server - throttle validation when document changes @dbaeumer

This is, if I'm not mistaken.

egamma commented 7 years ago

@glen-84 thanks, I've updated the item.

nevadascout commented 7 years ago

PHP - investigate how and where to contribute @mousetraps

If you're looking for a pure Typescript implementation of a php language server, my project is progressing nicely.

I'm currently adding go to definition functionality and optimising/improving stability

egamma commented 7 years ago

Closing VS Code 1.6 has been pushed to stable.

egamma commented 7 years ago

@daviwil fyi, moving the milestone back to September. We only assign candidate bugs for a recovery build to the recovery milestone.

daviwil commented 7 years ago

Wow... I have no idea how I did that! Certainly wasn't on purpose. Sorry about that!