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[Test UI] [Feature Request] Allow message for skipped() test function #133198

Open JustinGrote opened 2 years ago

JustinGrote commented 2 years ago

@connor4312 Issue Type: Feature Request

In Pester, tests can be skipped/inconclusive for reasons, for instance, because other tests precluded the need, or a flaw in a test made this test be inconclusive, or because a dependent test did not complete successfully.

Today I have to express these as error messages, I would prefer to be able to express it as part of the skipped() method using the same nomenclature as error, and also have a highlight for skipped messages that is a warning color or a gray color. image

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.61.0-insider (0c83ca1ced83259971d80890d93abbe19cbfc992, 2021-09-15T05:16:32.507Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22000 Restricted Mode: No

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jdneo commented 2 years ago

+1 for this.

Maybe the message can be an optional parameter. And make some UI highlight to tell the user that this test case is skipped. Currently, the skipped item will only have a skipped status icon in test explorer. But in the editor gutter, it still displays as a run button, which is a little bit confusing to users.


BDisp commented 2 months ago

Maybe a good solution is to add a "Show Only Skipped Tests" item on the dropdown when the "More Filters..." icon is clicked. Thanks.
