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OOM when editing a javadoc comment #134439

Closed rgoncalves-fuze closed 2 years ago

rgoncalves-fuze commented 2 years ago

Issue Type: Bug

When trying to add a javadoc tag, the window becomes unresponsive and then VSCode crashes with a OOM error. image

The below image shows the window when it becomes unresponsive. I just typed @ and then hit CTRL+SPACE for the options to appear. image

I have started VSCode with the crash-reporter-directory option. Here is the output on the command line. image

The dump file is in this ZIP file:

Here's the file I'm trying to edit:

If I try to open the project again, VSCode becomes unresponsive again and eventually throws the OOM error. If I remove the workspaceStorage folder, I can open the project but anytime I try to edit a Javadoc comment, the OOM error happens again.

VS Code version: Code 1.60.2 (7f6ab5485bbc008386c4386d08766667e155244e, 2021-09-22T12:00:31.514Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19043 Restricted Mode: No

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 x 1992)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
gpu_compositing: enabled
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opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled| |Load (avg)|undefined| |Memory (System)|15.86GB (5.64GB free)| |Process Argv|-n --crash-reporter-id fd0e9858-38d4-421a-b4d6-9b2ac30aa7c3| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
Extensions (66) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- vscode-sql-formatter|adp|1.4.4 vscode-m3u|af4|1.0.0 Bookmarks|ale|13.2.1 markdown-preview-github-styles|bie|0.2.0 npm-intellisense|chr|1.4.0 path-intellisense|chr|2.4.0 bracket-pair-colorizer-2|Coe|0.2.1 quick-html-previewer|dai|1.0.1 vscode-eslint|dba|2.1.25 vscode-springboot-snippets|dev|1.2.0 vuerd-vscode|din|0.9.10 xml|Dot|2.5.1 gitlens|eam|11.6.0 vscode-npm-script|eg2|0.3.22 RunOnSave|eme|0.2.0 filter-line|eve|2.0.1 tortoise-svn|fan|0.1.1 asterisk-config|ffl|1.0.2 shell-format|fox|7.1.0 kotlin|fwc|0.2.23 vscode-lombok|Gab|1.0.1 vscode-pull-request-github|Git|0.30.0 reg|ion|1.0.3 git-last-commit-message|Jan|1.9.0 search-node-modules|jas|1.3.0 svn-scm|joh|2.13.6 vscode-home-assistant|kee|1.21.0 node-module-intellisense|lei|1.5.0 sftp|lix|1.12.9 vscode-JS-CSS-HTML-formatter|lon|0.2.3 camelcasenavigation|map|1.1.3 Kotlin|mat|1.7.1 vscode-docker|ms-|1.17.0 python|ms-|2021.9.1246542782 vscode-pylance|ms-|2021.9.4 jupyter|ms-|2021.8.2041215044 jupyter-keymap|ms-|1.0.0 remote-containers|ms-|0.194.3 remote-ssh|ms-|0.65.8 remote-ssh-edit|ms-|0.65.8 remote-wsl|ms-|0.58.2 vscode-remote-extensionpack|ms-|0.21.0 vscode-boot-dev-pack|Piv|0.1.0 vscode-concourse|Piv|1.28.0 vscode-manifest-yaml|Piv|1.28.0 vscode-spring-boot|Piv|1.28.0 fabric8-analytics|red|0.3.3 java|red|0.82.0 vscode-commons|red|0.0.6 vscode-xml|red|0.18.0 vscode-yaml|red|0.23.0 code-settings-sync|Sha|3.4.3 sonarlint-vscode|Son|2.3.0 code-spell-checker|str|2.0.8 vscodeintellicode|Vis|1.2.14 vscode-java-debug|vsc|0.36.0 vscode-java-dependency|vsc|0.18.8 vscode-java-pack|vsc|0.18.5 vscode-java-test|vsc|0.32.0 vscode-maven|vsc|0.34.0 vscode-spring-boot-dashboard|vsc|0.2.0 vscode-spring-initializr|vsc|0.7.0 vscode-icons|vsc|11.6.0 nodejs-extension-pack|wad|0.1.9 JavaScriptSnippets|xab|1.8.0 vscode-surround|yat|1.2.2
A/B Experiments ``` vsliv368:30146709 vsreu685:30147344 python383:30185418 pythonvspyt602:30300191 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 pythonvspyt639:30300192 pythontb:30283811 pythonvspyt551cf:30345471 pythonptprofiler:30281270 vshan820:30294714 vstes263:30335439 vscoreces:30358480 pythondataviewer:30285071 pythonvsuse255:30340121 vscod805cf:30301675 pythonvspyt200:30340761 binariesv615:30325510 vsccppwtct:30364498 pythonvssor306:30344512 bridge0708:30335490 pygetstartedt2:30371810 dockerwalkthru:30370836 bridge0723:30353136 pythonrunftest32:30373476 pythonf5test824:30373475 javagetstartedt:30364666 pythonvspyt187:30373474 pydsgst2:30361792 vsqsis400:30374798 vsaa593cf:30376535 ```
rgoncalves-fuze commented 2 years ago

@deepak1556 @mjbvz I have done some digging and found that the issue is caused by the @NonNull Lombok annotation. The issue initially manifested itself as I was trying to add a javadoc to the method but it started to happen whenever I just opened this class, regardless if I removed the workspaceStorage folder before starting VS Code (this basically was a way to force VS Code to start without having the class opened). By removing that annotation, I can now edit the class without any OOM. Let me know if you need any further info from me.

mjbvz commented 2 years ago

This sounds like an issue with the java extension (or one of your other extensions). Please start by filing an issue against it