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Alt + Click to open (or follow) the link #140185

Closed lamyergeier closed 1 year ago

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes/No

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to terminal and type echo ""
  2. Press Alt along with left key of the mouse. The url doesn't open. Instead File Menu in the Menu bar becomes active.

I could not find any settings to change this behavior. May be this is a bug? Same behavior happens, when markdown reference links in a document is clicked, the File menu becomes active instead of following the link.

ArturoDent commented 2 years ago

Does Ctrl+click work better for you?

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@ArturoDent Ctrl+click does not work. Is it suppose to open Url?

@meganrogge I was using Ubuntu 20.04 before and in that I could do Alt + mouse left click to go url. Now I moved to Linux Mint, and the behavior is changed.

It can't be As Designed as it used to work till yesterday. In the image, one can see that when the cursor moves to a url it shows 'Open file in editor (alt + click)', if it is as designed then what is this pop up?


meganrogge commented 2 years ago

thank you for clarifying

meganrogge commented 2 years ago

can you provide me with your settings.json please?

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

Please look at Settings.json

Tyriar commented 2 years ago

Doesn't repro on Ubuntu as you say. So I guess it's something with Mint.

These are the important settings:

"editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd",
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"

FYI @sbatten in case you're aware of alt misbehaving on Linux Mint.

sbatten commented 2 years ago

not aware of anything, but @anishmittal2020 does the issue repro with window.titleBarStyle => native? if so, this is probably beyond my realm of knowledge

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@sbatten I did window.titleBarStyle = native, as you said. I am observing the same behavior. You can see in the following image after I had clicked the link on the terminal (path to a directory), File in the menu bar gets highlighted (it is surrounded by red)


sbatten commented 2 years ago

cc @deepak1556 as he may have seen this as well

Abrifq commented 2 years ago

Quick summary question: are you using XFCE by any chance? I had the same issue in XFCE.

Long testing method:

Can you try Menu>Selection>Switch to Alt+Click for Multi-Cursor and try Ctrl+Clicking?

(Using Alt+Click for multi cursor will make Follow Link shortcut Ctrl+Click)

If that works, I also need you to try this to follow link:

  1. Make sure multi-cursor shortcut is Ctrl+Click (a.k.a. it says "Switch to Alt+Click for Multi-Cursor" in the Selection menu)
  2. Click on the link, do not let go or move your cursor.
  3. Press and hold Alt.
  4. Release click.

If this follows the link, then I'm sorry to tell it's a Windows Manager issue. If this happens, you probably can move your windows via Alt+Click and dragging.

Switching to another wm or disabling alt+click to move windows might fix your issue. Alternatively, you can change to Alt+Click for Multi-Cursor if you don't like to use it by clicking anyway.

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@Abrifq I am using Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon.

Abrifq commented 2 years ago

Ok, have you tested the "Long testing method" part?

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@sbatten Any updates on this? Still facing it in version 1.66.1. Also, the links in editor of markdown files doesn't work

Abrifq commented 2 years ago

Could you test it with this, again? @anishmittal2020

Long testing method:

Can you try Menu>Selection>Switch to Alt+Click for Multi-Cursor and try Ctrl+Clicking?

(Using Alt+Click for multi cursor will make Follow Link shortcut Ctrl+Click)

If that works, I also need you to try this to follow link:

  1. Make sure multi-cursor shortcut is Ctrl+Click (a.k.a. it says "Switch to Alt+Click for Multi-Cursor" in the Selection menu)
  2. Click on the link, do not let go or move your cursor.
  3. Press and hold Alt.
  4. Release click.

If this follows the link, then I'm sorry to tell it's a Windows Manager issue. If this happens, you probably can move your windows via Alt+Click and dragging.

Switching to another wm or disabling alt+click to move windows might fix your issue. Alternatively, you can change to Alt+Click for Multi-Cursor if you don't like to use it by clicking anyway.

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

Both of the options are not working. Also, the links in editor of markdown files doesn't work too. But web url (starting with https) work in terminal as well as in editor for markdown files. The relative local path to PWD in Terminal doesn't work, while absolute path works (@Tyriar)!

image In the above image red links don't work while green ones work.

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@Tyriar @Abrifq @sbatten The issue is not present in version 1.63.1. All red and green links in the image in the previous comment work successfully. Something happened in the release 1.63.2 and is still present!

Abrifq commented 2 years ago

@anishmittal2020 can you supply us the markdown file or a sample of it?

The relative local path to PWD in Terminal doesn't work, while absolute path works! That's normal, as the relative path you need should be relative to the workspace folder or the file you are working on. Please show the workspace configuration (folders and related files) too.

If I'm not wrong, you are trying to use footnote links but you didn't set them properly. If it's another extended syntax thing, make sure the extension for it is installed and is currently running. (Press Ctrl+P and then use Developer: Show Running Extensions to make sure it doesn't throw any error).

Footnote links need their destination to be set before they work, can you confirm you a name for the shortcut and supplied a link in footnotes too? An example to valid footnote link should be:

Click [here][google]!


Click here!

I'll also make a sample workspace, so you can try if that works or not.

Abrifq commented 2 years ago

I made an example workspace:

Please download it as ZIP, open the workspace as a folder and test it.

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

Facing same issue in MacOS Monterey.

Abrifq commented 2 years ago

@lamyergeier asking this just to make sure but it's about cmd clicking on links not working, right?

Also, can you send your settings.json file as well?

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@Abrifq What do you mean by cmd clicking?

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    "openInApplication.applications": {
        "html": "wmctrl -s 2; /usr/bin/firefox",
        "md": "wmctrl -s 0; /Users/lamyergeier/bin/marktext-0.13.65-x86_64.AppImage",
        "pdf": [
            //"wmctrl -s 0; /usr/bin/zathura --mode fullscreen "
            //      "/usr/bin/firefox",
            //      "~/opt/foxitreader/FoxitReader",
            //      "/usr/bin/okular",
        "webp": "wmctrl -s 0; /usr/bin/pinta",
        "png": "wmctrl -s 0; /usr/bin/pinta",
        "svg": "wmctrl -s 2; /usr/bin/firefox",
        "csv": "wmctrl -s 0; libreoffice --calc",
        "odt": "wmctrl -s 0; libreoffice --writer",
        "mkv": "wmctrl -s 0; mpv",
        "mp4": "wmctrl -s 0; mpv",
        "mp3": "wmctrl -s 0; mpv",
        "webm": "wmctrl -s 0; mpv"
    "redhat.telemetry.enabled": false,
    "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
    "prettier.enable": false,
    "window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
    "terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": false,
    "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd",
    "workbench.editorAssociations": {
        "*.txt": "default"
    "editor.accessibilitySupport": "off",
    "extensions.autoCheckUpdates": false,
    "shfmt.executablePath": "/usr/local/bin/shfmt"
Abrifq commented 2 years ago

@lamyergeler can you try the workspace in ? your settings.json have "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd" so it should make command+click multi cursor and option+click for opening links

lamyergeier commented 2 years ago

@Tyriar @Abrifq Tested your workspace. It works successfully as you mentioned, but thats not my issue. The behavior changed with VSCODE version 1.63.1 and 1.63.2.

I am not talking about reference links when you click the reference at the bottom. But I am talking about the reference at the top itself!

In with version 1.63.1 one could click: [this link][goes to relTest1] and the editor would scroll to the bottom at the reference. This stopped in 1.63.2

n-pn commented 1 year ago

Hi, alt+click does not work because by default Linux Mint use alt + LClick to move windows around, disable that (or change that to super + LClick) and alt click will work again.

Tyriar commented 1 year ago

I don't think we're going to move on this until proper mouse customization exists in vscode which is tracked in, simply changing it to work ctrl+click will break column selection and we should not bind super. Please up vote that issue as that's a signal we use in prioritization.