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Support a grid layout for editors #14909

Closed Tekbr closed 6 years ago

Tekbr commented 7 years ago

-- Sorry for the English, I used Google Translator --

Leave even better drag and drop, detecting where we point out the window.(#224, #1749).

How does the Atom. I think it's more intuitive.


praveenpuglia commented 7 years ago

@peabnuts123 thats a great idea. I'll try to find something and follow this thread too.

eamodio commented 7 years ago

@praveenpuglia Find Related should support the shortcut key scenario. Unfortunately, it won't work out of the box, as I don't have any built-in rulesets for Angular (but I would love to add them). If you need help setting up the rulesets -- let me know.

bonarja commented 7 years ago

Open multiple editor ?


coddingtonbear commented 7 years ago

Yep, that's an option, @bonarja, and although I understand why you think that might be a helpful solution, I'm afraid it misses the mark. The reason people are requesting this feature isn't that they don't realize they can open up multiple instances; it's that by using multiple instances, you can't use editor features that are shared among multiple buffers (e.g. named clipboards) or allow you to move between buffers that you in your screenshot have displayed in separate editors (e.g. using vim-mode split commands).

alexriedl commented 7 years ago

On top of what @coddingtonbear said, vscode does not support opening the same folder in multiple instances. So for me, your suggestion is not a realistic solution

jimeh commented 7 years ago

@bonarja @coddingtonbear @alexriedl This won't really work for me either, cause I tend to split, switch, close buffers and change their placement all the time as I'm working. And using multiple windows would just be way too slow and cumbersome for fast and continuous switching.

simont789 commented 6 years ago

Another person who need grid view in VSCode 😭

tiagolameira commented 6 years ago

here is also another person who need grid view in VSCode... :)

MichalM1 commented 6 years ago

I need grid layout in VSCode too.

igolskyi commented 6 years ago

...and I also really want this

dk0r commented 6 years ago


peabnuts123 commented 6 years ago

People in this thread +1ing and "I want this too"-ing, please make sure you πŸ‘ the original post so that this Issue gets visibility (issues can be sorted by number of πŸ‘ s).

joshjensen commented 6 years ago

This feature (grid layout) is the only thing holding me back from fully switching away from Atom. I love VSCode, it's fast and I can write plugins using Typescript. Amazing. But this feature is sorely missed and holding me back from fully embracing VSCode.

I am amazed that macOS Touch Bar support made it in before this feature.

Thank you again for all the hard work, it's an amazing app (except for this). Please consider moving this feature up in priority.

(I already +1 the original post as well to show my support ;)

Justus-Maier commented 6 years ago

Still noone assigned :/ Please prioritize this! It's the only feature slowing down mass adoption of vscode ;)

tconroy commented 6 years ago

+1'd and commenting -- really would love to have grid layout for editor windows. Particularly a pyramid layout of one full-width editor top half of screen and two half-width editors on bottom half πŸ‘

poetinha commented 6 years ago

VS Code hackers, any update on this? Please.

sr-ix commented 6 years ago


underscoreHao commented 6 years ago

I really don't understand what's the problem with this feature? The editor supports the needed functionality already, just not both options at the same time. For people like me with a big monitor (43" 4k display) this would be a godsend!

pelotom commented 6 years ago

@underscoreHao one presumes the problem is that it's difficult to implement, however easy it may appear from the outside. Sad that it's not being prioritized though; this has to be the vscode's most-requested feature by a long shot.

Srekel commented 6 years ago

Come on guys. Have none of you worked on a product before? Things don't just appear because a user really wants it to. Clearly they are doing stuff that are apparently higher prioritized - like multiple folders (or for other reasons that aren't exposed to the customers/users). You can sort by πŸ‘ priority on github and you'll see that this is in fact not the most-requested feature - it's in place 11. Chill :)

alxgrtnstrngl commented 6 years ago

VIM and Emacs are both editors that are nearly 20 years old and they support this as do most professional IDE's and even the other electron based editor Atom. Yet VSCode still doesn't support this and is supposedly the best editor. This keeps me from using VSCode as anything but a simple notepad. Does Visual Studio the IDE support this?

edit: This should be marked a bug as it's such a basic feature it's assumed any modern editor supports it. Confirmed from above comments that even Visual Studio IDE supports this. Is this a deliberate choice to hold back the user experience with VSCode to encourage people to move to Visual Studio IDE for the "full experience"? If that's the case I'll stick with VIM, Atom and IntelliJ.

studionebula commented 6 years ago

The lack of grid layout is frustrating to me also. I've used Visual Studio, Atom, Spacemacs, and Vim recently. VS Code is currently my favorite, but the lack of horizontal splits is a serious shortcoming.

jpgls commented 6 years ago

Added a πŸ‘ - I'm in the process of moving my workflow to VS Code, and so far this is the only real pain point I've encountered. (Which is to say, this editor is kind of amazing - so, thank you!)

To echo a few comments above, out of the various editors (and plugins) I've used, my favorite approach to this is by far Origami for Sublime Text.

jreker commented 6 years ago


AmanShurafa commented 6 years ago

Deal breaker for me. Giving up on VS Code for now.

yardenhochman commented 6 years ago

I'd really love to have this feature. Right now I'm using multiple windows and it's not as good. We should ideally be using only one instance to manage code.

jbreadner commented 6 years ago


Related to this discussion, but I haven't seen it explicitly mentioned yet: The limit of 3 editor windows is insufficient for large (4k) monitors. If we're making the editor view layout more flexible, then this should also include removing limits on how many editor windows / rows / columns can be created.

dsovino-alma commented 6 years ago

+1. Switched back to Atom until this is done. IntelliJ pack, Sublime, Atom, Visual Studio, etc., support this. Its kinda the first thing i looked for, specially on my 2560 x 1080 screen. Custom grids it's a most for me.

fiso commented 6 years ago

I can't believe this issue is still not resolved. It's really a must for a code editor! :/

mnedoszytko commented 6 years ago

+1 for me. I come back to vscode because of the next gen concepts and the pure awesomeness of this editor, but after a few hours I come back to sublime+origami, since I work on a 4k monitor and I usually have 4-6 panels open in various layout settings. Unfortunately the 3-tab limit is a deal breaker for me at this moment.

kylealwyn commented 6 years ago

make sure to πŸ‘ the original PR comment if you want this landed. vscode team uses reaction sort to prioritize features.

once this feature drops, i'll never look back. in the meantime, thank you for a fantastic editor!

Darren-Haynes commented 6 years ago

I love VSCode except for the lack of a grid! Grid please :)

Butterflyk77 commented 6 years ago

very need to split editors window!!!! grid layout is best!

OlivierCo commented 6 years ago

hey ok we all agreed that we want this splitting thing. so what next?

MikeGitb commented 6 years ago

Wait for someone on the Microsoft team to tell us why this isn't worked on? And/Or someone with the necessary skills could put together a PR. I can't believe that feature would be particularly hard to implement if you are familiar with the Code base, but I've never written a Line of JS/TS or looked at the codebase, so I might be completely wrong

daniel-ang commented 6 years ago

Speed up development of this please! I've waited over a year for it and can't believe something so basic is not built in and worst still hasn't started. It is very essential for modern application development. Thank you for the nice editor but many of us cannot use it as the main stream editor without the horizontal+vertical split (or grid) function.

tinybike commented 6 years ago

Just chiming in to support this feature. I think developers who are used to environments like Sublime Text that give you almost infinite latitude on how to split up your screen will find migrating to VSCode very unappealing. (Speaking for myself: most of my team uses VSCode, but I personally find it unusable to the lack of horizontal+vertical splitting, so I'm continuing to use Sublime for now.)

ghost commented 6 years ago

More support here! I'm really excited for this feature to happen. I bet half of the people watching this case, including myself, would jump at the chance to implement this and certainly have the skills and qualifications to do so. I don't understand what's taking so long to prioritize this now that VSCode is so optimized, streamlined, and well adopted, but with only 7 PRs unassigned right now, I can't say that it looks like you're slacking :)

In the meantime, I'll keep putting miles on Sublime, and I'll look forward to trying VSCode again when it lets me efficiently use my whole monitor for code without opening a murder of electron runtimes

fppgodinho commented 6 years ago

Please make this a reality

MikeGitb commented 6 years ago

@kieferrm: Could you at least say something about why this hasn't made the cut yet? not enough upvotes? Too difficult to implement? Just forgotten?

Justus-Maier commented 6 years ago

not enough upvotes?

Don't think so, it's top5 issue, only "floating windows" has more upvotes and is also unassigned (#10121, they relate in usage of the drag&drop). I guess its not just a little bit of work and this issue was solved halfway at some point (we have horizontal and vertical splits, but not both at the same time ;) We need the combination for high resolution monitors though - please make it happen! :)

mbrammer commented 6 years ago

Would be happy to see this soon.

jtackaberry commented 6 years ago

What a bizarre conspiratorial reaction. Given all the things that VS Code does implement, I rather doubt that grid layout is the one thing Microsoft refuses to add because of cannibalizing from VS Studio.

Let's see your pull request get summarily rejected with no explanation before we start slinging conspiracies.

pelotom commented 6 years ago

Let's see your pull request get summarily rejected with no explanation before we start slinging conspiracies.

And yet, his comment was summarily deleted... not exactly the best way to dispel conspiracy theories.

aberonni commented 6 years ago

@MikeGitb @Justus-Maier according to this comment it seems that 'not enough upvotes' might be the case.


The developers are aware of the importance of this issue, but they use this filter to decide which features are top priority. Make sure to upvote the original issue with a πŸ‘ if you want this feature to be developed.

pelotom commented 6 years ago

The developers are aware of the importance of this issue, but they use this filter to decide which features are top priority. Make sure to upvote the original issue with a πŸ‘ if you want this feature to be developed.

That’s an oft-repeated refrain, but notice that none of the 4 issues with more upvotes is on that agenda either.

alxgrtnstrngl commented 6 years ago

@aberonni @egamma @bpasero The lack of response by the developers is creating a communication issue here and reporters/commenters are feeling frustrated due to a lack of engagement. If the developers could only follow up with a detailed in-depth response it would ease a lot of anxieties.

andradei commented 6 years ago

@alxgrtnstrngl Anxiety is indeed pretty high for this feature, but we shouldn't be too demanding of the devs without knowing what they are actually working on before taking the next big challenge (which this one seems to be).

I anticipate this feature as well. But to me VSCode is still vastly superior than Atom even without it.

colinweight commented 6 years ago


38b3eff8 commented 6 years ago
