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Extension host terminated unexpectedly (always) #154487

Closed ferreteleco closed 2 years ago

ferreteleco commented 2 years ago

Issue Type: Bug

Update to VSCode latest release (June 2022). The extension host crashes almost instantly, displaying the infamous "Extension host terminated unexpectedly 3 times within the last 5 minutes." after retrying reload it.

In the developer tools / extension host log I cannot find any clue on what is happening.

VS Code version: Code 1.69.0 (92d25e35d9bf1a6b16f7d0758f25d48ace11e5b9, 2022-07-07T08:29:47.439Z) OS version: Linux x64 5.13.0-52-generic Restricted Mode: No

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz (8 x 2800)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: disabled_software
video_encode: disabled_software
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled| |Load (avg)|1, 2, 1| |Memory (System)|15.42GB (7.53GB free)| |Process Argv|--unity-launch --crash-reporter-id 6a7732dc-b4a0-4b2d-ae5a-89e8e9ea37a5| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%| |DESKTOP_SESSION|ubuntu| |XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP|Unity| |XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP|ubuntu| |XDG_SESSION_TYPE|x11|
Extensions (156) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- vscode-openapi|42C|4.9.5 calculate|aca|2.1.0 vscode-javascript-repl|ach|0.7.3 commit-message-editor|ada|0.19.7 cppincludeguard|aki|1.6.0 Bookmarks|ale|13.3.0 project-manager|ale|12.6.0 arepl|alm|2.0.3 cpp-helper|ami|0.3.1 snippets-geojson|ana|1.0.0 ascii-tree-generator|apr|1.2.4 Doxygen|bbe|1.0.0 vscode-log-viewer|ber|0.12.2 vscode-doxygen-runner|bet|1.7.3 color-info|bie|0.7.0 docs-view|bie|0.0.11 github-markdown-preview|bie|0.3.0 lit-html|bie|1.11.1 markdown-checkbox|bie|0.3.2 markdown-emoji|bie|0.2.1 markdown-footnotes|bie|0.0.7 markdown-mermaid|bie|1.14.2 markdown-preview-github-styles|bie|1.0.1 markdown-shiki|bie|0.1.1 markdown-yaml-preamble|bie|0.1.0 better-toml|bun|0.3.2 simple-react-snippets|bur|1.2.6 path-intellisense|chr|2.8.1 gitignore|cod|0.7.0 vscode-test-explorer-status-bar|con|1.2.0 vscode-github-actions|csc|0.24.1 doxdocgen|csc|1.4.0 vscode-markdownlint|Dav|0.47.0 vscode-eslint|dba|2.2.6 quicktype-refresh|dog|1.0.2 githistory|don|0.6.19 python-environment-manager|don|1.0.4 es7-react-js-snippets|dsz|4.4.3 gitlens|eam|12.1.1 clipboard-manager|Edg|1.4.2 vscode-npm-script|eg2|0.3.28 LogFileHighlighter|emi|2.16.0 json-tools|eri|1.0.2 vscode-diff|fab|1.4.2 vscode-todo-plus|fab|4.18.4 matlab|Gim|2.3.1 codespaces|Git|1.9.2 remotehub|Git|0.36.0 vscode-pull-request-github|Git|0.46.0 go|gol|0.34.1 todo-tree|Gru|0.0.215 cpp-reference|Guy|0.1.7 timing|Haa|2.7.1 vscode-nginx-conf-hint|han|0.3.0 vscode-systemd-support|han|1.0.1 CppSnippets|har|0.0.15 vscode-test-explorer|hbe|2.21.1 vscode-drawio|hed|1.6.4 asciidecorator|hel|0.2.0 vscode-sort|hen|0.2.5 output-colorizer|IBM|0.1.2 StrSplt|Inn|1.0.0 latex-workshop|Jam|8.27.2 vscode-edit-csv|jan|0.7.1 better-cpp-syntax|jef|1.15.19 snipped|jef|1.2.0 Angular2|joh|13.0.0 changelog-and-markdown-snippets|jos|1.2.1 cmake-language-support-vscode|jos|0.0.4 vscode-smart-split-into-lines|Jul|0.0.1 vscode-python-test-adapter|lit|0.7.1 octaveexecution|Luc|0.3.1 vscode-swissknife|lui|1.6.3 bash-ide-vscode|mad|1.14.0 vscode-catch2-test-adapter|mat|4.2.2 vscode-cookierunner|Mat|1.0.0 caddyfile-support|mat|0.2.0 rainbow-csv|mec|2.4.0 feather-vscode|mel|1.0.0 git-graph|mhu|1.30.0 dotenv|mik|1.0.1 mongodb-vscode|mon|0.9.3 vscode-docker|ms-|1.22.0 vscode-dotnet-runtime|ms-|1.5.0 isort|ms-|2022.3.11861002 python|ms-|2022.10.0 vscode-pylance|ms-|2022.7.20 jupyter|ms-|2022.6.1001902341 jupyter-keymap|ms-|1.0.0 jupyter-renderers|ms-|1.0.8 vscode-jupyter-powertoys|ms-|0.0.4 remote-containers|ms-|0.241.3 remote-ssh|ms-|0.82.1 remote-ssh-edit|ms-|0.80.0 remote-wsl|ms-|0.66.3 cmake-tools|ms-|1.11.26 cpptools|ms-|1.10.8 hexeditor|ms-|1.9.7 remote-repositories|ms-|0.14.0 test-adapter-converter|ms-|0.1.6 vscode-react-native|msj|1.9.2 sqltools|mtx|0.23.0 sqltools-driver-mysql|mtx|0.2.0 sqltools-driver-pg|mtx|0.2.0 sqltools-driver-sqlite|mtx|0.2.0 vs-sequential-number|nep|1.1.0 gremlins|nho|0.26.0 autodocstring|njp|0.6.1 incrementor|nms|1.0.3 printcode|nob|3.0.0 vs-qalc|nor|0.1.11 fix-json|oli|0.1.2 docthis|oou|0.8.2 OPEN-RPC|OPE|1.2.7 material-icon-theme|PKi|4.19.0 platformio-ide|pla|2.5.0 psi-header|psi|1.19.0 text-power-tools|qcz|1.34.0 sqlite-viewer|qwt|0.1.5 geo-data-viewer|Ran|2.5.0 vscode-thunder-client|ran|1.16.6 fabric8-analytics|red|0.3.6 vscode-xml|red|0.21.0 vscode-yaml|red|1.8.0 bash-debug|rog|0.3.9 color-manager|roy|0.7.5 vsmqtt|rpd|1.4.3 codeui|rya|1.0.1 partial-diff|ryu|1.4.3 glassit|s-n|0.2.4 jinjahtml|sam|0.17.0 vscode-fileutils|sle|3.5.0 sonarlint-vscode|Son|3.6.0 vscode-taskexplorer|spm|2.9.1 regexworkbench|ste|2.0.5 code-spell-checker|str|2.2.5 code-spell-checker-spanish|str|2.1.1 geojson-io-for-vscode|swa|0.4.3 teroshdl|ter|2.0.7 vscode-fontawesome-gallery|tom|0.0.7 octave-formatter|tus|2.9.0 cmake|twx|0.0.17 luna-paint|Tyr|0.15.0 windows-terminal|Tyr|0.7.0 tiff-preview|uco|0.0.1 errorlens|use|3.5.1 intellicode-api-usage-examples|Vis|0.1.2 vscodeintellicode|Vis|1.2.22 vscodeintellicode-completions|Vis|1.0.14 vscode-icons|vsc|11.12.0 codetour|vsl|0.0.58 vscode-surround|yat|1.3.0 licenser|ymo|1.9.0 open-in-external-app|YuT|0.5.0 markdown-pdf|yza|1.4.4 markdown-all-in-one|yzh|3.4.3 (2 theme extensions excluded)
textoo commented 2 years ago


got the same problem, just after the June update. here is the devtool console log:

ERR Une erreur système s'est produite (read ECONNRESET): Error: read ECONNRESET
    at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (node:internal/errors:464:5)
    at __node_internal_errnoException (node:internal/errors:594:12)
    at Pipe.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:220:20)
workbench.desktop.main.js:3171 Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. Code: null, Signal: SIGTRAP
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3171
workbench.desktop.main.js:602   ERR Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. No extensions were activated.
workbench.desktop.main.js:602  INFO Automatically restarting the extension host.
workbench.desktop.main.js:3171 Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. Code: null, Signal: SIGTRAP
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3171
workbench.desktop.main.js:602   ERR Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. No extensions were activated.
workbench.desktop.main.js:602  INFO Automatically restarting the extension host.
workbench.desktop.main.js:602   ERR Une erreur système s'est produite (read ECONNRESET): Error: read ECONNRESET
    at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (node:internal/errors:464:5)
    at __node_internal_errnoException (node:internal/errors:594:12)
    at Pipe.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:220:20)
workbench.desktop.main.js:3171 Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. Code: null, Signal: SIGTRAP
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3171
workbench.desktop.main.js:602   ERR Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. No extensions were activated.
workbench.desktop.main.js:808 L’hôte d’extension s’est arrêté de façon inattendue 3 fois au cours des 5 dernières minutes.
aldrichtr commented 2 years ago

same for me right after the june update:

DEBUG User data changed
4workbench.desktop.main.js:602 TRACE CommandService#executeCommand setContext
workbench.desktop.main.js:3171 Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. Code: 3758096392, Signal: null
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3171
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3173
_onExtensionHostCrashOrExit @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3171
(anonymous) @ workbench.desktop.main.js:3171
invoke @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
deliver @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
fire @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
_onExtHostProcessExit @ workbench.desktop.main.js:1964
(anonymous) @ workbench.desktop.main.js:1964
invoke @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
deliver @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
fire @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
J @ workbench.desktop.main.js:544
onResponse @ workbench.desktop.main.js:544
onBuffer @ workbench.desktop.main.js:544
(anonymous) @ workbench.desktop.main.js:544
invoke @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
deliver @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
fire @ workbench.desktop.main.js:82
J @ workbench.desktop.main.js:80
emit @ node:events:390
onMessage @ node:electron/js2c/renderer_init:81
workbench.desktop.main.js:602   ERR Extension host (LocalProcess) terminated unexpectedly. No extensions were activated.
workbench.desktop.main.js:808 Extension host terminated unexpectedly 3 times within the last 5 minutes.
jafin commented 2 years ago

Similar to OP (but Windows 11), reinstalling 1.68.1, and setting updates to manual has provided a workaround for my setup. Something broke in 1.69 for me.

patrickt-oforce commented 2 years ago

@jafin have you a link to download version 1.68.1?

ferreteleco commented 2 years ago

Enjoy yourself

patrickt-oforce commented 2 years ago

@ferreteleco thank you

patrickt-oforce commented 2 years ago

Similar to OP (but Windows 11), reinstalling 1.68.1, and setting updates to manual has resolved my setup. Something broke in 1.69

This solve the error, for me

MoazAlkharfan commented 2 years ago

Yeah, 1.69 broke the extension host for me.

psulek commented 2 years ago

Yeah, 1.69 broke the extension host for me.

same for me.

nafoet commented 2 years ago

Yeah, 1.69 broke the extension host for me.

For me it's the same. The new version completely broke every extension, which do not load anymore.

Vscodium 1.69, however, does not have this problem, with identical setup.

aldrichtr commented 2 years ago

Similar to OP (but Windows 11), reinstalling 1.68.1, and setting updates to manual has resolved my setup. Something broke in 1.69

This resolves the issue for me as well

aldrichtr commented 2 years ago

Not sure if it is significant or not, but my install is 'User', as opposed to 'System'

NemesisRE commented 2 years ago

Same Problem both on Windows and Linux

Extensions ``` ❯ code --list-extensions 13xforever.language-x86-64-assembly aaron-bond.better-comments adamhartford.vscode-base64 akamud.vscode-theme-onedark alefragnani.Bookmarks alefragnani.numbered-bookmarks alefragnani.project-manager AlessandroDelSole.ada atlassian.atlascode basdp.language-gas-x86 bbenoist.Nix bierner.lit-html boyswan.glsl-literal bungcip.better-toml Cardinal90.multi-cursor-case-preserve christian-kohler.path-intellisense codezombiech.gitignore colton.inline-html devkir.elixir-syntax-vscode dmitry-korobchenko.prototxt donjayamanne.githistory dtsvet.vscode-wasm dunstontc.viml dustypomerleau.rust-syntax eamodio.gitlens EditorConfig.EditorConfig emilast.LogFileHighlighter esbenp.prettier-vscode formulahendry.code-runner GeForceLegend.vscode-glsl Gimly81.fortran GitLab.gitlab-workflow golang.go Gruntfuggly.todo-tree guyskk.language-cython hangxingliu.vscode-nginx-conf-hint hashicorp.terraform hediet.vscode-drawio IBM.output-colorizer idleberg.applescript jakebathman.mysql-syntax jeff-hykin.better-c-syntax jeff-hykin.better-cpp-syntax jeff-hykin.better-dockerfile-syntax jeff-hykin.better-go-syntax jeff-hykin.better-js-syntax jeff-hykin.better-objc-syntax jeff-hykin.better-objcpp-syntax jeff-hykin.better-perl-syntax jeff-hykin.better-shellscript-syntax jeff-hykin.better-syntax jep-a.lua-plus johnpapa.vscode-peacock johnstoncode.svn-scm jonwolfe.language-polymer justusadam.language-haskell karunamurti.haml KevinRose.vsc-python-indent korekontrol.saltstack ldez.ignore-files magicstack.MagicPython mariomatheu.syntax-project-pbxproj mattn.Lisp maxird.jinja-fold mechatroner.rainbow-csv mhutchie.git-graph mikestead.dotenv ms-azuretools.vscode-docker MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-de ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools ms-python.python ms-python.vscode-pylance ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack ms-vscode.atom-keybindings ms-vscode.powershell ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-audio ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-pack oderwat.indent-rainbow oscarcs.dart-syntax-highlighting-only PKief.material-icon-theme pranaygp.vscode-css-peek psioniq.psi-header radium-v.better-less rangav.vscode-thunder-client rebornix.prolog redhat.vscode-yaml RoscoP.ActiveFileInStatusBar samuelcolvin.jinjahtml scala-lang.scala Shan.code-settings-sync shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced sidneys1.gitconfig slevesque.shader slhsxcmy.vscode-double-line-numbers stephen-riley.regexworkbench streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker-german syler.sass-indented toasty-technologies.octave usernamehw.errorlens VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode warpnet.salt-lint wayou.vscode-todo-highlight weaveworks.vscode-gitops-tools wholroyd.jinja william-voyek.vscode-nginx wingrunr21.vscode-ruby yzhang.markdown-all-in-one ```
ferreteleco commented 2 years ago

The issue persist after upgrading to 1.69.1

ferreteleco commented 2 years ago

Any update on this @alexdima?

deepak1556 commented 2 years ago

Can you follow the steps from and attach the crash report when the extension host terminates.

nafoet commented 2 years ago

Hi. Here are my *.dmp reports

patrickt-oforce commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, on 1.69.1; that is the dmp reports PS: i'm using linux

deepak1556 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the stack trace, symbolicated version below

Operating system: Windows NT
                  10.0.22000 739
CPU: amd64
     family 6 model 142 stepping 12
     8 CPUs


Crash reason:  Out of Memory
Crash address: 0x7ffe7292474c
Process uptime: 33 seconds

Thread 0 (crashed)
 0  KERNELBASE.dll!RaiseException + 0x6c
    rax = 0x0000000000000001   rdx = 0x00000866031c0788
    rcx = 0x00007ff66bea9301   rbx = 0x2020202020202020
    rsi = 0x0000000000200000   rdi = 0x00007ff670aec900
    rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf   rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9c70
     r8 = 0x00007ff66beb20ff    r9 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    r10 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   r11 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900   r13 = 0x0000000000004000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x0000000000008000
    rip = 0x00007ffe7292474c
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  Code.exe!base::internal::OnNoMemoryInternal [ : 42 + 0x16]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9d50   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d869fa9
    Found by: call frame info
 2  Code.exe!base::TerminateBecauseOutOfMemory(unsigned __int64) [ : 69 + 0x5]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9d80   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d869fc9
    Found by: call frame info
 3  Code.exe!OnNoMemory(unsigned __int64) [ : 17 + 0x8]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9db0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66dc50cb5
    Found by: call frame info
 4  Code.exe!base::PartitionRoot<1>::OutOfMemory(unsigned __int64) [ : 619 + 0x8]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9de0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d8839f5
    Found by: call frame info
 5  Code.exe!partition_alloc::internal::`anonymous namespace'::PartitionOutOfMemoryMappingFailure<1> [ : 39 + 0xb]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9e60   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66c5f3467
    Found by: call frame info
 6  Code.exe!partition_alloc::internal::PartitionBucket<1>::SlowPathAlloc(base::PartitionRoot<1> *,int,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64,bool *) [ : 1014 + 0x2e]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9ea0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66bae4fce
    Found by: call frame info
 7  Code.exe!base::internal::PartitionMalloc [ : 263 + 0x22f]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73f9f70   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66c19e492
    Found by: call frame info
 8  Code.exe!malloc [allocator_shim_override_ucrt_symbols_win.h : 67 + 0x19]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa010   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66c19ded3
    Found by: call frame info
 9  Code.exe!v8::internal::AllocWithRetry(unsigned __int64,void * (*)(unsigned __int64)) [ : 149 + 0x9]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa050   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66be526f5
    Found by: call frame info
10  Code.exe!v8::internal::AccountingAllocator::AllocateSegment(unsigned __int64,bool) [ : 94 + 0xc]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa090   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66be53498
    Found by: call frame info
11  Code.exe!v8::internal::Zone::NewExpand(unsigned __int64) [ : 164 + 0xc]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa0d0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66be5365c
    Found by: call frame info
12  Code.exe!v8::internal::BitVector::BitVector(int,v8::internal::Zone *) [bit-vector.h : 108 + 0x11]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa110   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66be53bbe
    Found by: call frame info
13  Code.exe!v8::internal::compiler::MidTierRegisterAllocationData::MidTierRegisterAllocationData(v8::internal::RegisterConfiguration const *,v8::internal::Zone *,v8::internal::compiler::Frame *,v8::internal::compiler::InstructionSequence *,v8::internal::TickCounter *,char const *) [ : 131 + 0x25]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa140   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d4f27d9
    Found by: call frame info
14  Code.exe!v8::internal::Zone::New<v8::internal::compiler::MidTierRegisterAllocationData,const v8::internal::RegisterConfiguration *&,v8::internal::Zone *,v8::internal::compiler::Frame *,v8::internal::compiler::InstructionSequence *,v8::internal::TickCounter *,const char *> [zone.h : 108 + 0x2c]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa1d0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d5582db
    Found by: call frame info
15  Code.exe!v8::internal::compiler::PipelineData::InitializeMidTierRegisterAllocationData [ : 534 + 0x22]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa250   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d557761
    Found by: call frame info
16  Code.exe!v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::AllocateRegistersForMidTier [ : 3795 + 0xf]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa2e0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d5571b7
    Found by: call frame info
17  Code.exe!v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::SelectInstructions [ : 3474 + 0x11]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa370   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669df1c82
    Found by: call frame info
18  Code.exe!v8::internal::compiler::Pipeline::GenerateCodeForWasmFunction(v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationInfo *,v8::internal::wasm::CompilationEnv *,v8::internal::wasm::WireBytesStorage const *,v8::internal::compiler::MachineGraph *,v8::internal::compiler::CallDescriptor *,v8::internal::compiler::SourcePositionTable *,v8::internal::compiler::NodeOriginTable *,v8::internal::wasm::FunctionBody,v8::internal::wasm::WasmModule const *,int,std::__1::vector<v8::internal::compiler::WasmLoopInfo,std::__1::allocator<v8::internal::compiler::WasmLoopInfo> > *) [ : 3157 + 0x8]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fa620   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669df24fc
    Found by: call frame info
19  Code.exe!v8::internal::compiler::ExecuteTurbofanWasmCompilation(v8::internal::wasm::CompilationEnv *,v8::internal::wasm::WireBytesStorage const *,v8::internal::wasm::FunctionBody const &,int,v8::internal::Counters *,v8::internal::wasm::WasmFeatures *) [ : 8473 + 0x74]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fac00   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669e1fd1e
    Found by: call frame info
20  Code.exe!v8::internal::wasm::WasmCompilationUnit::ExecuteFunctionCompilation [ : 136 + 0x2c]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb010   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669c8ec58
    Found by: call frame info
21  Code.exe!v8::internal::wasm::WasmCompilationUnit::ExecuteCompilation(v8::internal::wasm::CompilationEnv *,v8::internal::wasm::WireBytesStorage const *,v8::internal::Counters *,v8::internal::wasm::WasmFeatures *) [ : 42 + 0x22]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb1f0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669c8e4b5
    Found by: call frame info
22  Code.exe!v8::internal::wasm::`anonymous namespace'::ExecuteCompilationUnits [ : 1500 + 0x42]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb300   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669c9a7e2
    Found by: call frame info
23  Code.exe!v8::internal::wasm::RecompileNativeModule(v8::internal::wasm::NativeModule *,v8::internal::wasm::TieringState) [ : 1946 + 0x10]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb5f0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d442214
    Found by: call frame info
24  Code.exe!v8::internal::wasm::WasmEngine::TierUpAllModulesPerIsolate(v8::internal::Isolate *) [ : 764 + 0x5]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb730   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d466bb6
    Found by: call frame info
25  Code.exe!v8_inspector::V8Debugger::disable() [ : 124 + 0x9]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb850   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669d0570f
    Found by: call frame info
26  Code.exe!v8_inspector::V8DebuggerAgentImpl::disable() [ : 452 + 0x9]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb8d0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669cfbb6c
    Found by: call frame info
27  Code.exe!v8_inspector::V8InspectorSessionImpl::~V8InspectorSessionImpl [ : 155 + 0x8]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fb950   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669d0f4c7
    Found by: call frame info
28  Code.exe!v8_inspector::V8InspectorSessionImpl::~V8InspectorSessionImpl [ : 149 + 0x5]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fba70   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669d11680
    Found by: call frame info
29  Code.exe!node::inspector::`anonymous namespace'::ChannelImpl::~ChannelImpl [ : 242 + 0x3d]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbab0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66a696867
    Found by: call frame info
30  Code.exe!node::inspector::NodeInspectorClient::disconnectFrontend [ : 464 + 0x49]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbb70   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66a696bde
    Found by: call frame info
31  Code.exe!node::inspector::`anonymous namespace'::SameThreadInspectorSession::~SameThreadInspectorSession [ : 940 + 0x3d]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbbd0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66a69693d
    Found by: call frame info
32  Code.exe!node::inspector::`anonymous namespace'::DeletableWrapper<node::inspector::(anonymous namespace)::MainThreadSessionState>::~DeletableWrapper [ : 25 + 0x49]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbc10   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669f9c3f9
    Found by: call frame info
33  Code.exe!std::__1::__hash_table<std::__1::__hash_value_type<int,std::__1::unique_ptr<node::inspector::Deletable,std::__1::default_delete<node::inspector::Deletable> > >,std::__1::__unordered_map_hasher<int,std::__1::__hash_value_type<int,std::__1::unique_ptr<node::inspector::Deletable,std::__1::default_delete<node::inspector::Deletable> > >,std::__1::hash<int>,std::__1::equal_to<int>,1>,std::__1::__unordered_map_equal<int,std::__1::__hash_value_type<int,std::__1::unique_ptr<node::inspector::Deletable,std::__1::default_delete<node::inspector::Deletable> > >,std::__1::equal_to<int>,std::__1::hash<int>,1>,std::__1::allocator<std::__1::__hash_value_type<int,std::__1::unique_ptr<node::inspector::Deletable,std::__1::default_delete<node::inspector::Deletable> > > > >::__erase_unique<int> [__hash_table : 2538 + 0x5f]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbc50   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669f9cdba
    Found by: call frame info
34  Code.exe!node::inspector::`anonymous namespace'::DeleteRequest::Call(inspector::A0x2669B882::MainThreadInterface *) [ : 68 + 0x19]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbcc0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669f9c61c
    Found by: call frame info
35  Code.exe!node::inspector::MainThreadInterface::DispatchMessages [ : 253 + 0x12]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbd00   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669f9b4fa
    Found by: call frame info
36  Code.exe!node::CallbackQueue<void,node::Environment *>::CallbackImpl<`lambda at ../../third_party/electron_node/src/inspector/'>::Call [callback_queue-inl.h : 90 + 0x24]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbd90   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669f9cb9d
    Found by: call frame info
37  Code.exe!node::Environment::RunAndClearInterrupts() [ : 745 + 0x13]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbdd0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66a66b934
    Found by: call frame info
38  Code.exe!node::Environment::RequestInterruptFromV8::<lambda_8>::__invoke [ : 824 + 0x1e]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbe50   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66a67179e
    Found by: call frame info
39  Code.exe!v8::internal::Isolate::InvokeApiInterruptCallbacks() [ : 1628 + 0xf]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbe80   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66d20b561
    Found by: call frame info
40  Code.exe!v8::internal::StackGuard::HandleInterrupts() [ : 331 + 0x8]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fbef0   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff66bbe9b10
    Found by: call frame info
41  Code.exe!v8::internal::Runtime_StackGuardWithGap(int,unsigned __int64 *,v8::internal::Isolate *) [ : 330 + 0x8f]
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fc020   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff669c53c9f
    Found by: call frame info
42  0x7ff5efecd67c
    rbx = 0x2020202020202020   rbp = 0x0000001ce73f9fbf
    rsp = 0x0000001ce73fc120   r12 = 0x00007ff670aec900
    r13 = 0x0000000000004000   r14 = 0x0000000000000000
    r15 = 0x0000000000008000   rip = 0x00007ff5efecd67c
    Found by: call frame info
deepak1556 commented 2 years ago

Out-of-memory when compiling a wasm target. Seems related to the mid-tier register allocator feature of V8 that got enabled in Chromium 100, and

deepak1556 commented 2 years ago

As next step, it would be great if users can narrow down the problematic extension using extension bisect to help us repro the issue.

@alexdima once we know the extension, we can then try to isolate a repro with the extensions' wasm file and report an issue with V8 to investigate this further.

patrickt-oforce commented 2 years ago

As next step, it would be great if users can narrow down the problematic extension using extension bisect to help us repro the issue.

@alexdima once we know the extension, we can then try to isolate a repro with the extensions' wasm file and report an issue with V8 to investigate this further.

When this issue appears in 1.69, i've used the bisect method to find extension that cause problem; but method found no guilty extension

Zankroh commented 2 years ago

For me, Bisect found the faulty extension : Regex Workbench I keep this extension disabled and works great now Thanks :+1:

patrickt-oforce commented 2 years ago

AS @Zankroh i've rerun the extension bisect and seems the RegexWorkbench cause the extension host to fail

nafoet commented 2 years ago

As others have mentioned, I disabled Regex Workbench and now everything works again. Thank you.

ferreteleco commented 2 years ago

As mentioned, extension bisect showed Regex Workbench as the guilty extension. Uninstalling it seems to prevent Extension Host crashes.

deepak1556 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for narrowing down the extension, I also see that users have filed issues with the extension related to this

@alexdima the extension and wasm library it relies hasn't gotten any updates in the last 2 years and the issue seems localized to the wasm file shipped with this extension. I couldn't repro this issue with loading other wasm files (tried anycode extension), I am going to close this issue for now. Can revisit if the extension author needs help in filing an issue with V8.

alexdima commented 2 years ago

I couldn't repro this issue with loading other wasm files (tried anycode extension), I am going to close this issue for now. Can revisit if the extension author needs help in filing an issue with V8.

Is there anything we can do on our side to prevent the crash? Should we also report this to Chromium? If this reproduces in Chromium, it would be possible to write a website which loads this particular WASM and consistently crashes Chromium.