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Javascript type checking through checkJs: true in tsconfig.json does not use local declaration files correctly #156406

Closed sgronblo closed 2 years ago

sgronblo commented 2 years ago

Issue Type: Bug

I am editing a quite simple Javascript file to be served by our backend for use with a static web site. To avoid having to setup a build workflow for it I thought I would use tsc's ability to type check Javascript files.

After a bit of trial and error I can get to the point where running tsc from the command line seems to be working correctly but the error checking inside of VSCode does not work as expected.

I am using an external third party simple global JS module from a CDN. I have added my own custom declaration file for the part of the API that I want to have checking for.

The file is in "src/types/flex-microform/index.d.ts" and it basically contains a declare class Flex { ... }. I have a main tsconfig.json for my regular backend TypeScript code. I then added a tsconfig.frontend.json with the following content:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["ES2022", "dom"],
    "noEmit": true,
    "checkJs": true,
    "rootDir": "."
  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "include": ["assets/scripts/**/*.js", "src/@types/**/*.ts"]

When I run tsc --project tsconfig.frontend.json the errors are shown correctly however VSCode shows a red squiqqly line on Flex inside const flex = new Flex(captureContext) with the error message Cannot find name 'Flex'. Did you mean 'flex'?ts(2552) this is not correct since if the correct project file would be used the flex-microform/index.d.ts file would be included and therefore the types would be available.

I tried to use the "JavaScript: Go To Project Configuration" action to check whether VSCode is able to detect it, but it seems to expect that JS files must be included in jsconfig.json files. Which is not necessarily the only way for them to be part of a project.

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sgronblo commented 2 years ago

Ah yeah, forgot to mention. It was working for a while when I was trying to include the JS file into my backend tsconfig.json include files. However that didn't work because I need to make some changes for the frontend JS file (eg. add dom to lib).

But even in that case "JavaScript: Go To Project Configuration" was not able to figure out that the file was actually part of a TS project.

sgronblo commented 2 years ago

Finally figured out a workaround. I moved the tsconfig.frontend.json file above into assets/scripts/jsconfig.json.

sgronblo commented 2 years ago

Except that was no good either. I think what happens is jsconfig.json implicitly sets allowJs to true. Some index.d.ts files that get looked up may require some module that doesn't have a @types/module_name package available. Then because of allowJs tsc starts checking those very old JS files for errors and reports something I don't care about.

mjbvz commented 2 years ago

If "JavaScript: Go To Project Configuration" doesn't think the file is part of a project, checkJS won't be enabled in the editor

This is likely not a bug but a question about how to structure your project. Can you share a minimal project that demonstrates this issue?

VSCodeTriageBot commented 2 years ago

This issue has been closed automatically because it needs more information and has not had recent activity. See also our issue reporting guidelines.

Happy Coding!