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Find a new Razor syntax highlighting grammar #163149

Closed ArmantG closed 1 year ago

ArmantG commented 1 year ago

Type: Bug

It seems like VSCode doesnt know how to read Razor syntax, which is weird since Microsoft developed razor/blazor... Jetbrains Rider seems to get this 100%, colors for semantic/syntax highlighting work accurately. How is this possible? Even the default themes dont correct this? No extensions to fix this?

VSCode: Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 09 24 48

Rider: Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 09 26 08

VS Code version: Code 1.72.0 (64bbfbf67ada9953918d72e1df2f4d8e537d340e, 2022-10-04T23:19:55.212Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 21.6.0 Modes: Sandboxed: No

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Extensions (133) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- better-comments|aar|3.0.2 codesnap|adp|1.3.4 add-reference|adr|1.0.2 asp-net-core-switcher|adr|2.0.2 blazor-snippet-pack|adr|2.6.1 format-selection-as-html|adr|2.3.0 namespace|adr|1.1.2 user-secrets|adr|2.0.1 razor-snippets-for-asp-net-core|ale|0.0.3 project-manager|ale|12.7.0 ng-template|Ang|14.2.0 vscode-color-picker|Ant|0.0.4 swagger-viewer|Arj|3.1.2 markdown-emoji|bie|0.3.0 markdown-preview-github-styles|bie|1.0.1 vscode-tailwindcss|bra|0.8.7 xml2json|bui|1.2.4 npm-intellisense|chr|1.4.2 path-intellisense|chr|2.8.1 js-codeformer|cms|2.6.1 jsrefactor|cms|3.0.1 codeswing|cod|0.0.21 gitignore|cod|0.9.0 csharp-interpolated-string-converter|cor|0.1.6 supersharp|cra|0.1.4 csharpier-vscode|csh|1.3.5 vscode-mysql-client2|cwe|5.8.6 angular-schematics|cyr|5.2.6 csharp-grammar-extended|dan|1.1.1 vscode-markdownlint|Dav|0.48.1 vscode-eslint|dba|2.2.6 vscode-dotnet-auto-attach|Den|1.1.1 quicktype-refresh|dog|1.0.2 githistory|don|0.6.19 xml|Dot|2.5.1 es7-react-js-snippets|dsz|4.4.3 vscode-babel-coloring|dza|0.0.4 vscode-html-css|ecm|1.13.1 EditorConfig|Edi|0.16.4 vscode-nupkg|eri|1.0.1 prettier-vscode|esb|9.9.0 font-switcher|eva|4.1.0 git-project-manager|fel|1.8.2 scaffold|fir|1.0.0 auto-close-tag|for|0.5.14 auto-complete-tag|for|0.1.0 auto-rename-tag|for|0.1.10 code-runner|for|0.11.8 dotnet|for|0.0.4 dotnet-test-explorer|for|0.7.8 asp-net-core-switcher|fra|2.0.2 auto-using|Fud|0.7.15 vscode-angular-html|gha|1.8.4 remotehub|Git|0.44.0 vscode-pull-request-github|Git|0.50.0 live-sass|gle|5.5.1 vscode-semistandard-format|hom|0.0.9 rest-client|hum|0.25.1 blazorNewComponent|hun|1.0.0 output-colorizer|IBM|0.1.2 mysql-syntax|jak|1.3.1 search-node-modules|jas|1.3.0 markdown-extended|jeb|1.1.3 nuget-reverse-package-search|jes|0.1.68 vscode-csharp-snippets|jor|1.1.0 roslynator|jos|4.1.1 docomment|k--|0.1.31 aspnetcorerazor-html-css-class-completion|kev|1.0.3 wordcounter|kir|2.4.3 dotnet-core-essentials|Kis|0.0.8 vscode-gutter-preview|kis|0.30.0 csharpextensions|kre|1.7.3 dotnet|leo|1.3.0 next-js-ts-snippets|loc|2.0.3 csharp-colors|log|0.1.8 MagicPython|mag|1.1.0 json-to-ts|Mar|1.7.5 vscode-pdf|mat|0.0.6 dotnet-core-commands|mat|1.0.6 rainbow-csv|mec|3.2.0 vscode-language-babel|mgm|0.0.36 git-graph|mhu|1.30.0 gitignore|mic|1.0.1 xml-format|mik|1.1.3 vscode-scss|mrm|0.10.0 blazorwasm-companion|ms-|1.1.0 csharp|ms-|1.25.0 dotnet-interactive-vscode|ms-|1.0.3504060 vscode-dotnet-runtime|ms-|1.5.0 jupyter|ms-|2022.9.1002791758 js-debug-nightly|ms-|2022.10.617 live-server|ms-|0.4.3 remote-repositories|ms-|0.22.0 vscode-typescript-next|ms-|4.9.20221007 vscode-dotnet-watch|Mur|1.1.8 color-highlight|nau|2.5.0 gremlins|nho|0.26.0 vscode-extension-auto-import|Nuc|1.4.3 indent-rainbow|ode|8.3.1 es6-css-minify|olb|3.3.3 vscode-nuget-gallery|pat|0.0.24 vscode-versionlens|pfl|1.0.10 vscode-gitignore-generator|pio|1.0.3 material-product-icons|PKi|1.4.1 Csharp-ASPNETCore|rah|1.11.0 vscode-thunder-client|ran|1.19.7 vscode-xml|red|0.21.2022062916 vscode-yaml|red|1.10.1 csharp-snippet-productivity|ric|1.3.0 LiveServer|rit|5.7.9 csharp-helper|roa|0.0.14 blazorsnippets|Sco|1.5.1 markdown-preview-enhanced|shd|0.6.3 vscode-scss-formatter|sib|2.4.3 code-spell-checker|str|2.10.1 Blazor-VSCode-Extensions|Syn|20.3.47 msbuild-project-tools|tin|0.4.9 vscode-mdx|uni|1.0.3 refactor-css|urb|0.4.2 errorlens|use|3.6.0 vscodeintellicode|Vis|1.2.28 image-viewer|vsc|1.3.2 file-icons-mac|way|1.0.1 vscode-import-cost|wix|3.3.0 dotnetboost|wwa|0.1.2 better-align|wwm|1.1.6 JavaScriptSnippets|xab|1.8.0 ReactSnippets|xab|2.4.0 vscode-mdx-preview|xyc|0.3.3 markdown-all-in-one|yzh|3.4.3 json|Zai|2.0.2 mdx-blog-post|Zak|0.0.1 vscode-open-in-github|ziy|1.3.6 (2 theme extensions excluded)
alexr00 commented 1 year ago

@ArmantG can you share a copy/pastable snippet that I can use to reproduce the issue you're seeing?

ArmantG commented 1 year ago

@ArmantG can you share a copy/pastable snippet that I can use to reproduce the issue you're seeing?

The screenshots show the initial template used to create a new .net6 blazor wasm (not hosted) project. So essentially the stock project created when starting a new blazor wasm app. No code added, just standard boilerplate code from project template.

.net6, blazor wasm, not hosted, created using visual studio 2022 for mac.

This is the fetchData razor page code:

@page "/fetchdata"
@inject HttpClient Http

<PageTitle>Weather forecast</PageTitle>

<h1>Weather forecast</h1>

<p>This component demonstrates fetching data from the server.</p>

@if (_forecasts == null)
    <table class="table">
                <th>Temp. (C)</th>
                <th>Temp. (F)</th>
            @foreach (var forecast in _forecasts)

@code {
    private WeatherForecast[]? _forecasts;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        _forecasts = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<WeatherForecast[]>("sample-data/weather.json");

    public abstract class WeatherForecast
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }

        public int TemperatureC { get; set; }

        public string? Summary { get; set; }

        public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);
ArmantG commented 1 year ago

So weird that github managed to add some syntax to that bit of code.

this is cobalt2 theme in vscode:

Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 17 56 42
alexr00 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the snippet. We used to get our Razor syntax highlighting grammar from but that repository is gone. I'll take this as a feature request to find another Razor grammar to use.

ArmantG commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Sad to see that this issue has been around for more than 3 years... Not holding my breath for a solution here as this doesnt seem to be particularly high on anyone's to-do list... But here's hoping something comes from this.

Best solution now is to use JetBrains Rider until this is sorted.

alexr00 commented 1 year ago

Let's see if there's any objection to

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

Best solution now is to use JetBrains Rider until this is sorted.

Is there not a Razor syntax highlighter extension on the marketplace?

ArmantG commented 1 year ago

None I could find. Googling it also pointed me towards one extension that hasnt been worked on in 4 years and was useless. But it should really be a vscode feature don't you think? Microsoft should at least have support for their products in their own code editor? 🤣 Anyway, it will get figured out I'm sure.

alexr00 commented 1 year ago

Verified through integration tests.