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VSCode Insider recognize only top level repository in source control #166264

Closed DFelten closed 2 years ago

DFelten commented 2 years ago

Type: Bug

With the latest VSCode build there is a bug with source control on projects with multiple repositories. Only the top level repository is recognized.

The stable VSCode version shows all repositories, but on the insider version only one is visible.

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.74.0-insider (a62879bb46c84d0936798cf06debf5f92b04e4b4, 2022-11-14T05:23:01.780Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 22.1.0 Modes: Sandboxed: Yes

Insider VSCode

CleanShot 2022-11-14 at 11 30 34@2x

Stable VSCode

CleanShot 2022-11-14 at 11 29 55@2x
System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Apple M1 Max (10 x 24)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: disabled_off| |Load (avg)|6, 6, 6| |Memory (System)|32.00GB (0.18GB free)| |Process Argv|--crash-reporter-id 511166e9-0c5e-4225-a6af-efd2d90c3f8d| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
Extensions (83) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- better-comments|aar|3.0.2 codesnap|adp|1.3.4 vscode-m3u|af4|1.0.0 Bookmarks|ale|13.3.1 project-manager|ale|12.7.0 flutter-snippets|ale|3.0.0 toggle-excluded-files|eam|1.7.0 clipboard-history|Anj|1.0.7 melos-code|bla|0.6.0 vscode-intelephense-client|bme|1.8.2 ccs-flutter-color|cir|1.0.2 gitignore|cod|0.9.0 php-namespace-resolver|ctf|0.0.9 vscode-mysql-client2|cwe|5.9.1 vscode-mac-color-picker|dae|1.1.0 dart-code|Dar|3.53.20221107 flutter|Dar|3.52.0 git-diff-and-merge-tool|dav|1.0.5 vscode-markdownlint|Dav|0.48.1 vscode-new-file|dku|4.0.2 githistory|don|0.6.19 gitlens|eam|13.0.4 bloc|Fel|6.6.2 mason|Fel|0.1.6 flutter-coverage|flu|0.0.4 copilot|Git|1.58.7236 vscode-pull-request-github|Git|0.54.0 gitlab-workflow|Git|3.56.0 todo-tree|Gru|0.0.220 terraform|has|2.24.3 json-to-dart|hir|3.5.8 rest-client|hum|0.25.1 monkey-patch|ioc|0.1.23 pubspec-assist|jer|2.3.2 shortcut-menu-bar|jer|3.0.4 intellij-idea-keybindings|k--|1.5.4 indent-to-bracket|LAK|1.2.2 flutter-intl|loc|1.18.2 syntax-project-pbxproj|mar|0.1.3 flutter-snippets|Mar|1.0.5 Kotlin|mat|1.7.1 rainbow-csv|mec|3.3.0 git-graph|mhu|1.30.0 dart-barrel-file-generator|miq|4.1.0 diff-merge|mos|0.7.0 vscode-docker|ms-|1.22.2 vscode-language-pack-de|MS-|1.74.11100236 isort|ms-|2022.6.0 python|ms-|2022.18.2 vscode-pylance|ms-|2022.11.20 jupyter|ms-|2022.11.1003201029 jupyter-keymap|ms-|1.0.0 jupyter-renderers|ms-|1.0.12 vscode-jupyter-cell-tags|ms-|0.1.6 vscode-jupyter-slideshow|ms-|0.1.5 remote-containers|ms-|0.263.0 live-server|ms-|0.4.3 vsliveshare-pack|ms-|0.4.0 vscode-flutter-freezed-helper|mth|0.1.0 sqltools|mtx|0.26.0 sqltools-driver-mysql|mtx|0.4.1 awesome-flutter-snippets|Nas|4.0.1 vscode-yaml-sort|Pas|6.0.0 vscode-versionlens|pfl|1.0.10 material-icon-theme|PKi|4.22.0 remove-comments|pli|1.2.2 vscode-thunder-client|ran|1.20.1 vscode-yaml|red|1.10.1 vscode-sort-json|ric|1.20.0 flutter-riverpod-snippets|rob|1.2.1 vscode-coverage-gutters|rya|2.10.2 lcov-lang|Ser|1.0.1 reveal|smu|1.2.7 swift-lang|ssw|0.9.0 freezed-model-gen|Sus|1.0.1 better-search|tra|0.0.6 errorlens|use|3.6.0 vscode-lldb|vad|1.8.1 vscode-todo-highlight|way|1.0.5 php-debug|xde|1.29.0 vscode-surround|yat|1.5.0 markdown-all-in-one|yzh|3.4.3 material-theme|zhu|3.15.6 (3 theme extensions excluded)
A/B Experiments ``` vsliv695:30137379 vsins829:30139715 vsliv368cf:30146710 vsreu685:30147344 python383:30185418 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 vslsvsres303:30308271 pythonvspyl392:30422396 pythontb:30258533 pythonptprofiler:30281269 vshan820:30294714 pythondataviewer:30285072 vscod805:30301674 bridge0708:30335490 bridge0723:30353136 cmake_vspar411:30581797 vsaa593cf:30376535 pythonvs932:30404738 cppdebug:30492333 vsclangdf:30492506 c4g48928:30535728 dsvsc012cf:30540253 pylantcb52:30590116 pyindex848cf:30577859 nodejswelcome1:30587009 gswce1:30602633 34cci188:30599831 pyind779cf:30600160 dbltrim-noruby:30604474 ```
lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, could you please check the value of the git.repositoryScanMaxDepth setting in the two versions? Thanks!

DFelten commented 2 years ago

Both versions have 1 set as value. But even with -1 the repository did not appear.

As additional info: The main repo contains the second repository as a sub module.

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, would it be possible to share your exact folder structure, setup so that I can reproduce the issue? Thanks!

DFelten commented 2 years ago

This is our current folder structure

CleanShot 2022-11-14 at 14 57 52

framework is the second repository as a git submodule.

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

Could you please share the contents of the .gitmodules file (please feel free to obfuscate strings as needed). Could you open the "Source Control Repositories" view and see if the repository is listed there? Thank you!

DFelten commented 2 years ago

The .gitmodules is really simple:

[submodule "framework"]
    path = framework
    url = ../tmx_framework.git

The repository is not listed there

CleanShot 2022-11-14 at 16 11 34

When typing Git: Merge Branch there is also only one repo.

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, thanks! could you check the following settings across the two versions to make sure they match:

DFelten commented 2 years ago

Of course.

VSCode Insider

VSCode Stable

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, are the two git repositories available somewhere so that I can try to clone them and replicate your setup? If not, would you be able to share how the "framework" repository is located on disk?

Also could you also please implement the following and share the contents of the git output window:

DFelten commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but the repository is private and not possible to share. What do you mean with located on disk? The folder structure is visible in the screenshot.

code . --log vscode.git:trace is producing no output. Nothing happens when writing this to the terminal. The shell extensions are active.

CleanShot 2022-11-15 at 17 51 52@2x
lszomoru commented 2 years ago

That must due to the fact that code and code-insiders is not on the path. Could you open the command palette and invoke the "Shell Command: Install command in PATH" commands. After you invoke those commands from Stable and Insiders you will probably have to restart your terminal. Let me know how it goes.

DFelten commented 2 years ago

The shell command is active like I said in the comment above. I can use code or code-insiders via terminal. For example here I asked for help.

CleanShot 2022-11-16 at 15 37 15@2x
DFelten commented 2 years ago

Issue is still there with the latest insider version of VSCode. Currently I have to use the stable version because of this bug.

Version: 1.73.1
Commit: 6261075646f055b99068d3688932416f2346dd3b
Date: 2022-11-09T02:22:48.959Z (1 wk ago)
Electron: 19.0.17
Chromium: 102.0.5005.167
Node.js: 16.14.2
OS: Darwin arm64 22.1.0
Sandboxed: No
lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, could you please try the following then:

DFelten commented 2 years ago

Output of both VSCode versions. The Readme file of the main repo and the framework repo is open.

Output VSCode Insiders 2022-11-21 12:20:41.330 [info] Validating found git in: "/usr/bin/git" 2022-11-21 12:20:41.330 [info] Using git "2.37.1 (Apple Git-137.1)" from "/usr/bin/git" 2022-11-21 12:20:41.332 [info] > git rev-parse --show-toplevel [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.339 [info] > git rev-parse --git-dir --git-common-dir [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.341 [info] Log level: Trace 2022-11-21 12:20:41.341 [info] Open repository: /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor 2022-11-21 12:20:41.350 [info] > git config --get commit.template [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.356 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.368 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.484 [info] > git status -z -uall [128ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.606 [info] > git config --get commit.template [81ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.634 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:41.653 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.362 [info] > git status -z -uall [1727ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.362 [info] > git fetch [2021ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.394 [info] > git check-ignore -v -z --stdin [34ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.395 [info] > git show --textconv [23ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.396 [info] > git config --get commit.template [28ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.408 [info] > git ls-files --stage -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [35ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.423 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.424 [info] > git cat-file -s 5e31601a29fff68faa593c8dcbf5df8e22ce46bc [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.439 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:43.901 [info] > git status -z -uall [477ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.161 [info] > git config --get commit.template [26ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.170 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [33ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.185 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.257 [info] > git status -z -uall [86ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.452 [info] > git config --local branch.testflight.github-pr-owner-number [9ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.478 [info] > git ls-files --stage -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.487 [info] > git cat-file -s 5e31601a29fff68faa593c8dcbf5df8e22ce46bc [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:44.508 [info] > git show --textconv [12ms]
Output VSCode 2022-11-21 12:20:05.528 [info] Validating found git in: /usr/bin/git 2022-11-21 12:20:05.561 [info] Using git 2.37.1 (Apple Git-137.1) from /usr/bin/git 2022-11-21 12:20:05.570 [info] > git rev-parse --show-toplevel [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.579 [info] > git rev-parse --git-dir --git-common-dir [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.580 [info] Log level: Trace 2022-11-21 12:20:05.581 [info] Open repository: /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor 2022-11-21 12:20:05.589 [info] > git remote --verbose [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.591 [info] > git config --get commit.template [6ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.597 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.639 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [58ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.657 [info] > git status -z -uall [75ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.667 [info] > git remote --verbose [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.669 [info] > git config --get commit.template [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.675 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.676 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [9ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.809 [info] > git status -z -uall [149ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.812 [info] > git log --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z -n21 -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [156ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.823 [info] > git config --global [152ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.839 [info] > git config --global [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.849 [info] > git config --get commit.template [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.849 [info] > git remote --verbose [9ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.852 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [9ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.853 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:05.987 [info] > git status -z -uall [146ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.107 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 7ef254e1be1f594b13737e81953ef8166d82b649 [118ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.116 [info] > git check-ignore -v -z --stdin [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.118 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 7ef254e1be1f594b13737e81953ef8166d82b649 [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.162 [info] > git show --textconv [21ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.166 [info] > git ls-files --stage -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [23ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.179 [info] > git cat-file -s 5e31601a29fff68faa593c8dcbf5df8e22ce46bc [11ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:06.202 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 705901be39c8feaa6900cf9b446421bbc5f63de4 [84ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.801 [info] > git fetch [2220ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.805 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 705901be39c8feaa6900cf9b446421bbc5f63de4 [1602ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.809 [info] > git rev-parse --show-toplevel [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.814 [info] > git config --get commit.template [9ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.815 [info] > git remote --verbose [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.819 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 7628061b57069888da407e7ec0b082e2d7d8ca39 [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.819 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.829 [info] > git rev-parse --git-dir --git-common-dir [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.831 [info] Log level: Trace 2022-11-21 12:20:07.831 [info] Open repository: /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/framework 2022-11-21 12:20:07.835 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 66a6232f60599694142af3869638860326070faf [28ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.837 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [24ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.838 [info] > git ls-files --stage -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [26ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.847 [info] > git remote --verbose [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.852 [info] > git config --get commit.template [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.862 [info] > git cat-file -s 5e31601a29fff68faa593c8dcbf5df8e22ce46bc [24ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:07.866 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 66a6232f60599694142af3869638860326070faf [30ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.305 [info] > git rev-list --count 16630fe12cc5ded3bc0b06f2435a6394d3418a5a.. -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [494ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.309 [info] > git status -z -uall [507ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.309 [info] > git status -z -uall [476ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.309 [info] > git show --textconv [439ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.332 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 01140fff97b4e36da79681c18655b63f1490e147 [464ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.333 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [500ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.333 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] bbc50022722e0b70cbca429269fddc23f6a30231 [464ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.334 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/develop refs/remotes/develop [480ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.415 [info] > git status -z -uall [79ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.416 [info] > git config --get commit.template [34ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.416 [info] > git log --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z -n4 -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [111ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.430 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [92ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.431 [info] > git remote --verbose [94ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.432 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z bbc50022722e0b70cbca429269fddc23f6a30231 [98ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.433 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 01140fff97b4e36da79681c18655b63f1490e147 [101ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.439 [info] > git check-ignore -v -z --stdin [30ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.440 [info] > git check-ignore -v -z --stdin [31ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.487 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [53ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.488 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/develop refs/remotes/develop [51ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.490 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] b963c84da39c1884fad5c815828f133bf7ba4c06 [54ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.491 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 01140fff97b4e36da79681c18655b63f1490e147 [57ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.525 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z b963c84da39c1884fad5c815828f133bf7ba4c06 [35ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.526 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 01140fff97b4e36da79681c18655b63f1490e147 [35ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.528 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [39ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.538 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] b963c84da39c1884fad5c815828f133bf7ba4c06 [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.539 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.541 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.542 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.554 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.555 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z b963c84da39c1884fad5c815828f133bf7ba4c06 [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.556 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [28ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.557 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.558 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.568 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.569 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.570 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.570 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.572 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.573 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.574 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.582 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.585 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z d5590de225c021ba512b27d43dbbebfc7fe87620 [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.587 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.587 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.590 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [20ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.591 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.591 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.592 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.596 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.603 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.606 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.607 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.607 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.608 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.608 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [19ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.608 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [21ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.609 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [23ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.612 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [20ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.612 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [21ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.615 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.619 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.623 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z 9606495c33115affb0a14cfa8ccceb1b386eba36 [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.623 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.625 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.625 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.626 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.632 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.633 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [15ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.642 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [21ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.642 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [28ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.643 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [21ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.643 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [19ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.643 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [20ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.644 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [19ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.644 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.644 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [14ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.657 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z a8bf4a0e035508c06335f09da9af9b475357022d [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.658 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [13ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.659 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.659 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.660 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [26ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.670 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.670 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.670 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.671 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [11ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.671 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.682 [info] > git show -s --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z be4ce6b07b64bc6e3da35545150266bee69b995f [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.699 [info] > git show -s --format=%an <%ae> [%ai] 3eeb6c99666f670511cb90ff225e992f579b285c [16ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.830 [info] > git remote --verbose [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.865 [info] > git config --get commit.template [44ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.865 [info] > git config --get commit.template [43ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.872 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/develop refs/remotes/develop [48ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.872 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [46ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.872 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [53ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.873 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [55ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.873 [info] > git remote --verbose [53ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.874 [info] > git rev-list --count 16630fe12cc5ded3bc0b06f2435a6394d3418a5a.. -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [21ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.889 [info] > git status -z -uall [70ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.892 [info] > git log --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z -n4 -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:08.906 [info] > git status -z -uall [85ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.017 [info] > git fetch [1186ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.027 [info] > git remote --verbose [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.032 [info] > git config --get commit.template [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.035 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [17ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.043 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/develop refs/remotes/develop [18ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.072 [info] > git status -z -uall [53ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.188 [info] > git config --local branch.testflight.github-pr-owner-number [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.201 [info] > git config --local branch.develop.github-pr-owner-number [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.420 [info] > git rev-list --count 16630fe12cc5ded3bc0b06f2435a6394d3418a5a.. -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [10ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.433 [info] > git log --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z -n4 -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [12ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.701 [info] > git config --local branch.testflight.merge [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.709 [info] > git remote --verbose [6ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.711 [info] > git config --get commit.template [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.712 [info] > git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(upstream:track)%00%(upstream:remotename)%00%(upstream:remoteref) refs/heads/testflight refs/remotes/testflight [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.713 [info] > git for-each-ref --sort -committerdate --format %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname) [11ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:09.764 [info] > git status -z -uall [61ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:10.133 [info] > git ls-files --stage -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [8ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:10.141 [info] > git cat-file -s 5e31601a29fff68faa593c8dcbf5df8e22ce46bc [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:10.151 [info] > git show --textconv [7ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:10.281 [info] > git rev-list --count 16630fe12cc5ded3bc0b06f2435a6394d3418a5a.. -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [11ms] 2022-11-21 12:20:10.295 [info] > git log --format=%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%D%n%B -z -n4 -- /Users/danielfelten/Projekte/Trimexa/dealdoktor/ [13ms]
lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, thank you very much for sharing the information. The logs confirm the difference in behaviour that you are experiencing. Looking at the Stable logs I see that two repositories are being opened, while Insiders only opens one of them. It's also weird that even though, log level is set to trace I am not seeing any [trace] messages in the logs πŸ€”

One setting that we have not checked is the git.autoRepositoryDetection. Could you compare this between the two versions and share the values? Thanks!

DFelten commented 2 years ago

I also noticed that the trace is significantly larger in the stable version.

Regarding your question, autoRepositoryDetection is true for both of them.

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, I think that I have found the issue related to tracing. Will work with the owner to get a fix in and hopefully that will enable us to gather the necessary logs to get to the bottom of this 🀞🏻

DFelten commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry, but a local project setting has changed autoRepositoryDetection to false. Strangely enough, it didn't matter for Stable, here both repositories were displayed. But with the Insider version the framework repository did not appear. Now that I have removed the value from the local setting, the second repository also appears here.

But it would be interesting to know why Stable and Insider behaved differently here.

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, thanks for the update, and I am happy that we tracked down the root cause. Yes, I do want to track down an better understand the difference behaviour between Stable and Insiders. By local project setting, you mean that the setting was set in the .vscode\settings.json file?

DFelten commented 2 years ago

Yes, the settings.json within the .vscode folder of the project.

  "git.autoRepositoryDetection": false
lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, thank you! I have looked at the code and there is more to this, as in my case submodules are opened even if I set "git.autoRepositoryDetection": false. When a repository is opened, we have code that detects all the submodules for that repository and attempts to open them. It's not clear to my why this is not working for you. Just now I have added some more tracing that should be in tomorrow's Insiders build that will hopefully get us closer to the solution.

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, new day, new Insiders build. Could you please download the latest Insiders build and implement the following:

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, I have a repro locally πŸŽ‰. This is a regression introduced as we have updated the code that we are using the parse the .gitmodules file. The parser works fine if the file has an empty line at the end of the file, but if that is missing we are unable to successfully parse the submodules. I will work on a fix that should hopefully be in the Insiders release on Monday.

DFelten commented 2 years ago

You're right, when adding an empty line at the end of the .gitmodulesfile the framework repository appears :) Thanks for your research!

lszomoru commented 2 years ago

No, thank you. Even though it took quite some effort but it helped me tracked down a regression before it made it into the Stable release.

DFelten commented 2 years ago

@lszomoru With the latest VSCode Insider the bug is still there. The framework repository only appears when adding an empty line at the end of .gitmodules.

Version: 1.74.0-insider
Commit: ac084d723b7405591d2110fe374648345ecb8ce6
Date: 2022-11-28T05:21:03.121Z (1 day ago)
Electron: 19.1.6
Chromium: 102.0.5005.167
Node.js: 16.14.2
OS: Darwin arm64 22.1.0
Sandboxed: Yes
lszomoru commented 2 years ago

@DFelten, yes, the fix did not make it into Monday's build. It should be in today's build.