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VSCode [Insider] crash on project close #170303

Closed dalisoft closed 1 year ago

dalisoft commented 1 year ago

Type: Bug

On VSCode Insider closing project crashing while using macOS Native tabs. Somtimes on first tab closing causes crash

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.75.0-insider (6ed4d436a9b6ae131732f4e2a723868231f4473a, 2022-12-23T05:22:56.472Z) OS version: Darwin x64 22.2.0 Modes: Sandboxed: No Connection to 'ssh-remote+ubuntu-vm' could not be established Remote OS version: Linux x64 5.15.49-linuxkit

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz (16 x 3600)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: disabled_off| |Load (avg)|14, 6, 4| |Memory (System)|64.00GB (30.60GB free)| |Process Argv|| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%| Connection to 'ssh-remote+ubuntu-vm' could not be established |Item|Value| |---|---| |Remote|Dev Container: Start project in devcontainer @ desktop-linux| |OS|Linux x64 5.15.49-linuxkit| |CPUs|Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz (2 x 3599)| |Memory (System)|3.84GB (2.88GB free)| |VM|0%|
Extensions (79) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- svgo|100|3.0.0 vscode-nginx-conf|ahm|0.1.3 vscode-fish|bma|1.0.31 vscode-intelephense-client|bme|1.8.2 npm-intellisense|chr|1.4.4 vscode-css-modules|cli|0.4.2 codeque|Cod|0.18.2 gitignore|cod|0.9.0 vscode-markdownlint|Dav|0.48.1 vscode-eslint|dba|2.2.6 vscode-deno|den|3.15.0 gitlens|eam|13.2.0 EditorConfig|Edi|0.16.4 LogFileHighlighter|emi|2.16.0 prettier-vscode|esb|9.10.3 code-runner|for|0.11.8 platformio|for|0.3.0 shell-format|fox|7.2.2 vscode-google-translate|fun|1.4.13 vscode-pull-request-github|Git|0.56.0 go|gol|0.37.0 todo-tree|Gru|0.0.220 terraform|has|2.25.2 vscode-htmlhint|HTM|1.0.4 output-colorizer|IBM|0.1.2 r-pack|Iku|0.0.2 reason-vscode|jar|1.7.13 svg|joc|1.4.26 vscode-phpfmt|kok|1.0.31 bash-ide-vscode|mad|1.23.0 rainbow-csv|mec|3.5.0 vscode-language-babel|mgm|0.0.36 git-graph|mhu|1.30.0 dotenv|mik|1.0.1 vscode-apache|mrm|1.2.0 vscode-scss|mrm|0.10.0 vscode-docker|ms-|1.23.3 gather|ms-|2022.3.2 isort|ms-|2022.8.0 python|ms-|2022.20.1 vscode-pylance|ms-|2022.12.20 jupyter|ms-|2022.11.1003412109 jupyter-keymap|ms-|1.0.0 jupyter-renderers|ms-|1.0.12 vscode-jupyter-cell-tags|ms-|0.1.6 vscode-jupyter-slideshow|ms-|0.1.5 remote-containers|ms-|0.266.1 remote-ssh|ms-|0.94.0 remote-ssh-edit|ms-|0.84.0 cpptools|ms-|1.13.8 remote-explorer|ms-|0.0.3 sftp|Nat|1.16.1 color-highlight|nau|2.5.0 bun|Pan|0.0.4 proto|pet|0.0.2 material-icon-theme|PKi|4.23.1 polacode|pnp|0.3.4 gitlink|qez|1.2.4 inline-sql-syntax|quf|2.16.0 quicktype|qui|12.0.46 nginx-formatter|ray|0.0.13 java|red|1.13.0 vscode-commons|red|0.0.6 vscode-yaml|red|1.10.1 r|REd|2.7.0 shellman|Rem|5.6.0 postcss|ric|2.0.0 rome|rom|0.20.0 rust-analyzer|rus|0.3.1334 gitconfig|sid|2.0.1 code-spell-checker|str|2.12.0 code-spell-checker-russian|str|2.0.6 vscode-styled-components|sty|1.7.5 vscode-stylelint|sty|1.2.3 hlsltools|Tim|1.1.303 vscodeintellicode|Vis|1.2.29 vscode-nginx|wil|0.7.2 viml|Xad|2.1.2 vscode-open-in-github|ziy|1.3.6

deepak1556 commented 1 year ago

Merging to

deepak1556 commented 1 year ago

@dalisoft do you have a reliable repro case for this issue ? Based on your recording, crash seems to trigger when closing a remote window tab that is still loading and focusing to next tab. Does it happen without using a remote connection window ?

dalisoft commented 1 year ago

@deepak1556 It is not related to remote, just closing first window in native tab most of case crashes VSCode Insiders

deepak1556 commented 1 year ago

I tried the similar steps from your screen recording but haven't been successful in reproing the issue either on arm64 (Ventura 13.2 beta) or x64 (Ventura 13.1) macOS. If you manage to create some reliable repro steps please do share them, thanks!

dalisoft commented 1 year ago

@deepak1556 Sorry for delays. Today i get some free time for reproduce bug. Here below case of self closing. Closing first or last tab causes VSCode crash.

deepak1556 commented 1 year ago

Can you also share your settings.json, thanks!

dalisoft commented 1 year ago

@deepak1556 It is here