microsoft / vscode

Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Vscode, have you collaborated with Huawei? #191353

Closed SUEPbot closed 1 year ago

SUEPbot commented 1 year ago

A Chinese IDE (which is called "CodeArts IDE") claimed that they developed a new IDE by themselves: (

When I click "Free Public Beta (免费公测)", the page jumps to and it requires login to HUAWEI CLOUD account to view.

Page after login:

Direct download link:

I downloaded this software and installed it, and it looked so similar to vscode:

I have carefully read their relevant documents and reviewed their software, but I did not find any statement similar to "open source following the MIT license".

Issue related: #191229

PA733 commented 1 year ago

如果有更有力的证据(如签名信息等)能表明华为的这个IDE使用了Visual Studio Code的代码,请您在此处说明。 如果没有,请不要在此胡闹。 很高兴能看到这么多人能为开源社区做出贡献,但正如 #191239 所述,Githib Issues不是垃圾场。无意义的issue只会给开发者带来烦恼。 如果您只是图一乐,请转向贴吧、垃圾场等更适合您发表此类内容的地方。

Cnily03 commented 1 year ago

Please provide its signature, license declaration and copyright descriptions. Check if it meets MIT's requirements. Check if it says based on vscode. Check if it has many same codes with vscode while not claiming based on vscode.

If all not related, please close this issue. Thank you for the mention.

If you want to express your bad feelings, please find a suitable forum or blog but not Github.

SUEPbot commented 1 year ago

Please provide its signature, license declaration and copyright descriptions. Check if it meets MIT's requirements. Check if it says based on vscode. Check if it has many same codes with vscode while not claiming based on vscode.


license declaration and copyright descriptions:

which converts to markdown:

CodeArts IDE License Agreement

  1. Understand and agree Huawei Cloud Privacy Policy Statement;
  2. Understand and agree Huawei Cloud Public Test Protocol.

if it meets MIT's requirements

No. There isn't an MIT license mention (compared to VS Code).

There isn't any file contains the content of the MIT license of this repo either. I have already used 2015.*Microsoft Corporation to search the folder in the third screenshot of my first comment.

if it says based on vscode

No. It is using Huawei's self-developed IDE core technology. (But why reportIssueUrl points to this repo? :rofl:

if it has many same codes with vscode while not claiming based on vscode

Their file structure and interface style are very similar. I think reportIssueUrl is enough to show that it used vscode's code.