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vscode looks at wrong version of typescript lib #195253

Closed brianreinhold closed 11 months ago

brianreinhold commented 11 months ago

Type: Bug

The function supportedValuesOf Intl.supportedValuesOf('timeZone'); is clearly shown in VS code's intellisense and I find the function declared in the list of libraries in the .vscode directory.

However, when I try and compile it in an Angular studio project using typescript 4.9.5 vscode gives me the error

Property 'supportedValuesOf' does not exist on type 'typeof Intl'.

Have spent all morning trying to work aound this error.

VS Code version: Code 1.83.0 (e7e037083ff4455cf320e344325dacb480062c3c, 2023-10-03T16:12:16.321Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045 Modes:

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mjbvz commented 11 months ago

Have you tried telling VS Code to use your workspace TS version:

brianreinhold commented 11 months ago

The funny thing about that is that the VS code version is later than the workspace version and the VS code version is selected. However, both versions are well past the version where Intl.supportedValuesOf('timezone') is supported. What I dont understand is why when I click on 'Intl' to find its source, VS brings me to an older version in the .vscode directory where it is not supported. A few files down in that same directory is the version where it is supported.

But seeing that VS code supports 5.3.0 and my project is at 4.9.5, its time to update my project! I already updated tslib but that did not help.

mjbvz commented 11 months ago

when I try and compile it in an Angular studio project

VS code doesn't provide a compiler so this sounds like an issue with your configuration for angular or with the angular tools. Try following up with them. They should also be able to help you configure VS Code to use the same TS configuration as the compiler

brianreinhold commented 11 months ago

I can do the latter without a problem. Why VS Code is grabbing the wrong tslib (ES2020) even though configured for ES2022 remains a mystery.