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Git checkout command order issue on search #202579

Closed eldair closed 8 months ago

eldair commented 8 months ago

Type: Bug

When using git checkout command via commands menu and type branch name it is no longer highlighted or first item. Instead, first item is always create new branch which is not how it was before, and it makes it impossible to quickly change branches without using arrows to select found branch.

This issue was not present yesterday, so I guess it is in the latest insiders version only.


VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.86.0-insider (2c8f29174a63b3ace3d00ad0028cdc7ed9853b8b, 2024-01-16T05:35:26.709Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes: Remote OS version: Linux x64 Remote OS version: Linux x64

Extensions (43) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- better-comments|aar|3.0.2 Bookmarks|ale|13.4.2 color-info|bie|0.7.2 catppuccin-vsc|Cat|3.11.0 file-icons|fil|1.1.0 auto-close-tag|for|0.5.15 dotenv|mik|1.0.1 remote-ssh|ms-|0.107.1 remote-ssh-edit|ms-|0.86.0 remote-wsl|ms-|0.81.8 remote-explorer|ms-|0.4.1 ayu|tea|1.0.5 vscode-icons|vsc|12.7.0 JavaScriptSnippets|xab|1.8.0 vscode-sql-formatter|adp|1.4.4 Bookmarks|ale|13.4.2 laravel-extra-intellisense|ami|0.6.4 vscode-intelephense-client|bme|1.10.2 npm-intellisense|chr|1.4.5 path-intellisense|chr|2.8.5 vscode-eslint|dba|2.4.2 gitlens|eam|14.6.1 json-tools|eri|1.0.2 prettier-vscode|esb|10.1.0 vscode-github-actions|git|0.26.2 todo-tree|Gru|0.0.226 autofilename|Jer|0.1.3 svg|joc|1.5.3 rainbow-csv|mec|3.11.0 vscode-scss|mrm|0.10.0 vscode-docker|ms-|1.28.0 laravel-blade|one|1.34.0 open-html-in-browser|pea|2.1.10 synthwave-vscode|Rob|0.1.15 theme-check-vscode|Sho|1.15.1 vscode-fileutils|sle|3.10.3 vscode-stylelint|sty|1.3.0 sort-lines|Tyr|1.11.0 intellicode-api-usage-examples|Vis|0.2.8 vscodeintellicode|Vis|1.2.30 volar|Vue|1.8.27 vscode-typescript-vue-plugin|Vue|1.8.27 change-case|wma|1.0.0 (4 theme extensions excluded)
lszomoru commented 8 months ago

@eldair, thanks for reporting this issue. This has already been fixed and the fix will be included in tomorrow's Insiders release.

eldair commented 8 months ago

@eldair, thanks for reporting this issue. This has already been fixed and the fix will be included in tomorrow's Insiders release.

Great to hear! Thanks a lot