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Unsupported OS warning banner will not go away #204728

Closed marcbaltes closed 5 months ago

marcbaltes commented 7 months ago

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Update VS Code to the latest recovery release
  2. Connect remotely to an machine with an unsupported OS
  3. After connecting a blue banner will persist on the top of the screen


I am aware that my OS is unsupported and I can only use VS Code on this machine for another year. I would like to remove this banner at the top of the screen. It's a little annoying and would prefer to not have it constantly showing while working. Is there any way to disable this banner?

melspectrum commented 7 months ago

please have an option to disable it. very annoying

marzojr commented 7 months ago

I would also like an option for disabling the banner. The servers I connect to are managed by my organization, and there is nothing I can do to speedup the deployment of new OSes.

kohs100 commented 7 months ago

+1 Need option to remove the banner.

nikoshatzivag commented 7 months ago

+1 please add an option to close the banner.

hozeren commented 7 months ago

+1 , it is very annoying

pento commented 7 months ago

Here's a monkey patch workaround that I've tested on MacOS:

There are two notable caveats with this fix:

I don't know what the process for monkey patching on Windows or Linux looks like, hopefully someone more familiar with VS Code on those platforms can weigh in!

saserbest commented 7 months ago

+1 Option to remove it

apivovarov commented 7 months ago

Particular VSCode server files resources/server/bin/helpers/ and resources/server/bin/ should skip requirements check if /tmp/vscode-skip-server-requirements-check file exists.

I tried to create this file on the server and killall node to restart VSCode server - VSCode UI still shows the Alert bar

apivovarov commented 7 months ago

To remove unsupportedGlibcWarning.banner we need to make isUnsupportedGlibc to be false To do it we can replace isUnsupportedGlibc:k.isUnsupportedGlibc with isUnsupportedGlibc:0 in workbench.desktop.main.js

Mac OS command:

sed -i '' 's/:k\.isUnsupportedGlibc/:0/g' \
"/Applications/Visual Studio"
yash760 commented 7 months ago

+1 Option to remove it

tmeckel commented 7 months ago

To remove unsupportedGlibcWarning.banner we need to make isUnsupportedGlibc to be false To do it we can replace isUnsupportedGlibc:k.isUnsupportedGlibc with isUnsupportedGlibc:0 in workbench.desktop.main.js

Mac OS command:

sed -i '' 's/:k\.isUnsupportedGlibc/:0/g' \
"/Applications/Visual Studio"

Works but VSCode is complaining about that the installation is corrupt.

apivovarov commented 7 months ago

Works but VSCode is complaining about that the installation is corrupt.

Click the cog (gear wheel) icon on that notification, and click "Don't show again".

serialmetrics commented 6 months ago

Is the status as of now to wait for Microsoft to provide a fix for the pesky banner?

fuyw commented 6 months ago

+1 Option to remove it

WinCPP commented 6 months ago

@benibenj, @isidorn I have closed #204944 as this one was already opened for the same issue.

The new status bar at the top has multiple issues and appears to have been punted without much UX reviews,

  1. Cannot dismiss and is jarring.
  2. Does not gel in with the theme colors. On some light and dark themes, it horribly stands out and causes distraction.
  3. On Windows pressing F11, it hampers the full screen mode in which the tabs used to reach the top of the screen. Now it shows an empty menu bar, then this new bar and then the tabs line (occupies extra screen real estate). Essentially, it seems to be blocking the full screen feature towards the top of the screen.

Like I mentioned in #20944, we know we are using old version of VS code, with purpose. Please consider following,

  1. Moving this message to the status bar at the bottom (typical layout); the status bar is supposed to be used for such things (fundamental UX UI principle).
  2. Not changing the background of the message. Should gel with other icons.
  3. For now, just have it show the warning triangle and short message "Unsupported OS" with ALT text of full message on hovering, clicking it should take to the full documentation.
  4. As the D-day nears, the message in the status bar could be made prominent (even blinking red) and optionally use some contrast background if there is a need.

Thanks, WinCPP

yyxx1997 commented 6 months ago

+1 Option to remove it

bitagoras commented 6 months ago

@benibenj, @isidorn I have closed #204944 as this one was already opened for the same issue.

  1. As the D-day nears, the message in the status bar could be made prominent (even blinking red) and optionally use some contrast background if there is a need.

No. Nothing should ever blink. Never, seriously!

cameroncc commented 6 months ago

To remove unsupportedGlibcWarning.banner we need to make isUnsupportedGlibc to be false

To do it we can replace






Mac OS command:

sed -i '' 's/:k\.isUnsupportedGlibc/:0/g' \

"/Applications/Visual Studio"

This works great, but I would still like to +1 for an official option to remove the banner

geertj commented 6 months ago

@apivovarov on macOS Sonoma the command to change workbench.desktop.main.js gives a permission denied error, even for root. Any thoughts?

apivovarov commented 6 months ago

Right click on Visual Studio in Finder in Applications and select "Get Info" in drop down menu - Sharing & Permissions section (at the bottom) should show <your_user> (Me) | Read & Write


geertj commented 6 months ago

@apivovarov Thanks for taking the time to respond. It turned out that the issue was macOs SIP. Temporarily disabling SIP (requires booting into recovery mode) allowed me to change the application file.

allermat commented 6 months ago

+1 please add option to remove the banner

f1ynng8 commented 6 months ago

+1 Option to remove it

niklewic commented 6 months ago

+1, would be nice to have possibility to remove the banner

gjsjohnmurray commented 6 months ago

Please don't post "+1" comments, as they produce low-value email notifications to everyone watching the issue. Instead, click a reaction button on the original comment:


adamcolon commented 6 months ago

this is absurd... it feels passive aggressive.

There's a simple solution for all of this.

Give us the warning that it is unsupported, but allow us to continue working on legacy boxes indefinitely.

Let us dismiss this ridiculous banner forever.

Don't fight developers, work with us.

apivovarov commented 6 months ago

VSCode is open-source project. BUT... If you build VSCode from source (with your modifications) the application will not have the same functionality as officially distributed VSCode. For example, all Extensions will not be available.

nikitazykov commented 6 months ago

By info from @pento, i do the same but for Windows, and it works too like this:

Microsoft, this not only for Windows, with every day updates, stop make anything to waste time of everywone!)

melspectrum commented 6 months ago

I guess the ultimate question to ask here is why suddenly without any clear and strong precaution/warning/notice dropped the support for older OS, given the fact that for example centos7 hasn't been officially EOL yet.

kohs100 commented 6 months ago

I guess the ultimate question to ask here is why suddenly without any clear and strong precaution/warning/notice dropped the support for older OS, given the fact that for example centos7 hasn't been officially EOL yet.

203375 #203967

Don't ask that. they will lock this issue too with "Too heated"...

f1ynng8 commented 6 months ago

Does the 1.86.2 fix the warning banner?

nscavalier commented 6 months ago


brchn6 commented 6 months ago


knysfh commented 6 months ago

To remove unsupportedGlibcWarning.banner we need to make isUnsupportedGlibc to be false To do it we can replace isUnsupportedGlibc:k.isUnsupportedGlibc with isUnsupportedGlibc:0 in workbench.desktop.main.js

Mac OS command:

sed -i '' 's/:k\.isUnsupportedGlibc/:0/g' \
"/Applications/Visual Studio"

Thank you, @apivovarov

A similar command that can be used in Linux is

sudo sed -i 's/:k\.isUnsupportedGlibc/:0/g' "/opt/visual-studio-code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js"

oriavsapir commented 6 months ago

A similar command that can be used in Windows is: navigate to the file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench OR C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench than run this command from Powershell

(Get-Content "workbench.desktop.main.js") -replace ':k\.isUnsupportedGlibc', ':0' | Set-Content "workbench.desktop.main.js"

(I recommended to make a backup to the file, just in case..) copy to backup..

Copy-Item "workbench.desktop.main.js" "workbench.desktop.main.js.bak"
nkamzeev commented 6 months ago


yubin-ai commented 6 months ago

does it mean the current version still work? it is very confusing that it still works but it says not supported.

basilevh commented 6 months ago

I am also getting this banner, even though I am connecting to an Ubuntu 18 machine.

kohs100 commented 6 months ago

I am also getting this banner, even though I am connecting to an Ubuntu 18 machine.

Ubuntu 18 is also deprecated since this absurd drop of support is essentially because of glibc version requirement upgrade.

apivovarov commented 6 months ago

Node.js 18 requires a minimum glibc version of 2.28. Ubuntu 18.04 - 2.27 Amazon Linux 2 - 2.26

ianfixes commented 6 months ago

VS Code updated itself, which I didn't ask for... and now it doesn't like the underlying OS version which I can't update. YOUR CONCERNS HAVE BEEN NOTED, now let me disable the banner.

melspectrum commented 6 months ago

got 1.87 today and the banner is still there and cannot be disabled...

tydia commented 6 months ago

this sucks.

Vigneshvky261 commented 6 months ago

+1 option to remove tha banner

jeetix1 commented 6 months ago

Love the persistent blue banner reminding me of my "unsupported" life choices every time I dare to connect with an OS from the past. Any chance we can get a "Thanks, I get it!" button to dismiss it? Seeking to focus on code, not reminders of my adventurous tech choices. Some of us thrive in the unsupported wilds and prefer our adventures sans banner.

jljl1337 commented 5 months ago

How come features this basic are often straight up not implemented...

polariton commented 5 months ago

I work for Microsoft and going to find those idiots who introduced this breaking change and ugly persistent banner on top of the window. If they don't remove this banner in the next few days, the heads will roll. They will be fired.

ldhuy0001 commented 5 months ago

On my end Microsoft changed "return X.create("vs/workbench/contrib/remote/browser/remoteConnectionHealth",e)" into "return J.create("vs/workbench/contrib/remote/browser/remoteConnectionHealth",e)"

So make sure you search "remoteConnectionHealth", then find the similar code.

protectione055 commented 5 months ago

Our production environment requires development on centos7, but every time we connect to the server remotely using a new version of vscode it shows this banner, which is really annoying

sandove commented 5 months ago

I work for Microsoft and going to find those idiots who introduced this breaking change and ugly persistent banner on top of the window. If they don't remove this banner in the next few days, the heads will roll. They will be fired.

Now I don't care about the issue, I care about the firing