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Inno setup - `/LANG` should also support locale codes #205667

Closed lszomoru closed 9 months ago

lszomoru commented 9 months ago

Testing #205564

I think that the /LANG should also support the well known locale codes (ex: HU, HU_HU) along with hungarian.

benibenj commented 9 months ago

Not actually sure many people use /lang to set the setup language. In general inno setup tries to detect the language of your PC so not sure it's worth to add the locale code, but if we would do so it would just require adding another language entry.

Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl,{#RepoDir}\build\win32\i18n\messages.en.isl" {#LocalizedLanguageFile}
Name: "en"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl,{#RepoDir}\build\win32\i18n\messages.en.isl" {#LocalizedLanguageFile}

// cc @joaomoreno

joaomoreno commented 9 months ago

/LANG is a feature of Inno Setup. We do not expose it as a VS Code feature.