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Report Issue dialog does not work for the Jupter extension #207354

Open paul-rogers opened 6 months ago

paul-rogers commented 6 months ago

Followed the helpful instructions for submitting a bug report. Was impressed by the Report Issue feature mentioned. This should make things easier! But, alas, the "Preview on Github" button doesn't actually do anything useful.

This may be an integration or configuration issue with how the Jupyter extension project is connected up to the generic VS Code Report Issue feature.

Environment data

About output:

Version: 1.87.1
Commit: 1e790d77f81672c49be070e04474901747115651
Date: 2024-03-06T00:21:07.287Z
Electron: 27.3.2
ElectronBuildId: 26836302
Chromium: 118.0.5993.159
Node.js: 18.17.1
OS: Linux x64 5.15.0-94-generic

Expected behaviour

The Report Issue dialog, when the "Preview on Github" button is pressed, should preview on Github as a new issue report.

Actual behaviour

The new issue page appears without any of the information I provided.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Follow the instructions to use the Report Issue feature.
  2. Select File On: An Extension
  3. Select Extension: Jupyter
  4. Fill in the details of the report.
  5. Click the "Preview on Github" button.
  6. End up on the new issue with none of the information copied into a new issue.
  7. Start all over again and copy the information out of the Report Issue dialog into a manually-created issue.


No useful output could be found in any of the obvious logs.

DonJayamanne commented 5 months ago

@justschen looks like an issue in Core, transferring to VS Code. I do not believe Jupyter extension needs to do anything here (i.e. it should work even without making any changes in Jupyter ext)

justschen commented 5 months ago

hi @paul-rogers - currently debugging on your version (1.87.1) and I wasn't able to recreate this! I've tested on browsers where I was logged in, and logged out.

one thing that may help if you're still experiencing this is to log into GitHub in the editor -> bottom left, profile icon, Sign-in with GitHub. This will give you the button to Create the issue instead of Preview.

paul-rogers commented 5 months ago

@justschen, thanks for trying to reproduce. Thanks also for the suggestion. A bit more background: I was logged into GitHub in my browser (Firefox on Linux Mint). This is the same browser where VS Code opened the new issue page. I'm hesitant to create an issue, just to test.

Perhaps this is one of the difficult issues: it depends on the OS, the browser or some bit of errant config on my system. It is a poor user experience to discard the user's problem entry, so it would be good to track down the problem, even if it is tedious to do so.

If it is intended behavior to not actually submit the issue if the user is not logged in in VS Code, then it would be kind to display a dialog telling the user to either log in, or submit the issue directly on GitHub. It is not helpful simply to discard the user's work in VS Code (though, a savvy user will groan then copy/paste the submission out of VS Code into GitHub.)

To create a preview issue, VS Code has to send a POST request to the browser via some API, does it not? Is the content of this message logged anywhere so we can see if it is correctly formed? Or, does VS Code first POST the new issue to GitHub, then send a URL to the browser to visit the preview page?

The question, then, whether this action is logged somewhere, and how might I find that log so I can post the results here?

justschen commented 5 months ago

@paul-rogers I'm unsure if you'll be able to capture that post request, but after debugging some more, I do see where this can go wrong (some unintended behavior with Auth and the preview state vs creation button). Taking a look now 👍

paul-rogers commented 1 month ago

This still does not work. I have successfully used the Help → Report Issue feature to report an issue for PyLance within the last month. Worked perfectly. However, I just tried it again for the Jupyter extension and was again taken to the generic "add new issue" page with none of my material copied over.

One would think that if the functionality can work for PyLance, it should also work for Jupyter. At the very least, modify the report issue dialog to say something of the kind "I'm sorry, I can't report issues for Jupyter. Please go to Github and report the issue manually." That saves the confusion of seemingly losing one's carefully typed instructions.

Workaround for anyone stuck in this case: just open Help → Report Issue again. Your text will still be in the dialog. Copy your text out of the dialog and report the issue manually.