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Explore terminal buffer API #207504

Open Tyriar opened 6 months ago

Tyriar commented 6 months ago

We may want to implement access to the terminal buffer before finalizing Copilot also has use for such an API.

Tyriar commented 6 months ago

Rough draft of what this could look like:

declare module 'vscode' {
    export interface Terminal {
        readonly buffers: TerminalBuffers;

    export interface TerminalBuffers {
        readonly active: TerminalBuffer;
        readonly normal: TerminalBuffer;
        readonly alternate: TerminalBuffer;

    export interface TerminalBuffer {
        readonly type: TerminalBufferType;

         * The number of lines that have been trimmed from the scrollback.
        readonly trimmedLineCount: number;

         * The length of the buffer. This does not include trimmed lines.
        readonly length: number;

        // TODO: Can we omit cursor x, y, base y, viewport y?

        // NOTE: Throws when line isn't valid or is trimmed
        lineAt(line: number): TerminalBufferLine;

    export enum TerminalBufferType {

    export interface TerminalBufferRange {
        // TODO: Could we just share Position here?
        start: Position;
        end: Position;

     * TerminalBufferLine objects are __immutable__. When a {@link TerminalBuffer buffer}'s content
     * changes, previously retrieved lines will not represent the latest state.
    export interface TerminalBufferLine {
         * The zero-based line number.
        readonly lineNumber: number;

         * The text of this line without the line separator characters.
        readonly text: string;

         * The range this line covers. This includes "whitespace" at the end of
         * the line if the terminal cells were written to.
        readonly range: TerminalBufferRange;

         * The offset of the first character which is not a whitespace character as defined
         * by `/\s/`. **Note** that if a line is all whitespace the length of the line is returned.
        readonly firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex: number;

         * Whether this line is whitespace only, shorthand
         * for {@link TerminalBufferLine.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex} === {@link TerminalBufferLine.text TerminalBufferLine.text.length}.
        readonly isEmptyOrWhitespace: boolean;

    export namespace window {
        export const onDidChangeTerminalBuffer: Event<TerminalBufferChangeEvent>;

    export interface TerminalBufferChangeEvent {
        terminal: Terminal;
        activeBuffer: TerminalBuffer;
Tyriar commented 6 months ago

Update (from tyriar/apis):

declare module 'vscode' {

    // The consequences of exposing this API will be that we must have a synchronous copy of the
    // terminal available on the extension host. This could be done in a couple of ways:
    // - Send over diffs or serialized sections of the terminal periodically, this is probably
    //   harder to accomplish than it's worth.
    // - Run a parallel version of xterm.js on the extension host.
    // The latter is already happening on both the renderer process and the pty host, so it's not a
    // huge deal, especially since there is a headless version of xterm.js and its memory layout is
    // quite compact; ~12 bytes per cell, so a fairly typical 160x20 viewport with 1000 scrollback
    // would use:
    // 160*20*12 + 160*1000*12 bytes = 38400 + 1920000 bytes = ~1.87mb
    // Similar to on the pty host this could have limited scrollback if we wanted to restrict memory
    // usage further, though that might be unexpected by extension authors and pose a challenge if
    // they want to read the entire output of a command.
    // One of the niceties of doing this is that the extension host is close to the pty host, so
    // there is low latency in sending updates to the extension host, even on remote connections by
    // sending data between these processes pty host -> server -> ext host. If all data events are
    // in order then xterm.js will guarantee that they remain in sync.

    export interface Terminal {
        readonly buffers: TerminalBufferSet;

    export interface TerminalBufferSet {
         * The active buffer of the terminal. This is the buffer that is currently being displayed.
        readonly active: TerminalBuffer;

        readonly normal: TerminalBuffer;
        readonly alternate: TerminalBuffer;

    export interface TerminalBuffer {
         * The type of this buffer.
        readonly type: TerminalBufferType;

         * The number of lines that have been trimmed from the scrollback.
        readonly trimmedLineCount: number;

         * The length of the buffer. This does not include trimmed lines.
        readonly length: number;

        // TODO: Can we omit cursor x, y, base y, viewport y?

         * Returns a text line denoted by the line number. Note that the returned object is *not*
         * live and changes to the buffer are not reflected.
         * TODO: This could be in range [0, trimmedLineCount + length (exclusive)] if we just want
         *       to pass the empty string for empty lines.
         * @param line A line number in [trimmedLineCount, trimmedLineCount + length (exclusive)].
         * @throws When the line number is not valid and/or the line has been trimmed from the
         * buffer.
        lineAt(line: number): TerminalBufferLine;

         * Get the text of this buffer. A substring can be retrieved by providing a range. The range
         * will be {@link TerminalBuffer.validateRange adjusted}.
         * @param range The range to get the text for. If not provided, the entire buffer's text
         * will be returned.
        getText(range?: TerminalBufferRange): string;

         * Ensure a range is completely contained in this terminal.
         * @param range A range.
         * @returns The given range or a new, adjusted range.
        validateRange(range: TerminalBufferRange): Range;

    export enum TerminalBufferType {
         * The normal buffer of a terminal. This is the buffer that is active when the terminal
         * is first created and features scrollback.
         * The alternate buffer of a terminal. This buffer is explicitly requested by the
         * application running in the terminal and does not feature scrollback.

    export interface TerminalBufferRange {
        // TODO: Could we just share Position here?
        start: Position;
        end: Position;

     * TerminalBufferLine objects are __immutable__. When a {@link TerminalBuffer buffer}'s content
     * changes, previously retrieved lines will not represent the latest state.
    export interface TerminalBufferLine {
         * The zero-based line number.
        readonly lineNumber: number;

         * The text of this line without the line separator characters.
        readonly text: string;

         * The range this line covers. This includes "whitespace" at the end of
         * the line if the terminal cells were written to.
        readonly range: TerminalBufferRange;

         * The offset of the first character which is not a whitespace character as defined
         * by `/\s/`. **Note** that if a line is all whitespace the length of the line is returned.
        readonly firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex: number;

         * Whether this line is whitespace only, shorthand
         * for {@link TerminalBufferLine.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex} === {@link TerminalBufferLine.text TerminalBufferLine.text.length}.
        readonly isEmptyOrWhitespace: boolean;

    export namespace window {
         * Fires when {@link Terminal} {@link} changes.
        export const onDidChangeTerminalBuffer: Event<TerminalBufferChangeEvent>;

    export interface TerminalBufferChangeEvent {
        terminal: Terminal;
        activeBuffer: TerminalBuffer;
Tyriar commented 6 months ago

Feedback from API sync:

Tyriar commented 6 months ago


declare module 'vscode' {

    // The consequences of exposing this API will be that we must have a synchronous copy of the
    // terminal available on the extension host. This could be done in a couple of ways:
    // - Send over diffs or serialized sections of the terminal periodically, this is probably
    //   harder to accomplish than it's worth.
    // - Run a parallel version of xterm.js on the extension host.
    // The latter is already happening on both the renderer process and the pty host, so it's not a
    // huge deal, especially since there is a headless version of xterm.js and its memory layout is
    // quite compact; ~12 bytes per cell, so a fairly typical 160x20 viewport with 1000 scrollback
    // would use:
    // 160*20*12 + 160*1000*12 bytes = 38400 + 1920000 bytes = ~1.87mb
    // Similar to on the pty host this could have limited scrollback if we wanted to restrict memory
    // usage further, though that might be unexpected by extension authors and pose a challenge if
    // they want to read the entire output of a command.
    // One of the niceties of doing this is that the extension host is close to the pty host, so
    // there is low latency in sending updates to the extension host, even on remote connections by
    // sending data between these processes ptyhost->server->exthost. If all data events are in
    // order then xterm.js will guarantee that they remain in sync.

    export interface Terminal {
        readonly buffers: TerminalBufferSet;

         * The selected range of the terminal or undefined if there is no selection. This range
         * always refers to the {@link active buffer}.
        readonly selection: TerminalBufferRange | undefined;

        // TODO: This is an alternative to onDidWriteTerminalData that aligns closer to
        //       shellIntegration proposal. Bring to API async
        // TODO: Is it a problem that we cannot dispose this iterator?
         * A per-extension stream of raw data (including escape sequences) that is written to the
         * terminal. This will only include data that was written after `dataStream` was called for
         * the first time, ie. you must call `dataStream` immediately after the terminal is created
         * via {@link createTerminal} or {@link onDidOpenTerminal} to not miss any data.
         * @example
         * // Log all data written to the terminal
         * const term.createTerminal();
         * for await (const data of term.dataStream) {
         *   console.log(data);
         * }
        dataStream: AsyncIterator<string>;

    export interface TerminalSelection {
        buffer: TerminalBuffer;
        range: TerminalBufferRange;

    export interface TerminalBufferSet {
         * The active buffer of the terminal. This is the buffer that is currently being displayed.
        readonly active: TerminalBuffer;

        readonly normal: TerminalBuffer;
        readonly alternate: TerminalBuffer;

    export interface TerminalBuffer {
         * The type of this buffer.
        readonly type: TerminalBufferType;

         * The number of lines that have been trimmed from the scrollback.
        readonly trimmedLineCount: number;

         * The length of the buffer. This does not include trimmed lines.
        readonly length: number;

        // TODO: Can we omit cursor x, y, base y, viewport y?

         * Returns a text line denoted by the line number. Note that the returned object is *not*
         * live and changes to the buffer are not reflected.
         * TODO: This could be in range [0, trimmedLineCount + length (exclusive)] if we just want
         *       to pass the empty string for empty lines.
         * @param line A line number in [trimmedLineCount, trimmedLineCount + length (exclusive)].
         * @throws When the line number is not valid and/or the line has been trimmed from the
         * buffer.
        lineAt(line: number): TerminalBufferLine;

         * Get the text of this buffer. A substring can be retrieved by providing a range. The range
         * will be {@link TerminalBuffer.validateRange adjusted}.
         * @param range The range to get the text for. If not provided, the entire buffer's text
         * will be returned.
        getText(range?: TerminalBufferRange): string;

         * Ensure a range is completely contained in this terminal.
         * @param range A range.
         * @returns The given range or a new, adjusted range.
        validateRange(range: TerminalBufferRange): Range;

    export enum TerminalBufferType {
         * The normal buffer of a terminal. This is the buffer that is active when the terminal
         * is first created and features scrollback.
         * The alternate buffer of a terminal. This buffer is explicitly requested by the
         * application running in the terminal and does not feature scrollback.

    export interface TerminalBufferRange {
        // TODO: Could we just share Position here?
        start: Position;
        end: Position;

     * TerminalBufferLine objects are __immutable__. When a {@link TerminalBuffer buffer}'s content
     * changes, previously retrieved lines will not represent the latest state.
    export interface TerminalBufferLine {
         * The zero-based line number.
        readonly lineNumber: number;

         * The text of this line without the line separator characters.
        readonly text: string;

         * The range this line covers. This includes "whitespace" at the end of
         * the line if the terminal cells were written to.
        readonly range: TerminalBufferRange;

         * The offset of the first character which is not a whitespace character as defined
         * by `/\s/`. **Note** that if a line is all whitespace the length of the line is returned.
        readonly firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex: number;

         * Whether this line is whitespace only, shorthand
         * for {@link TerminalBufferLine.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex} === {@link TerminalBufferLine.text TerminalBufferLine.text.length}.
        readonly isEmptyOrWhitespace: boolean;

    export namespace window {
         * Fires when {@link} changes.
        export const onDidChangeTerminalBuffer: Event<TerminalBufferChangeEvent>;

         * Fires when {@link Terminal.selection} changes.
        export const onDidChangeTerminalSelection: Event<TerminalSelectionChangeEvent>;

    export interface TerminalBufferChangeEvent {
        terminal: Terminal;
        activeBuffer: TerminalBuffer;

    export interface TerminalSelectionChangeEvent {
        terminal: Terminal;
        selection: TerminalBufferRange | undefined;

    export interface TerminalShellExecution {
         * The output of the command when it has finished executing. This is the plain text shown in
         * the terminal buffer and does not include raw escape sequences. Depending on the OS/shell
         * setup, this may include the command line and/or prompt as part of the output.
        output: Thenable<TerminalBufferRange>;
Tyriar commented 5 months ago

API sync:

Tyriar commented 5 months ago


 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

declare module 'vscode' {

    // The consequences of exposing this API will be that we must have a synchronous copy of the
    // terminal available on the extension host. This could be done in a couple of ways:
    // - Send over diffs or serialized sections of the terminal periodically, this is probably
    //   harder to accomplish than it's worth.
    // - Run a parallel version of xterm.js on the extension host.
    // The latter is already happening on both the renderer process and the pty host, so it's not a
    // huge deal, especially since there is a headless version of xterm.js and its memory layout is
    // quite compact; ~12 bytes per cell, so a fairly typical 160x20 viewport with 1000 scrollback
    // would use:
    // 160*20*12 + 160*1000*12 bytes = 38400 + 1920000 bytes = ~1.87mb
    // Similar to on the pty host this could have limited scrollback if we wanted to restrict memory
    // usage further, though that might be unexpected by extension authors and pose a challenge if
    // they want to read the entire output of a command.
    // One of the niceties of doing this is that the extension host is close to the pty host, so
    // there is low latency in sending updates to the extension host, even on remote connections by
    // sending data between these processes ptyhost->server->exthost. If all data events are in
    // order then xterm.js will guarantee that they remain in sync.

    export interface Terminal {
        readonly buffer: TerminalBuffer;

        // TODO: Selection could be mutable, this could be done as a follow up.
         * The selected range of the terminal or undefined if there is no selection. This range
         * always refers to the {@link active buffer}.
        readonly selection: TerminalBufferRange | undefined;

        // TODO: This is an alternative to onDidWriteTerminalData that aligns closer to
        //       shellIntegration proposal.
         * A per-extension stream of raw data (including escape sequences) that is written to the
         * terminal. This will only include data that was written after `dataStream` was called for
         * the first time, ie. you must call `dataStream` immediately after the terminal is created
         * via {@link createTerminal} or {@link onDidOpenTerminal} to not miss any data.
         * @example
         * // Log all data written to the terminal
         * const term.createTerminal();
         * for await (const data of {
         *   console.log(data);
         * }
        read(): AsyncIterator<string>;

    export interface TerminalSelection {
        buffer: TerminalBuffer;
        range: TerminalBufferRange;

    export interface TerminalBuffer {
         * The type of this buffer.
        readonly activeBufferType: TerminalBufferType;

         * The number of lines that have been trimmed from the scrollback.
        readonly trimmedLineCount: number;

         * The length of the buffer. This does not include trimmed lines.
        readonly length: number;

        // TODO: Can we omit cursor x, y, base y, viewport y?

         * Returns a text line denoted by the line number. Note that the returned object is *not*
         * live and changes to the buffer are not reflected.
         * TODO: This could be in range [0, trimmedLineCount + length (exclusive)] if we just want
         *       to pass the empty string for empty lines.
         * @param line A line number in [trimmedLineCount, trimmedLineCount + length (exclusive)].
         * @throws When the line number is not valid and/or the line has been trimmed from the
         * buffer.
        lineAt(line: number): TerminalBufferLine;

         * Get the text of this buffer. A substring can be retrieved by providing a range. The range
         * will be {@link TerminalBuffer.validateRange adjusted}.
         * @param range The range to get the text for. If not provided, the entire buffer's text
         * will be returned.
        getText(range?: TerminalBufferRange): string;

         * Ensure a range is completely contained in this terminal.
         * @param range A range.
         * @returns The given range or a new, adjusted range.
        validateRange(range: TerminalBufferRange): Range;

    export enum TerminalBufferType {
         * The normal buffer of a terminal. This is the buffer that is active when the terminal
         * is first created and features scrollback.
         * The alternate buffer of a terminal. This buffer is explicitly requested by the
         * application running in the terminal and does not feature scrollback.

    export interface TerminalBufferRange {
        // TODO: Could we just share Position here?
        start: Position;
        end: Position;

     * TerminalBufferLine objects are __immutable__. When a {@link TerminalBuffer buffer}'s content
     * changes, previously retrieved lines will not represent the latest state.
    export interface TerminalBufferLine {
         * The zero-based line number.
        readonly lineNumber: number;

         * The text of this line without the line separator characters.
        readonly text: string;

         * The range this line covers. This includes "whitespace" at the end of
         * the line if the terminal cells were written to.
        readonly range: TerminalBufferRange;

         * The offset of the first character which is not a whitespace character as defined
         * by `/\s/`. **Note** that if a line is all whitespace the length of the line is returned.
        readonly firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex: number;

         * Whether this line is whitespace only, shorthand
         * for {@link TerminalBufferLine.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex} === {@link TerminalBufferLine.text TerminalBufferLine.text.length}.
        readonly isEmptyOrWhitespace: boolean;

    export namespace window {
         * Fires when {@link TerminalBuffer.activeBufferType} changes.
        export const onDidChangeActiveTerminalBufferType: Event<TerminalActiveBufferTypeChangeEvent>;

         * Fires when {@link Terminal.selection} changes.
        export const onDidChangeTerminalSelection: Event<TerminalSelectionChangeEvent>;

    export interface TerminalActiveBufferTypeChangeEvent {
        readonly terminal: Terminal;
        readonly buffer: TerminalBuffer;

    export interface TerminalSelectionChangeEvent {
        readonly terminal: Terminal;
        readonly selection: TerminalBufferRange | undefined;

    export interface TerminalShellExecutionEndEvent {
         * The output of the command when it has finished executing. This is the plain text shown in
         * the terminal buffer and does not include raw escape sequences. Depending on the OS/shell
         * setup, this may include the command line and/or prompt as part of the output.
        readonly output: TerminalBufferRange;
Jessi-alt21 commented 5 months ago


troynguyen8-meta commented 3 months ago

Just curious: will this be part of the June 2024 iteration plan? Thanks in advance!